Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! To me 24 years, Rostov-ON-bottoms or -funduses;-Don. Monthly since 12 years. In 18 it was treated for a clamidiosis - analyses now on it or him negative. Beremennostej was not. At me such situation: we with the husband want the child. But failure MTS (in May there was very strong and long enough stress) has begun with June at me. Up to that the cycle was more or less uniform, but 3-4 times a year happened failures, both in one, and in other party or side (from 17 day time cycles up to 35-day's). In August has gone to the doctor. Has handed over analyses on an infection - have found out a ureaplasma and a mycoplasma. Have treated. In parallel handed over a blood on hormones: the lowered level of Progesteronum, Prolactinum almost on the top norm or rate, little bit lowered FSG (there are still small deviations or rejections, but I do not remember unfortunately). Under analyses the polycystosis is supposed, but at survey at the gynecologist-endocrinologist of the polycystic centers and nodules it is not revealed. On US - melkokistoznye changes of both ovaries, but the sizes in norm or rate. I.e. while the presumable diagnosis: Dysfunction of ovaries, failure of the first and second phase. At the husband that's all right. Treatment is appointed or nominated:

1. Magnesia - 10 nyxes

2. Suppositories with Ichthyolum - 10 days

3. Microfollinum - on 0,5 tablets with 1 for 20 day of a cycle

4. For 12, 14, 16 day of cycle HG on 2000 units

5. With 15 for 25 day - Djufaston on 1 tab.

In this connection there is a question:

1. Whether really it is a polycystosis or nevertheless the dysfunction connected with stress?

2. Whether at such treatment our chances to become pregnant are great at stimulation?