
Просмотр полной версии : Farmateks and patenteks an oval

The lucky beggar
01.09.2004, 19:30
On packing it is specified, that Farmateks and patenteks an oval - negormonalnyye agents of contraception... But my girlfriend considerably has put on weight after 2th years of application of these preparations (the food allowance and a way of life has not changed). She is assured, that these agents hormonal. Whether so it? And whether it is possible to apply them within several years?

01.09.2004, 19:30
On packing it is specified, that Farmateks and patenteks an oval - negormonalnyye agents of contraception... But my girlfriend considerably has put on weight after 2th years of application of these preparations (the food allowance and a way of life has not changed). She is assured, that these agents hormonal. Whether so it? And whether it is possible to apply them within several years?

The principle of action of all spermitsidov (Patenteks an oval, Farmateks, etc.) is based or founded;established on chemical or chemical and biological suppression of activity of spermatozoons.

Farmateks-Benzalkonium Sodium chloridum


To hormones these substances have no attitude or relation.

Search for the reason of an increase of weight in other.

The given preparations it is possible to apply long time, there is one more very useful effect - simultaneously with contraceptive effect-are capable to destroy pathogenic flora (including a HIV), not suppressing normal vulval or vaginal flora.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here about a HIV you, in my opinion, e.

These agents are good for preservation from pregnancy, but not from diseases (at casual sexual communications or connections, for example). Unless is not present?

01.09.2004, 19:30
There is one more very useful effect - simultaneously with contraceptive effect-are capable to destroy pathogenic flora (including a HIV), not suppressing normal vulval or vaginal flora. Forgive or excuse, but it not so. It is disinformation. And dangerous enough. For preservation from infections use condoms.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I work in clinic which specializes on agents of contraception, 10 years already there are more. Numerous observations show, that at women who use spermitsidami, comes much less often to light or is much less often taped both the latent infection, and banal colpites bypass the party or side.

http: // www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve*amp; db=pubmed*amp; dopt=Abstract*amp; list_uids=6552435*amp; itool=iconabstr*amp; query_hl=3

One of phrases there sounds approximately :Benzalkonium powerful or potent antiseptic which can reduce aggression of originators of the diseases passed sexual by, not breaking thus a natural microflora of a vagina.

In occasion of a HIV - I have cited data of the manufacturer. Though it is valid, many challenge it.

Here still a reference: http: // apteka.armshops.com/product_info.php? products_id=2482

01.09.2004, 19:30
It or This it is not enough to recommend women the above-stated preparation as an agent protecting from infections. Especially from HIV, considering scale raspostranennosti becomings infected in Russia. It is interesting, whether knows the CART about irresponsible applications or statements of manufacturers? Can, it is one of the reasons of body height of a case rate AIDS in Russia?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It or This it is not enough to recommend women the above-stated preparation as an agent protecting from infections. Especially from HIV, considering scale raspostranennosti becomings infected in Russia. It is interesting, whether knows the CART about irresponsible applications or statements of manufacturers? Can, it is one of the reasons of body height of a case rate AIDS in Russia?

Anybody did not recommend this preparation as a preparation for protection against infections-it or -this;-thus you that have thought up that, one more useful effect has been simply noted.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Which exists basically in minds or wits of manufacturers.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Which exists basically in minds or wits of manufacturers.

If to argue also as well as YOU, in general, on logic of things, all medicines and their effects in minds or wits of manufacturers!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Stop. Forgive or excuse the surgeon, but it seems it is a question not of a preparation protecting from infections, and about a contraceptive, capable (though theoretically though invitro) to facilitate to an organism struggle against a casual infection. Simply simultaneously, t.s., *quot; for n?*quot;.

I.e. if other agents of preservation from PREGNANCY do not like the woman, do not approach or suit (for the different reasons) that *quot; to deprive with its or her this agent (a pier, it does not kill anything a HIV) - means to turn it or her on a way, for example, physiological contraception (or even antiphysiological), that can lead to undesirable pregnancy, abortion, complications of abortion, sterility or barrenness...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Therefore also it is necessary to speak about this preparation as about contraceptive, and to not mention about HIV. It is better to tell how much or as far as its or his efficiency less/more OK and IUD. Safety too can be compared.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Zetka,

Selective toxicity of Sodium chloridum benzalkonija on pathogenic flora - not proved scientific fact.


