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01.09.2004, 19:30
anna 22 ode - - ---Has handed over analyses on a chlamydia: with a conjunctiva,--and--chlamydias, and as a blood. First three analyses are negative, last sounds so: antibodies G to chlamydia trachomatis in a credit 1.64 are found out. The huge request to explain what does it mean what to do or make, whether I can with such diagnosis zaberemenit, whether there is this infection at my husband?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---From yours not quite distinct or clear report follows, what a vaginal swabbing for research by a method the PIF or PTSR to you did not do or make? In that case it is impossible to tell or say with definiteness, whether means presence at blood IgG yours infitsirovannost, or it - only effective immune reaction to contact to an external infection. Both that and another is observed enough often. Be surveyed by the specified methods then the situation will clear up.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Chlamydias - - ---Thanks for the answer. I specify: took analyses from tserukalnogo the channel and a urethra for research by method PTSR.Pozhalujsta, explain on more detailed that reaction means effektivnaa imunnaja, whether and as available me in a blood a credit correctly I understand value or meaning;importance of this word, the norm or rate and if it is norm or rate that what that quantity or amount of antibodies G means kakajato is supposed. Then a question - whether it is necessary to treat me with a credit available me? Whether .znaja my analyses it is possible for me zaberemenit?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Under effective immune reaction here should understand ability of your organism completely to destroy the chlamydias getting in your organism from the outside, for example, from the husband. However this process is not possible or probable without development or manufacture by an organism of special substances - immunoglobulins which come to light or are taped IFA. Unfortunately, standard and nothing the justified practice of treatment of both partners brings turmoil in this question. Nevertheless, neinfitsirovannost one of partners we observe, at least at 10 % of pairs recently - even more often. In such cases we carefully survey the healthy partner to exclude possible or probable mistakes or errors. To treat healthy economic, therefore we in any way cannot be suspected in peredergivanii the facts. As the question concerns or touches planned pregnancy it is meaningful to be rechecked once again, and the PIF is better other method, for example. To pump up itself antibiotics just in case - pleasure dear or expensive and unsafe. Besides, nobody will be charged that the analyses made after treatment will not appear good for the same reasons, as made up to. Antibodies can circulate very quietly in a blood even many months after destruction of chlamydias. After treatment a little that means their absence or presence at a blood, therefore IFA it is not recommended as a control method even developers.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Chlamydias - - ---Anna 22 years I Wish then to tell about myself one more moment. Year nazat wanted zaberemenit and passed or took place analyses on the latent infections. It has turned out so, that in two places handed over by me have found a mycoplasma, but in one chlamydia, result - treatment for a mycoplasma. After treatment the analysis on a mycoplasma otritsatenyj. The analyses made by me have been spent kulturalnym by a method. A question - the antibodies found out in me can be result of the spent treatment? And the second question - whether will be rendered takoezhe with influence of an antibody on a fetus as well as a infection?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Antibodies at you, most likely, were and before treatment, but occasionally happens, that the organism gets immunity to an infection after quite usual antibiotic course. I.e. something turns out like an inoculation in situ. But I shall not remember also ten similar cases. In your blood hundreds the diversified antibodies constantly circulate. On not infected fetus they any povrezhdaejushchego influences cannot render except for special rare or infrequent cases, from which not zastrahovan anybody.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna 22 years - - ---Are sorry that I give out the information about itself not at once, but I naturally have questions. In apele month I had a pregnancy of 11 weeks. On this term of US has shown that at the size of a uterus corresponding or meeting term at me the embryos was not formed. Whether could happened to be with me that especially rare or infrequent case, or the reason to search in other? If the result of a histology is necessary for you, inform on it or this. The huge request prompt that it is necessary to do or make. We with the husband very much want zaberemenit, and once again procedure of a currettage I would like isbezhat. At me in a head does not keep within as such huge kollichestvo women with ease go on obort. Izvenite me for sentimentality, but my pregnancy was very desired. Thankful in advance, Anna.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Should search for other reasons.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Lissa - - ---Hello, I in full despair. I handed over analyses a method of DNA-diagnostics. By results of the ureaplasma has been revealed. After course of treatment by antibiotics has again handed over analyses and it has appeared, that the ureaplasma at me is not present, but the clamidiosis is found out. Why after delivery of analyses by a method of DNA the clamidiosis has not been found out at once?

