Просмотр полной версии : Also what now?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Kind time of day the doctor!

Prompt me please, that it is better to undertake in this situation.

All has begun with a cystitis and small vydeleny. It was surveyed on all ZPPP. Have found out much that: chlamydias, miko-and a ureaplasmosis, trihomoniaz. All method PTSR. And trihomoniaz the usual smear did not show, only PTSR. It was treated. Has remained trihomoniaz (PTSR). Still a course. PTSR shows, that all is pure or clean. In KVD take a smear - find out chlamydias. Speak, that the old material supposedly has probably got are not treated yet, wait. Has passed or has taken place still any time. Has handed over and PTSR and a smear in KVD. All is pure or clean.

Have remained only allocation and a bad general or common smear. The smear shows a leukocytosis (30). Allocation slivkoobraznye white. With hardly a sourish smell. Nothing hurts, does not itch, does not disturb. Only here this constant moisture. Yes, still there is a small erosion shejki.

The doctor, advise what to undertake? What analyses still to hand over? The doctor in an out-patient department all stuffs me with trays or basins with furatsillinom and summamedom. Inspections any does not appoint or nominate. AO-ANALYSES were mine innitsiativoj. In fact such leukocytosis is not normally. Pliz...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Similar, of you have not finished the cure. Come in MNITS *quot; eecCee*quot; (.204, 13-18, except for pn, sb, vs.). Will tell or say, that with RMS. We shall recheck.