Просмотр полной версии : Allocation during reception OK

01.09.2004, 19:30
Kind vresja day!

I accept Three-. And the last 2 cycles during reception of 14-20 tablets at me happen not appreciable bloody allocation. Whether there can be these or it of allocation of what I already more than year did not do or make a break in reception OK (in general I accept OK more than 4 years)? If is not present, from what can be such allocation? Basically still these or it of allocation were accompanied in last cycle vydelenijami, as during a thrush, and an itch. At the husband on a head of a member white scurf. It can even in addition a thrush?! Though like krovjanistye allocation have ended, a flake, as at a thrush - too.

In advance thanks for the answer.

PS to the Husband I do not change, he to me - too. At the analysis of a situation it can be excluded. Analyses handed over in September, there was nothing, even thrushes.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Your confidence of attitudes or relations is remarkable. But at reception OK bloody vydeleny off-schedule should not be. Any inflammatory diseases, erosion shejki, etc. can bvt the reason of these or thus bloody vydeleny. As a result - a smear on flora + survey.