Failure or Accident
01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Contrary to occuring opinion, PTSR has not such high reliability. Besides, ureaplasmas and chlamydias are estetsvennymi competitors and at joint presence number of those and others can be essentially underestimated.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Katya - - ---whether Dear sir Dvorjanchikov tell or say, please, can mean result of the analysis on a clamidiosis met. IFA with following parameters igG 7 igM 43 100 % infitsirovannost if yes, whether that can be defined or determined according to parameters how much or as far as for a long time an infection has got in an organism. Now I wait for results method PTSR but if it is possible though any preliminary comments. In advance to you it is grateful, Katya

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---On 100 % infitsirovannost is not guaranteed by any indirect method. By a parity or ratio of parameters, the becoming infected is more exact, kontaktirovanie with infected has occured or happened recently - several weeks ago. But it, as they say, navskidku.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Katya - - ---Has received result in which it is written - result of research of a biological material on presence of an antigen of a clamidiosis - negative. Now I can not understand I am infected or not, on Method IFA - like as yes see a question from November, 3rd 09:46, and here like and was not present, to that to believe, can hand over the third analysis still. Has put in that that at me have amplified allocation recently, they without a smell, dense white color, not so plentiful, and there was a small itch especially after an emiction. The doctor somehow has very easy concerned to my results and has told or said, that there is no occasion for trouble, and I here so do not think, too it would not be desirable without reason superfluous to swallow of Antibiotics. What will you advise to do or make?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov - - ---Most likely, you are not infected by chlamydias. That is created with vydelenijami, is quite typical for posthlamidioznogo disbioza. The Most probable script is those: about 3-4 weeks ago there was a becoming infected and the local duplication of the chlamydias which have caused or called a dysbacteriosis. Further, in process of accumulation in a blood of immunoglobulins, the infection has been destroyed by immunity. Now, for the lack of normal flora, on the foreground send or have left minor and conditionally pathogenic kinds of microbes which should give a up the place to natural kinds gradually. Probably, it is meaningful to wait still some time, and then to make a decision on additional inspection and if it is required, treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Katya - - ---Many thanks to you for answers and for participation and the patience shown in dialogue.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alina (alinav@usa.net) - - ---Prompt please that to me to treat pervee? The dysbacteriosis of an intestine Is found out by the gastroenterologist and treatment motiliumom, febiholom, lineksom, then lakto is appointed or nominated..... Has forgotten. The gynecologist finds out chlamydias, the heap of antibiotics is appointed or nominated. About a dysbacteriosis the gynecologist knew. How much or As far as I understand one treatment kills another. What to me to do or make? In advance I thank for the answer. Alina.

01.09.2004, 19:30
With V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---Treat a clamidiosis. The rest, most likely, will disappear by itself.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Oksana (oksanach@ru.) - - ---In 1995. in occasion of sterility or barrenness. Handed over smears with provakatsiej the Gonovaccine, have found out chlamydias. Have appointed or nominated treatment tsiproletom and more other preparations, prinemala only tsiprolet. Through a floor of year has handed over the analysis on a chlamydia-., the husband also has handed over the analysis-. During pregnancy in 1996 handed over analyses on all to an infection all., in 1998 the second pregnancy, again analyses-smears all otritsat., a blood-are found out of a chlamydia 1:100 vidovi still kandida a credit 1:100 two kinds. The doctor has told or said that no trouble is not present. Pregnancy have come to the end with normal sorts or labors. A question in, whether it is necessary to hand over check analysises on a regular basis and really a credit 1:100 it is harmless? I thank for the answer. Oksana.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---And what methods you porverjalis earlier?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena - - ---Prompt please later what time it is possible to hand over analyses on a clamidiosis after doubtful communication or connection and as a result break of a condom. I shall be very grateful.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov - - ---Looking in what way to analyze. Perhaps, the most universal term - 2-3 weeks or later. I recommend a smear for the PIF.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana - - ---I can not be kept from the comment in occasion of references to V.Dvorjanchikova Alina. Interestingly, with what it is pores intensive treatment by antibiotics promotes disappearance or eradication of a dysbacteriosis of an intestine by itself? Any normal doctor the doctor knows, that a dysbacteriosis of an intestine one of the most widespread side effects of an antibioticotherapia. The impression is made, that advice or councils is distributed by the student-second-year student. Especially touch advice or councils in section Contraception. All sections to read through was not in time, but there too for certain pearls will be. V.Dvorjanchikov, who you on a speciality?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---whether to go to you, kind Tatyana, together with your comments... In medical school?

01.09.2004, 19:30
basic - - ---Tatyana, and who you on a speciality and what at you the experience of job if you give out on a site for a long time the out-of-date information on dysbacterioses.

The visitor from Kiev
01.09.2004, 19:30
Julia (- - - ---Hello! At me here what question: How the clamidiosis can affect or influence development of pregnancy? Whether probably to give birth to the normal healthy child with the given venereal disease? In fact treatment is spent by the strongest antibiotics which cannot be used during pregnancy? Or it is necessary to do or make abortion? In advance thanks.