Просмотр полной версии : Lues...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jana - - ---Hello! I Ask advice or council, what with me? In the beginning of winter have diagnosed a primary lues. Course of treatment by Bicillinum has been spent. One month ago reaction on RW has yielded results a dilution 1:5. Then hardly was ill with an acute tracheitis and a bronchitis. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment by antibiotic Ampioks. The maintenance or contents in urine of leucocytes high, but does not exceed norm or rate. Then have gone or send fixing or lingering mesjachnyeokolo year back at me as there were fixing or lingering monthly after acceptance of an extract of a neetle they have stopped, but sometimes appeared small pachkanja. At present have appeared small allocation belovatego colors. Also that the most unpleasant the lymphonodus in an inguen was raose, from that party or side where all was in norm or rate when diagnosed a lues was vzdut a lymphonodus on other party or side in an inguen. From ignorance what to do or make has addressed in anon. The center on check of infections, smears have given result - the hung up maintenance or contents of leucocytes, however more an integrated analysis have postponed for a week because of recently passed or recently taken place course Ampioksa. At survey vrachem it is revealed - Erosion shejki uteruses...: What with me??? Help or assist, please!!! Also excuse for my possible or probable mistakes or errors in medical terms. Yours faithfully, Jana

01.09.2004, 19:30
The venereologist - - ---Jana! Inform please the following information: 1. How much injections of Bicillinum and in what dose you have received? 2. During the moment of detection of a lues, surveyed you on other infections passed sexual by? 3. Whether you could catch after treatment i.e. whether there was at you a protected sex? I think, it is necessary for you to be surveyed carefully t.k.i disturbances of a menstrual cycle and erosion shejki uteruses can be attributes of sexual infections. In any case it is not necessary to worry strongly, all these diseases well enough lechatsja. I wish good luck!

01.09.2004, 19:30
The expert - - ---the Primary Lues shines brightly one injection of Bicillinum in a dose 3.6 million Unit Belesovatye of allocation can be the various nature, from fungic or fungal flora up to other veins. Diseases. Ampioks and previous Bicillinum can grease pathogenic flora. The expert

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jana. - - ---Thanks big for your answers!!! In occasion of questions I can write the following: 1 5 injections on 1,8. 2 and he has been revealed by full inspection, as no external attributes besides an inflation limfauzla existing... Even at primary survey vrachem any shankra it was revealed not, odnoko after results of analyses have put a lues passed sexual by. The partner had a second stage. 3 the protected sex was not. And more, reaction on RW at present - negative. I can have a reaction to the accepted antibiotics or it again that that received sexual by, however not protected sex was not? And how much strongly antibiotics can grease pathogenic flora? Many thanks for your attention to my problem!!!! Yours faithfully, Jana

01.09.2004, 19:30
The venereologist - - ---Jana! From your answer not clearly surveyed you on chlamydias, a gonorrhea, trihomoniaz, etc., after an establishment of the diagnosis a lues. If is not present, it should be made now. Antibiotics penicillinic of some Bicillinum, ampioks do not act on the majority of sexual infections, therefore to diagnostics now will not prevent. If RW became negative, the lues the treatment received by you to an occasion of a lues quite sufficient means is cured. I recommend you to pass or take place inspection on a gonorrhea smears and crops, chlamydias and Trichomonases immunofljuorestsentnym a method, mycoplasmas crop. I wish good luck!

01.09.2004, 19:30
jana - - ---Hello! In that continually, that I had a full inspection on all diseases. As a result of which, also it has been revealed, that I am sick only of a lues, on all rest - is pure or clean... Full inspection I shall make in the near future necessarily. Thanks for participation and references!!! Yours faithfully, Jana

01.09.2004, 19:30
Julia (uam@aport.ru) - - ---Hello! Prompt how to distinguish, please, chiry from shankra? JUlja.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---To many attributes. CHirej a furuncle, for example, morbid, and the hard ulcer - is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Light (- - - ---hello! Treatment of a secondary lues and reception of alcohol what consequences can be? Thanks.