Просмотр полной версии : Complex or Difficult situation

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, if has placed the report not in that heading - I here first time. Help or assist, please, advice or council... Such situation. We with the husband live 1,5 years. Somewhere in November of the last year we had following signs: an itch (at it or him a head of a member, at me - greater or big sexual labiums and an input or entrance of a vagina), it proceeded somewhere 3-4 days and all has passed or has taken place itself, as well as has begun. 2 weeks ago this e a situation has repeated, only was accompanied still: at me feeling of a burning sensation and a dyscomfort in the field of a vagina, a pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly, at it or him - one-day allocation in the field of a head (scurf white on a head). And again in some days all has passed or has taken place. Besides at me 3,5 months are absent monthly (tests show absence of pregnancy, besides at me such delays happen quite often, the maximal term was - 9 months). The problem of a campaign to the doctor becomes complicated that at me is not present to a registration in Peter (I only I start to legalize papers, I come from Odessa), accordingly I can address only in private or individual clinics. However, at me very bad experience of dialogue with similar institutions and to go to the first got - simply I am afraid. Prompt how to enter, please, such situation? I understand, that in absentia anybody the diagnosis will not put me, can though someone can prompt, to itself it is possible to address, that it was reliable!!!! In advance thanks also I apologize for so big letter.

01.09.2004, 19:30
As you understand, having written at this forum, at you with the husband the infection of sexual ways takes place. It can be and a candidiasis (so-called *quot; ?????a*quot;) and genital herpes and something or something else. The combination of several infections is possible or probable.

Without the analysis anybody is exact cannot tell or say what is it and cannot appoint or nominate treatment. Therefore a unique real output or exit is the reference or manipulation with the husband in one of establishments where are engaged in inspection on ZPPP (the diseases passed sexual by). There it is necessary to hand over analyses on flora and on the latent infections (chlamydias, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, genital herpes). Now practically all the centers on inspection on ZPPP use modern methods of diagnostics - PTSR, the PIF, crop on superfine mediums. Therefore in your situation it is possible will address in any similar center, at least, for primary inspection.

Also do not forget about the delays monthly. Considering, that they at you long also happen often, it is possible to think of presence of the certain hormonal diseases. And it can lead to sterility or barrenness, nevynashivaniju to pregnancy, bleedings, etc. to you will need to address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist for the further inspection.

In occasion of to itself it is particularly possible to address is a question not for a forum since the publication of advertising here is not resolved.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob, can be you will advise somebody in Peter (on e-mail')??? My address: alenavmt@mail.ru! And how much, approximately, it can cost (inspection)?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Unfortunately, personally I there know nobody. And the prices depend on methods of inspection: PTSR costs or stands more dearly or expensively, than the PIF, but is much more sensitive. You need to address in some centers and to choose that to you on a pocket.

01.09.2004, 19:30

My name is Artem, I also is the husband...

Jacob, at me is some or a little bit questions... Before marriage or spoilage no similar attributes existing neither at me, nor at Alains... About use of condoms of speech does not go. On the left too nobody goes. Whence there was an infection? In fact it not the flu also is not passed air-dropwise by:), it seems. Houses are a cat, but it is pure or clean a pet who is not leaving on street...

On the other hand, it can be not an infectious disease???

For example, any boring (an allergy on something)?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Artem, similar questions to me often are set by husbands of the women coming on reception...: (

It is possible to argue on your situation much, but anything it will be impossible to tell or say particularly until you will not hand over analyses.

Whence there could be an infection? If it is a question of a candidiasis the fungus is at all people, but he is shown not at all and not always. For example, at some women the exacerbation of a thrush happens at crossing or moving on other residence, after bathing in some reservoirs, at reception of the certain medicines, etc.

About such infections as a chlamydia, etc. Even, if to admit or allow, that neither at you nor at your wife never was other sexual partners, that is probability of infection at sorts or labors from mother, as though it seemed strange for you.

Therefore an output or exit one - inspection, and further on a situation depending on its or his results.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vidat will have to go to hospital...:-/

In any case, Jacob, thanks for the information, we shall search for the reason...

By the way speaking... At a thrush, probably time or temporary (partial) sterility or barrenness?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I already wrote about it or this. The reason of sterility or barrenness can be hormonal diseases which are shown at your wife by long delays monthly. The thrush (candidiasis) cannot cause sterility or barrenness.