Просмотр полной версии : Cyst and plentiful bleeding... What will advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
So happens, that the wife washing has got in hospital in the distance from pervoprestolnoj, and there is a certain mistrust to professionalism of local medical staff.

Business is so:

Last monthly at it or her were 30.07-04.08, after a small break till 09.08 - the strong bleeding has opened and did not stop till 15.08. The preliminary diagnosis (citation): *quot; disfunktsionalnoe a uterine bleeding to exclude extrauterine iNON?N???Oy*quot;. US has found out a cyst on the right ovary *quot; watery education 35 ??*quot;, more anything is not present (pregnancy too).

Naznachenoe treatment: gentamycin 2 times day, Metronidazolum 4 times day, Nistatinum 4 times a day, *quot; hot O?*quot; once a day. By results of treatment assume an operative measure.

Any contraceptives does not use more year.

Prompt, whether treatment is correctly appointed or nominated? And whether it is necessary to agree on operation?

01.09.2004, 19:30
27 years, pregnancy and abortions were not

01.09.2004, 19:30
How much or As far as I have understood from your report, it is a question of an ovulatory bleeding. It the indication to operation is not. However, operations happen different - doctors could mean a currettage of a cavity of the uterus.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It or She had pains in right to a side, she for a week has grown thin (I do not know on how much, but decently).

In occasion of operation - laporoskopicheskoe research (if nichyo has not confused).

And what can tell or say in occasion of medicines? Application of these agents is justified in this case?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I cannot make comments in absentia on purpose or appointment of doctors, not knowing all real situation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Claims to professionalism have arisen what with different diseases treat women odim a set of medicines gintamitsin, Trichopolum and chloride (a potassium, or a calcium? Hot, in general)...

Ljalja 2005
01.09.2004, 19:30
Only on this basis to estimate or appreciate professionalism it is impossible. That doctors plan to do or make diagnostic laparaskopiju, speaks just about their sufficient qualification and equipment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravsvujte, the dear doctor! To me of 27 years. I was on hospitalization at myself in native city of Ryazan since August, 14th on 28 with the diagnosis at entering: subacute salpigooforit. Disturbance menstrual f-. Bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz. To exclude an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. US (14.08.03) cyst of the right ovary of the small sizes. The test on HGCH negative. 18.08.03 operation - a separate diagnostic currettage with diagnostic and gemostaticheskoj the purpose. A histology - redkopodobnaja transformation of a stroma. Non-uniformly expressed secretory transformations of uterine glands. (what does it mean?

US (21.08.03) uterus is displaced to the left. A body - 45, shejka - 22, /3 - 34, shir. - 43. The cavity is expanded up to 5 with liquid contents. Ovaries: lev.: 342225 melkokistoznyj; pr.: 482230 melkokistoznyj. The lumen of uterine pipes is not expanded. Free the jew- and el. A bag of waters in m/basin it is not revealed. On the right adherent or adhesive process. : a right-hand adnexitis. A hematometer after a diagnostic currettage. Data for uterine and ectopic ber- are not present. Treatment: tsefabol 1,02; hot syringings with an iodine, wads with Dimexidum, an electrophoresis with Zn.

Have written out under observation in female consultation but since I am in Moscow it is necessary to find something another, paid. Now the stomach or belly below on the right, from time to time very strongly unpleasantly hurts. What is it there can be not finished the cure old disease or new complication after treatment? What would you recommend to undertake as treatment or prophylaxis and where to address?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! In due time at me was same situatsija-the uterine bleeding, a cyst of the right ovary, well and a heap of other diagnoses put disfunktsionalnoe. And the bleeding has begun for the same day of a cycle as at you. But only a bleeding it at me did not stop within a year! For this year I have lain enough dogo in hospitals where to me 2 times have made a currettage, have removed a cyst and have overfed hormones. Itog-has passed or has taken place 5 years I can not become pregnant. Vobshchem that in a year doctors have made a helpless gesture and have told or said *quot; izveni, but than still to help or assist you we not ??aN?*quot; Now I would respond *quot; thanks all that is possible you already have made (sterility or barrenness) *quot;. In general after hospital I was advised by the girl-friend obrattisja to bioenergoterapevtu. I certainly in it do not believe, but have gone. After 2 sessions at bioenergoterapevta the bleeding was gone! Here so! It was necessary to go at once to them. So I now not especially believe doctors.

01.09.2004, 19:30

And if not a secret, to itself went?

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