Просмотр полной версии : To treat an oothecoma

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me an inflammation of the left appendage, and recently after on the schedule have not seen an ovulation, on US the doctor has made out not bursted follicle on an ovary. She has told or said: anything, rassosem - 10 days ultrasound for 10 minutes. How much or as far as it is possible or probable - *quot; Oa???aOy*quot; a cyst? And whether its or her education is connected with an inflammation at the left? It was twice checked up on every possible infections - negatively than then poddrezhivaetsja this inflammation, in fact antibiotics have pierced already, vitamins a heap in the form of injections both so I accept... And whether she can again in a following cycle to not burst, how then it to prevent?

01.09.2004, 19:30

For what day of a cycle and what gauge it was spent US? Can write completely here the report of research? The matter is that even neovulirovavshy the follicle sooner or later itself regresses (will decrease) and without any help.

How old are you and on the basis of what has been diagnosed a salpingo-oophoritis at the left and only on the one hand? And on the right all OK?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The US were is made for 23-rd day tsmkla (all cycle of 27-28 days) vaginalnym by the gauge. The report I can not write, since he at the doctor. She has told or said only: *quot; the Small cyst ??Noa*quot;.

The diagnosis of an inflammation at the left to me have put also after US though other doctor arms or hand has defined or determined from two parties or sides an inflammation. Besides I have made all the put analyses. It is how much possible to trust UZ to research?

UZIstka has told or said, that on the right that's all right, yes me on the right and does not hurt.