Effects of multiple applications of benzalkonium chloride and nonoxynol 9 on the vaginal epithelium in the pigtailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina)

Dorothy L. Patton PhDa, Gretchen Ganzle Kiddera, Yvonne Cosgrove Sweeneya, Lorna K. Rabeb and Sharon L. Hillier PhDb

Seattle, Washington, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, a and the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh/Magee-Womens Hospital.b


Objective: Safe and effective vaginally applied microbicides could help to control the continuing spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Study Design: This study used nonhuman primates to test the effects of multiple applications of nonoxynol 9, benzalkonium chloride, or a combination on vaginal flora and lower reproductive tract tissues. Fourteen monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) received daily vaginal applications of nonoxynol 9, benzalkonium chloride, or both for 3 to 4 days. Vaginal microflora and colposcopic observations were made at baseline and during and after completion of treatments. Cervical biopsy specimens were collected from a subset of animals. Results: Cervical erythema and vaginal erythema were observed in all 3 treatment groups. Cervical papillae and epithelial disruption were present in both the nonoxynol 9 and the nonoxynol 9 plus benzalkonium chloride groups. Vaginal epithelial disruption was noted in both the benzalkonium chloride and the nonoxynol 9 plus benzalkonium chloride groups. Cervical biopsy specimens from each group revealed acute inflammatory infiltrates with occasional plasma cells and lymphoid follicles. Detection of most microorganisms, including viridans streptococci, decreased in the benzalkonium chloride and the nonoxynol 9 plus benzalkonium chloride groups. Detection of Lactobacillus species decreased in the benzalkonium chloride group. All microflora levels recovered after several days without microbicide use. Conclusions: Although nonoxynol 9 is currently the only microbicide approved for use as a spermicide in the United States, its repeated use may be detrimental to the epithelial tissues of the female reproductive tract. Benzalkonium chloride, currently approved for use in other countries, not only may damage epithelial tissues but also appears to reduce the population of potentially protective Lactobacillus species in the vagina. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180:1080-7.)

Tanja Century
01.09.2004, 19:30

The given preparations it is possible to apply long time, there is one more very useful effect - simultaneously with contraceptive effect-are capable to destroy pathogenic flora (including a HIV), not suppressing normal vulval or vaginal flora.

Some clauses or articles about an inefficiency -9 at IPPP

Gel nonoksinol has appeared is noneffective for prophylaxis of the diseases passed sexual by

http: // www.antibiotic.ru/print.php? sid=339

Nonoxynol-9 spermicide for prevention of vaginally acquired HIV and other sexually transmitted infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials including more than 5000 women.

http: // www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve*amp; db=pubmed*amp; dopt=Abstract*amp; list_uids=12383611*amp; query_hl=11

N-9 cannot be recommended for HIV and STI prevention.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Lord,

To me have just rebuked (rather fair), that it is not necessary to load the patient English-speaking links (especially from scientific jobs). Let's transfer or carry a subject to other place.

) A link (
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Lord,

To me have just rebuked (rather fair), that it is not necessary to load the patient English-speaking links (especially from scientific jobs). Let's transfer or carry a subject to other place.

One Russian-speaking:) (specially searched)

Ponomarev A.V.
01.09.2004, 19:30
I suggest a subject to close on the basic question. The contraceptive effect of doubts in anybody does not cause or cause...

It is interesting to them to continue discussion of collateral bactericidal effect-favour we ask here: http: // forums./showthread.php? p=150977*post150977

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is pleasant, that my question has caused or called a storm of emotions:) Everything, that you write, me well-known. I the formed person, first, and concerning responsibly or crucially to the health, secondly. Me presence of hormonal components in this preparation interested only, and it is more than anything. I in a course of that operating or working substance of a preparation have no attitude or relation to hormones. But the doubt all the same remains, because personally I know pair tens young women which, using farmateksom, and have not understood why they *quot; steel O??ONOy*quot;. Probably, it is what is it connected with the years (to it or him;them nearby 30)... So we also think till now:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30
The reasons for *quot; O??ONOy*quot; one thousand and one. Including at women. Simply always it is easier to fall down all on something strange like farmateksa... Meanwhile, many women after sorts or labors or with the years by virtue of the different reasons type or collect weight. On what to write off or copy, if they do not use farmateks or nonoksinol?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The contraceptive effect of doubts in anybody does not cause or cause...

It is necessary to add, probably, that efficiency spermitsidov (contraceptive) is much less than OK and IUD. B nearby 70%o, it seems to me, should be used only when OK and IUD for any reasons well are absolutely counter-indicative.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is necessary to add, probably, that efficiency spermitsidov (contraceptive) is much less than OK and IUD. THEREFORE, it seems to me, should be used only when OK and IUD for any reasons well are absolutely counter-indicative.

Yes, certainly, therefore it is recommended to use together with a condom.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The pregnancy probabilities varied widely in reported trials, but have

been as high as 28 % over six months of use (Raymond 1999a).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, certainly, therefore it is recommended to use together with a condom. And if a condom to use without spermitsidov - efficiency of a condom how much or as far as will decrease?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And if a condom to use without spermitsidov - efficiency of a condom how much or as far as will decrease?

There will be all!!!:D:D:D

Artemev J.K.
01.09.2004, 19:30
A PubMed?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Too it is quite good))