Просмотр полной версии : Question on ZGT

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear Galina Afanasevna! I shall remind you, that at me an early climacterium-38.

I the doctor the endocrinologist has appointed or nominated to me 21 day proginova (21 tablet on 2 mg estrodiol) and the first 10 days androkur 25 mg a day.

And I genikolog advises me will return to reception klimena or to transfer or carry androkur in umenshenoj to a dose on the extremity or end of a cycle as in klimene. Whether It is possible for me to transfer or carry reception androkura on the extremity or end of a cycle-last of 11 days for example in a dose of 5 mg?

Thanks big.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Dyne!!!!! And spkojno to receive klimen and only well in any way it is impossible?

You with the doctor struggle with an alopecia androgenic on a background of an early menopause, extrapolating on its or her conducting data on conducting from sclerocystic ovaries 70-90 h years.....

Ajsedora Dunkan
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear Galina Afanasevna! Thanks for the answer, under the truth not clear to me. At me was klimen two months. In a place of mine residing now is not present such zgt, unfortunately. Genikolog here appointed or nominated to me tsikloproginova.

And the smallest dose androkura in drugstores on 10 mg... But at us cheap minoksidil: (.

Thanks big.


01.09.2004, 19:30
You know, the Dyne, I all time recollect the story of my friend - the engineer under the safety precautions of a large factory..

There have bought or purchased a certain German unit and began to show it or him.. There and then there was we umelets. Which has offered *quot; This button to clean or remove, here to truncate, it to cut or undercut.. *quot;

SHAKEN or AMAZED neets diko has shouted *quot; Niht ratsuha!!!! *quot;.

For young generation - ratsuha (abbr. progroan.) - the efficiency proposal.

And so, listening or auscultating to your ideas, I all time wish to shout - niht ratsuha...

Give once again - at women in a menopause with the saved uterus it is obligatory, if it is spent ZGT, not only estrgonnyj, but also gestagennyj a component. In klimene - ZGT for women with giperandrogeniej, wishing to menstruate - those is tsiproteron a-acetate, interested persons - klimadien.

Androkur attached to Diana at women with sharply superfluous body height of hair, wishing to receive appreciable decrease of body height of hair by the face. Breasts and so forth On a background of such combination current an androgen-dependent of an alopecia improved also, whether there are publications about an opportunity \ safety of similar combinations in a postmenopause, whether are not present - you and your doctor know?

Whether such combination of advantage before klimenom \ klimadienom has? Can, buy or purchase these or it in other place?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear Galina Afanasevna! Thanks for the answer!

Androkur it is the same tsiproteron a-acetate and I thought that will probably receive the same structure that in klimene but the quantity or amount tsiproteron a-acetate a little bit more (as is not present 2- tablets) .a proginova is the same of 2 mg estradiola as in klimene.

But *quot; Niht ratsuha!!!! *quot;-it means that nezja so???

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dyne if I did not know, that androkur is tsiproteron a-acetate, hardly I would be the professor.

Doses and duration of reception of a preparation, sequence primeneija-here that is rats. The offer without a due substantiation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna! Thanks for the answer!

The idea gradually to reduce a dose androkura with 25 up to 5 mg with reception in pervie 10 dnei belongs to the endocrinologist and to transfer or carry last 10 days genikologu.

On how much n in this area I do not know each of them and on it or this I ask your help.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At reception ZGT with a unextracted uterus it is necessary for the woman (in order to prevent serious problems with endometriem) to use both estrogens, and Progestinums. At cyclic reception (t.e with menstrualno-similar reactions) Progestinums are appointed or nominated not less than 10-14 days to cause a casting-off endometrija. (T.e the cycle of estrogens and to them for 14 day is added with Progestinums)

Klimen contains tsiproteron-an acetate as Progestinum. Use the minimal dosages of effective doses. There is no in one gorode-a girl-friend of a youth has sent packing from another. Have reserved in a warehouse, have written (have called, have sent a mail on a Schering)

Disturbance of schemes or plans of reception at ZGT potentially carries in itself threat of augmentation of by-effects and depression of efficiency of treatment.

We are familiar already about half a year, not less. It was possible to receive for this time already half a year klimen. It is possible to pass on klimodien - if are not necessary to a menses.

It was possible, in kontse-the extremities or ends, half a year to accept diane (you dostatchno are young to afford semi-annual course OK - there the same jiproteron-an acetate), then to pass on klimen \ klimodien.