Просмотр полной версии : Please, comment

01.09.2004, 19:30
I very much would like to listen to opinion of experts on the following device:

http: // www.razvivalki.ru/cgi-bin/shop.pl? help=34

Promise, certainly, 33 bags of pleasures. But me it is absolutely not clear, by what principle the given device can work. As can provide all promised and in general, how much or as far as promises are proved.

The word of honour, it not advertising, I about the apparatus do not know anything, besides that he not cheap


Lady in Red
01.09.2004, 19:30
I not the expert, but the comment at me have appeared.

On how much I understand, job of this device is based or founded;established on the same principle, as the test-microscope. That is, in a saliva of the woman there is a lot of estrogen, on so many that its or his quantity or amount can be estimated or appreciated. In case of about the test-microscope estimate or appreciate visually - at a desiccation of a saliva estrogen kristaliziruetsja and looks or appears as vetochki paporotnika. And in cases with this device, probably, the device somehow fixes quantity or amount of estrogen.

But I am assured what to speak about high percent or interest of efficiency too safely. Anyway, with a microscope I have got. To me it or he was recommended by mine genikolog. I consistently and honesty every morning did or made tests and conducted records. 1,5 years all were good.

And then in one perfect month at me *quot; it has not appeared oO?n??*quot; (to stati, women ask such questions on this device http: // www.razvivalki.ru/cgi-bin/index.pl? site=1*amp; login = and amp; pass = and amp; help=36). My saliva and a microscope showed such result. And I have already got used to trust them. As a result - not planned pregnancy.

It seems to me, such methods approach or suit only to those who wishes to increase probability of pregnancy. But not on the contrary.

Though, very much it would be desirable for the comment of the expert.