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01.09.2004, 19:30
Irina (kivi@office.gu.net) - - ---Recently by ultrasonic research at me have found out an oothecoma. It would be desirable to learn or find out about the reasons, current and possible or probable consequences of this illness or disease. And also about ways of its or her treatment and about efficiency of these ways.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob - - ---Perhaps, you also do not need to hammer to itself in a head all this information. Simply repeat US in 2-3 months. The majority of cysts for this time disappear and treatments do not demand. And if will not disappear, a cyst delete operative by.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Olga - - ---Olga, 23 years 31.01.2000 conclusion of US - a follicular cyst of the left ovary in size of 32 mm.; repeated US 09.03.2000 - the cyst has not disappeared, the size 392738 mm. Whether prompt, please, probably treatment excision of a cyst not operative by I worry in this occasion as yet did not give birth or travail?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---I Can testify or certify, what even chronic cysts often give in to homeopathic treatment if will carry to find the good expert on a residence.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Gallantly V.Dvorjanchikovu for introduction in practice of the new term - chronic cysts. In turn, I can testify or certify presence in my practice of observations of occurrence of a cancer of ovaries after attempts of homeopathic treatment of chronic cysts. Obviously the expert was not from the necessary residence. And now seryozno. Any jachnikovoe the education revealed primarily, at absence of obvious ultrasonic attributes of a true tumour the sizes, internal structure or frame and t.p, demands dynamic observation in current of 3 months. If later 3 months the cyst does not disappear, carrying out of operative treatment is necessary. An optimum variant now is the laparoscopy. Yours faithfully Sergey Vjacheslavovich

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Generally I meant not the term, and only a word-combination. But even if to consider or count it as the term he has been entered into practice much before me. Probably, the expert really was a homeopathist only nominally such the majority. But on what basis you consider or count, what the cancer of ovaries has arisen after attempts of homeopathic treatment? If you will wish to be extremely frank probably, remember in the practice cases of repeated development of cysts and occurrence of cancer tumours already after a laparoscopy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Dear V.Dvorjanchikov I Go on disturbance of ethics of Debatable club and I ask you will incorporate to me simply by phone. If you will wish to be extremely frank - I think, we can resolve all ours vnutridiskussionye problems, having talked, not only as the doctor with the doctor, but also it is simple so, on-. I give working 4311608, and mobile 7630122 to Moscow, 095 before a set. I wait Sergey Vjacheslavovich P.S. in the practice cases of repeated development of cysts and occurrence of cancer tumours already after a laparoscopy. Certainly, I shall remember. But in the remembered situation between a laparoscopy and a cancer of ovaries has passed or has taken place 9 years. As to cysts, I emphasize - cysts of ovaries let's not calm or abirritate our patients. The true cyst, i.e. functional education a follicular cyst, a cyst of a yellow body can be found out literally on sledujushchiy a cycle after a laparoscopy. But.... Already imejushchajusja the information on revealing at a laparoscopy of a cyst of a similar parentage will allow the doctor to place more correctly accents or stresses at a choice of tactics in charge of patients with a similar pathology.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The divisional (uchastkovy@hotmail.com) - - ---*lt; CENTER*gt; Dear Sergey Vjacheslavovich. And lt;/CENTER*gt; If at the woman of 30 years the cyst 4 on the one hand, mobile, soft, does not cause or cause pains. US in 3 months - the same size, walls thin, individual. I understand, that your tactics is laparoskopicheskoe excision of a cyst, even if visually she vygljadet as a follicular functional cyst. Or you aspirate it or her and rely on a cytology of a liquid? What information will allow the doctor to place more correctly accents or stresses at a choice of tactics in charge of patients with a similar pathology? *gt; otype Corsiva*quot; *gt; yours faithfully, the Divisional.

CHeshirskaja the Cat
01.09.2004, 19:30
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mty-net.ru) - - ---On US it is difficult enough to Divisional to distinguish a follicular cyst from a simple serous cystadenoma. I understand, like and the sizes small and clinically myself she a cyst as does not show.... Certainly on a laparotomy to be solved difficultly. But now, at presence laparoskopicheskoj technics or technical equipment with its or her small travmatichnostju even at such small sizes it is necessary to solve the problem in favour of a laparoscopy. Unfortunately, there were at me patients at which even at a similar ultrasonic picture during operation vyvljalis boundary cysts. Yours faithfully Sergey Vjacheslavovich

01.09.2004, 19:30
Marina - - ---Dear doctors! I somewhere here on a server read, that folikuljarnuju the cyst is observed with 3 months, and then, as a rule, solve the problem in favour of operation. And why? What occurs or happens to this cyst after 3 months? And if the cyst has more than 3 months, it not folikuljarnaja? I set These questions not simply with curiosity, it directly concerns or touches me. Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Marina Smysl that if the cyst exists more than 3 months, most likely it not retentsionnaja follikuljarnajakista, and a true tumour of an ovary simple serous, etc. Yours faithfully Sergey Vjacheslavovich

