Просмотр полной версии : Gardenerella or a thrush

01.09.2004, 19:30
Svetlana - - ---At me plentiful allocation in a vagina of -yellow color with a unpleasant smell. Has handed over analyses on a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis, etc. From all it is found out only ganderella. The doctor has told or said what is it the same that a thrush. Whether so it??? And whether such signs can cause this disease. How it is treated? To me have appointed or nominated Trichopolum, Nistatinum, a doxycycline and suppositories betadin, and to the partner Tinidazolum, a doxycycline and ointment Clotrimazolum. Advice or council as for my 24 years at me except for a thrush nothing was is very necessary. In advance thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---I know one lady working in female consultation who quite seriously approves or confirms, that chlamydias in due course mutate in kandidy. Now here it appears, that gardnerella - the same, as a thrush... Abruptly, misters! So, gardnerella, being the minor representative of banal flora, on sensible understanding, treatment is not a subject, that it is impossible to tell or say about the reasons which have caused or called its or her excessive duplication. By the description, in vydelenijah it is a lot of leucocytes, that indirectly specifies on imperceptible trihomoniaz with smaller probability - a gonorrhea. Try to find the competent doctor. Why and how to be treated, I believe, he will explain to you.

Sergey To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna - - ---Handed over the analysis for physical examination Physical examination like has passed or has taken place, but at me in a leaf with the analysis is written, what is found out certain SOOR what is it such?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alain - - ---Alain November 28. 00. It was treated in July at the gynecologist with -: an endometritis. Received klofaran tisulfat Pyrogenalum. Vbak. Crop vysejali enterokokk, on a chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureomplazmy-. All was normal, but now again disturb allocation, has handed over a smear: leucocytes up to 50, key cells, coccal flora. That it is necessary to do or make and how to be surveyed .poslednie 9 months keeps t- 37.2,37.1,36.5,37-such in current of day, even after klofarana zakonormernosti net.posovetujte as as nodo to survey

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---As varies temperature within day? Whether Are available allocation? What? Pains before monthly? In joints, in the field of heart, in podreberjah, in a loin? Augmentation inguinal or dr. Lymphonoduses? Sensitivity to a cold/heat or fever, to draughts? Respiratory diseases? Enanthesises?

01.09.2004, 19:30
basic - - ---Be surveyed on Trichomonases and read through clause or article in a heading For doctors, zanimajushch IPP.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Katerina - - ---about 5 Years ago at me have appeared white smetanoobraznye allocation with a weak sourish smell. They did not disturb me, and since the doctor on survey has told or said nothing, I have not paid to it attention. One month ago 28-10-2000 I during this period graduated treatments of an inflammation of a gastritis - Venter, Gastrotsepin, -forte allocation have got a weak greenish shade and a sharp unpleasant smell. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me suppositories Fitor and after course of treatment of allocation again became white. Sometimes allocation become curdled, as a rule after sex contact and the subsequent syringing, but already next day again become smetanooobraznymi. 30-11-2000 on reception the doctor has told or said - the thrush, however smears pure or clean is available. Prompt - how to be? How to specify the diagnosis, and to choose correct treatment?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Valdemar (valdema@mail.ru) - - ---At the girlfriend obnaruzhenny ganderelly, mushrooms, chlamydias. The information for competent treatment both of us is necessary. It would be desirable to learn or find out about restrictions in a life during dialogue with associates. I wait for the competent and high-grade answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
basic - - ---1 a sexual life and sexual exaltations for Both of you. 2 the moment of definition of the diagnosis completely to exclude reception of medical products. 3 or to exclude series of foodstuff. 4 a question with application of hormonal contraceptives during and after treatment. 5 with a quality monitoring of infections.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Maria - - ---the Question about a thrush - what else is signs of a thrush, except for vydeleny? Handed over analyses on all to an infection method PTSR-have found out only a ureaplasma. After double course of treatment the first was neudachen-the doctor has told or said, that at me a thrush-strong obostrenieprichem the analysis of a smear was good. Except for vydeleny me disturbed an itch, unpleasant sensations in a vagina these signs appeared for some days, then disappeared for long time, then again appeared. I have repeatedly handed over the analysis on a ureaplasma from which I earlier was treated also a mycoplasma by a-method kulturalnoj diagnostics - results negative and gardnerellu - the analysis positive. Above-stated sipmtomy me disturb and now. So it is a thrush or what?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Christina Pavlova (- - - ---We with the husband were together treated from ureoplazmaticheskoj infections. When have gone or send on kontronyj the analysis, in the husband have found out gardenerellu and trihomoniaz. Unless tablets which we drank or saw at treatment ureoplazmaticheskoj infections do not act gardnerellu and trihomoniaz? How all these diseases are called on-Latin?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---Christina, blossoming of Trichomonases after suppression of ureaplasmas is observed enough often. It is connected by that ureaplasmas alongside with normal flora suppress also Trichomonases. The majority of anti-infectives on them does not operate or work. Other preparations, type of Metronidazolum are necessary. Gardnerelly are estetsvennymi inhabitants of a urogenital tract, but are plentifully made multiple copies only in conditions disbioza. Spetsalno to be treated for them it is not necessary - after elimination of the reasons disbioza they will disappear independently. On the Latin, the diseases mentioned to you are called: Ureaplasmosis, Trichomoniasis, Gardnerellesis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Christina (- - - ---whether the Truth what the most effective preparation for treatment Gardnereleza and Trihomoniaza for today is Tiberal?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---Here so! Pointless! What for I raspinalsja!? Well, it would be desirable people to be treated and all here! Not important from what! Christina, that best preparation which more dearly or expensively also is more toxicant - such treatment is remembered for a long time.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(Water-melon) (- - - ---Yes, Tiberal is the most effective preparation. Only it is necessary to not forget about restoration of flora eubiotikami after its or his application.

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01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---If I still though something understand chemistry OV I shall risk to assume, that in couple of years Tiberal destiny Talidamida waits. However, last favourably differs from the first efficiency on the direct purpose or appointment and potential antiviral activity. On gardnerell Tiberal, by itself, any action to render not in a status: to judge their destruction on disappearance or eradication of key cells that is, the Trichomonases bedaubed by them - top of microbiological idiocy. It is better - aminnyj the test... As if to Trichomonases I do not know any case when Tiberal would solve a problem persistent trihomoniaza. However, I mean no more than ten cases when the patients who have not received from us the satisfactory help, passed or took place the courses included Tiberal, in other establishments and cases of the reference or manipulation of patients to us after unsuccessful treatment by this preparation. Probably, simply has not carried with kazuistikoj. As if to Trichomonases of the old sample up to 1997 of a mutation - they still sometimes meet, with them and Trichopolum understands in no time.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Christina (- - - ---About Tiberale I has read through on a site *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www./gynadvice / and quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; http: // www./gynadvice / and lt;/A*gt; in section Genital infections - Bacteriemic or Bacterial vaginoz a bacterial vaginosis and Trihommoniaz.