Просмотр полной версии : JArina

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear doctors! I accept OK *quot; ?O??a*quot; three months, after the second cycle of reception of a menses became sharply poor or scanty. The constant nausea, reaction to smells disturbs. Whether it is necessary to continue prem OK and in general, what probability of pregnancy? Thanks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
At correct reception OK the probability of offensive or approach of pregnancy is smallest, but to be convinced independently the usual house test for pregnancy (the answer yes/is not present) will help or assist. If changes in state of health will not be - make a break and replace OK.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse that I put.

I had a question: whether it is possible to accept JArinu if in the past (4 years ago) there was a hypercoagulation (by results of gemostaziogrammy) and slabopolozhitelnye assays VA and anti-Ou. Half-year back all these analyses were in norm or rate. Whether can JArina aggravate a problem with a blood in my case?

01.09.2004, 19:30

With you not all so is simple: my questions are connected with changes in results of researches. For what reason it has been carried out research the first (disease?), whether there was at you own experience of application OK, how old are you?

At already obvious AFS absence before found out antibodies to VA is uncharacteristic.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me were 2 not developing pregnancy. In half a year after the second has passed or has taken place inspection. Unique bad results had appeared: giperkoakuljatsija, slabopolozh. VA and slabopolozhit. anti-Ou.

Accepted half a year -Aspirinum on poltabletki.

It was repeatedly surveyed in 2 years after treatment. Results: izokoaguljatsija, VA and antihg negative, antibodies to fosfolipidam are not found out.

To me of 25 years. Earlier OK did not accept, now I drink JArinu 3 (and last) month. Then I plan pregnancy. Like any by-effects I would not observe.

AFS to me the doctor the diagnosis did not put. After last histology which have stood in results have written: a sclerosis of placental fibers. Term was about 7 weeks.