Просмотр полной версии : Psychology and early climacterium?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear the professor, hello.

At me and you have advised an early climacterium to me Femeston 2/10

When I have asked the doctor about this medicine has received the answer:

tsiklo proginovo (that I accept that now) can return ovaries in working sosotojanie

Also it is necessary to continue to drink it or him year-two. I have asked: and it at fsg 70?

So it is psychological reception and a Utopia? How you think, Dear Galina Afanasevna?


Valentina D.
01.09.2004, 19:30
I regret, that have not managed distinctly to explain a situation. Replaceable goromnoterapija (femoston, tsikloproginova, klimonorm, tibolon - a name it or him the legion) is not a medicine. priovdjashchee an ovary in working sostojanie-and COMPENSATION of shortage necessary for mnogih-many tissues of hormones - in fact when you water flowers, you do not result or bring the ground in working sostojanie-you compensate shortage lost (the rain in an apartment does not go).

And FSG - though 70 though 110 honey \ml SHOULD NOT be CHECKED at carrying out ZGT (FSG in itself it is not terrible - he only speaks, that ovaries do not work - and its or his rising is connected far not only with shortage of estrogens - last we eliminate or erase;remove this or thus.

However, probably, that at you so-called refractory ovaries and then, really, sometimes after ZGT it is restored them dejstvie-they start to obey \ LG.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear the professor, hello.

Thanks you, for a patient explanation.

Whether i, please, can gzt (tsikloproginovo) be prichinoe the strongest

Abaissements of hair? At me it is literally for a month there were high temples, such strong abaissement of hair.

Thanks you huge.

01.09.2004, 19:30
No. It is necessary to exclude other reasons of an androgenic alopecia (Testosteron-Depotum, US of ovaries, DEAS)