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---to Sergey Vjacheslavovichu. As shows experience, unofficial discussions hardly probable happen are productive in general, telephone - in particular, and mezhdugorodnye - naipache. So, I, perhaps, shall be too lazy. If have something for the private report, can use E-mail. Yours faithfully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena - - ---As the information for all those who has faced a problem folikkuljarnoj oothecomas. Experts of the advisory center of faculty of obstetrics and gynecology where I am observed, consider or count, that operative excision folikuljarnyh and t.p.kist should be spent only at occurrence of complications a torsion, break and t.p.. In drugy cases treatment should be not operative and recommend: 1 physiotherapy ultrasound in an impulsive regimen, elekrofforez 3 % I; 2 vitamin therapy on phases of a cycle: to 1-st phase - vit. E 200 mg of 1 times day gljutaminovaja an acid 0,25 3 times/day; to 2-nd phase - vit. E 200 mg 2 times/day Acidum ascorbinicum with a glucose 0,1 g 3 times/day. 3 hormonetherapy - cyclic application of monophasic oral contraceptives mersilon, marvelon, novinet. Thus gynecologists of the advisory center consider or count, that folikuljarnaja the cyst can change the size due to a liquid accumulating in its or her cavity. From the moment of detection at me folikuljarnoj cysts, I activly was interested also naturopaticheskim in the approach to treatment. The literature on medicinal grasses offers following grasses for treatment of cysts of ovaries: Paeonia Lactiflora a liquid extract of a peony, donnik fragrant, white, medicinal, spritsivanie broth of a grass chistotela, a pumpkin in all kinds, jarutka field and spinach.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Katerina (Komatas@mail.med.ru) - - ---At me a cystoma of the left ovary in doubt, 5 months ago a cyst have found out in the right ovary, and now in right anything is not present, and vlevoi 35, how much or as far as it is dangerous? And whether operation is required?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Repeat US in 3 months. If the cyst will be revealed on the same place, see a doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Julia, 24 years - - ---Twice on US within 2 months diagnosed retentsionnaja a cyst of the left ovary in the size of 32-35 mm. US at different doctors. Treatments did not appoint or nominate. After consultations of the gynecologist the decision to refuse a hormonetherapy in connection with planiuemoj pregnancy is accepted. I am not protected since March of m-. After 3-rd month 04.04 on US another vrachv the conclusion simply writes, that the left ovary in the size 54 h 33 h 38 mm, with liquid unicameral education d. 33 mm on the bottom pole or paraovarialnym, in Douglas - insignificant quantity or amount of a free liquid. Whether thus the doctor has specified there is no at me a temperature. And more nothing has told or said. Temperatures are not present. But what again happens with my ovary and what the free liquid means? Please, respond, whether it is possible to think in general of pregnancy i.e. zaberemennet at presence of a cyst or it is necessary to delete it or her operatively all over again? Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Narmina (ayten99@hotmail.com) - - ---whether Tell or Say, please, it is possible to treat conservatively an oothecoma in the size 9? The Cyst did not disturb and is found casually out on UZI.Narusheny a menstrual cycle is not present, under the assumption of the doctor a cyst-follicular. In advance thanks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob - - ---It is possible. But, as already it has been repeatedly told or said above, it to do or make it is possible only within 3 months. Then solves a question on operative treatment. Cysts of such size spontaneously disappear seldom enough, but it happens. Therefore, if complaints are not present, to wait 3 months it is meaningful.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Svetlana (datsko@sasko.sakhalin.ru) - - ---Hello, the Doctor! Prompt and explain as to be. To me of 20 years. Never anything on gynecology hurted. One month ago have put in hospital in occasion of a link sided salpingo-oophoritis, a follicular cyst of the left ovary. US has shown at the left above a uterus lotsiruetsja spherical education 53 on 31 mm, with a dense capsule. Therapy AGT, a vitamin therapy, Calcium chloratum of 7 days, a glucose and Acidum ascorbinicum, pennitsillin in/m 7 days is spent. In 3 weeks at an extract of US has defined or determined a uterus 43 on 59 on 31 mm, a contour equal, m an echo of 7 mm, appendages not lotsirujutsja from both parties or sides. However, the temperature keeps up to 37,4; a constant pain from the left party or side and delicacy. The doctor has advised 10 days to pierce in/m Plasmolum and to spend on drink 10 days diclofenac, improvements it is not visible any. And in general give please the reference that is possible for me, and that is not present. Thankful in advance. Very much I look forward to hearing.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Oksana (- - - ---Hardly more 2 months ago is spent operation on excision of a cyst from the right ovary. Recently have started to disturb attacks of a pain. UZI-inspection has shown presence of a cyst on the right 2831 mm. Whether probably so fast repeated occurrence of a cyst? Whether To agree on repeated operation?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nata - - ---at me an oothecoma 2216. I am going to in holiday on the sea. Whether it is possible for me to sunbathe?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob - - ---Oksana: occurrence of a cyst for time specified by you is possible or probable. Questions of tactics of its or her treatment cannot be solved in absentia. Nate: Sunbathe on health!

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---At ischemic statuses, neoplasms and hormonal dysfunctions and at cystic changes of ovaries such is observed often zagarat, as a rule, it is not recommended.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob - - ---it is valid, until recently there were similar references concerning many gynecologic diseases. However now the majority of them is reconsidered and recognized by excessive reinsurance. Especially, in this case. In fact education of 2216 mm as that cyst is not under cysts usually mean obravovanija in diameter more than 30 mm.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Education of 2216 mm cannot unequivocally be interpreted as a cyst. At the same time, any cyst in the development passes or takes place a stage of these sizes. We do not know, whether about what cyst and a cyst in general there is a speech, do not know, a code the sizes have been established or installed, we do not know, that in the anamnesis and that occurs or happens now. However, it is known, that potential harm from sunburn especially, during the active sun as now considerably surpasses potential advantage or benefit.