Просмотр полной версии : Scheduled contraception after emergency

01.09.2004, 19:30
zdrastvujte! I accept tablets JArina 4 months, in the extremity or end of last packing there was a miss or passing of two tablets and I have used a method of Emergency contraception since during misses or passings there were sexual certificates or acts. On an emergency method I have accepted 4 tablets at the first 72 o'clock and more 4 through 12 chasov.ved at me further the bleeding should begin? Whether I can from first day as at me will begin to start to accept a bleeding new packing of hormonal tablets? Or me will have to wait a bleeding, then to wait a following menses and then to begin reception OK? Advise, please:) I so would not like to do or make a long break in reception OK. In fact the organism almost adapted for them. I very much would like to receive the answer, In advance I thank:)))