Просмотр полной версии : Gardnerella

01.09.2004, 19:30
Lada - - ---Dear Doctors! Tell, please, that such gardnerella as it or her treat and as she is passed. The doctor speaks, that it is necessary to make the repeated analysis since this infection usually adjoins to other infections. If it is the truth, with what? The analysis on a chlamydia, a mycoplasma, upeaplazma, a herpes, a cytomegalovirus - has given negative result. In advance I thank.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob - - ---Read about it or this in clause or article on page of a server Advice or Councils of the gynecologist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---With Trichomonases. Otherwise it or her would not find. To treat gardnerelly needs is not present. To eliminate or erase;remove the infections causing a dysbacteriosis, leading mass duplication gardnerell enough.

The mountaineer
01.09.2004, 19:30
LADA - - ---Dear doctor Dvorjanchikov! Thanks for the answer. Write, please, as them to treat, more in detail. And than this infection is dangerous? Many thanks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---In detail to answer these questions not so it is simple, as can seem. The problem becomes complicated still that our methods sharply differ from standard and can appear for you inaccessible, and on tracking of chemotherapeutic somethings ephemeral it is simply a pity to me to waste time. Gardnerella urogenital localization usually does not cause or cause serious lesions often to her attribute clinic of accompanying infections: the easy or light;mild boring owing to rising pH is sometimes marked or celebrated. Patients disturb allocation with a unpleasant fish smell is more often. Gardnerella - the convenient indicator disbioza, and during our treatment usually disappears independently in process of liquidation of other infections. If she is made multiple copies very plentifully and too bothers the patient or stirs or prevents microscopical isledovanijam we appoint or nominate homeopathic preparation DMA in drugstores it or him is not present, which suppresses its or her development and eliminates or erases;removes signs. At chemotherapeutic courses traditionally appoint or nominate Trichopolum Metronidazolum, Terzhinan Ampicillinum, etc. is Sometimes active. To accept these preparations it is possible only to destination the doctor. In effect, all this list operates or works not so much on gardnerellu, how much on other often not revealed infections. With Trichomonases all is much more complex or difficult. Last years a wide circulation has received persistent chronic trihomoniaz which is hardly treated and diagnosed. At the same time exists asymptomatic trihomonadonositelstvo when in smears it is possible to observe individual individuals of the classical kind, eating a pasture and not causing disease. Probably, and occurrence trihomoniaza as well as in case of with gardnerellami it is not enough one carriage for intensive duplication of Trichomonases. From homeopathic agents not bad operate or work: Agaricus, Ipecacuanha and Nuphar lutea all - in tinctures that nakladnoili low potencies, that not so gomeopatichno. They can be got in any homeopathic drugstore, but treatment can be stretched or dragged out for months. To solve a problem a course of Trichopolum of Metronidazolum or others nitroimidazolnymi derivatives it is not enough chances. And antibiotics, basically, cover or lute, instead of eliminate or erase;remove an infection. Thus to reveal and liquidate the factors doing or making a Trichomonas aggressive and numerous, easier than completely to get rid of its or her presence.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Irina (abra-cadabra@mtu-net.ru) - - ---very much excites one question. At me and at the husband in analyses have found gardnerellu. Some courses of treatment by different preparations of a positive take have not given. 1. Whether there is any medicine which precisely will help or assist? 2. Whether it is necessary to be treated, if gardnerella is a component of a microflora of a vagina? 3. Whether it is possible to get or start the child at presence of this infection and how influences gardnelez pregnancy and the further health of the child?