Просмотр полной версии : OK and a cholic bubble

01.09.2004, 19:30
I accepted OK - Trikvilar during 6 months then I have made the compelled or forced break - this week to me have removed a cholic bubble. Opinions of doctors miss.:confused: It would be desirable to learn or find out and your opinion, whether is absence of a cholic bubble contraindication to OK, in particular to Trikvilaru?

If yes, what kinds kotratseptsii I should choose (me 21 year), except for condoms and farmateksov?:rolleyes:

If is not present, when it is possible to continue reception OK?:p

It is given
01.09.2004, 19:30
Excision of a cholic bubble concerns to the second category of an acceptability of the combined oral contraceptives (all them 4), i.e. their reception is resolved under the control of the attending physician, over inspection, at exception of contraindications.

For this exception it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a blood on coagulability (gemostaziogrammu) and biochemistry (hepatic parameters and a lipide spectrum), and also to make US the vulval or vaginal gauge.

So contraindication absence of a cholic bubble in any way is not, and inspection for exception of the present or true contraindications is all the same shown necessarily at selection the COOK - therefore your situation does not represent any superfluous complexities.

Except for the COOK it is possible to use Naval Forces, this method too has disadvantages and contraindications so particularly to choose it is necessary already with the attending physician.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks big for the answer!!

I am going to to wait own mesjanyh and after their termination or ending to pass or take place inspection as well as the surgeon at whom I shall be observed, and at my gynecologist!!!

Still time of thanks!