Просмотр полной версии : Where to go to be treated?

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, and what?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I there handed over analyses .....:p

Is direct to go there?

And it is a lot of there to people?

And longly reception lasts?

I too had a good doctor-gynecologist (at institute), but I have already finished it or him and there the road is closed: (

So she accepted everyone on an hour!!!

It was necessary to sit in turn for 5 hours!!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes how to tell or say, but it was necessary to sit.. For 1.5 hours.......

01.09.2004, 19:30
Strange, ladies!

If you were have) such good doctors why all of you are treated and treated?:p

01.09.2004, 19:30
And from what you have solved, that all of us we are treated and treated... I for example am periodically checked..... Anybody does not speak, that you the bad doctor.... Or consider or count, that good doctors do not happen in Moscow..?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Such retorts Dvorjanchikov at all do not paint you.

Or your vanity or at you megalomania is touched?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes I at all am not painted, manicure I do not direct or I shall not bring in also a brow I do not pull out.:D and in general - speech not about me. And at all about the Moscow doctors as a whole. Speech about you. I, Milla, shall not believe, that for someone to dare to stay one and a half hour at a cabinet or study, not having any complaints to health - is simple so that *quot; OoNO?Oy?n*quot;. Exception, perhaps, pregnancy, or maniacal bent for to campaigns on doctors, chot in general too some kind of the complaint.

01.09.2004, 19:30
After pregnancy it is necessary to be checked up, as as.... Here also it was necessary to sit for 1.5 hours at a cabinet or study and to wait for the turn.. Tell or Say and you do not have turns??

01.09.2004, 19:30
No. At all of us - it is strict on record. There are, certainly, overlays. But that so to scoff at patients...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vladimir Vladimirovich, and you did not hurt or be ill;be sick, IPPP? Why you speak, that at you in clinic it is good, and in other clinics not so. And if for own conviction I handed over in several clinics, and everywhere is negative?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Why you speak, that at you in clinic it is good, and in other clinics not so.

In which place of discussion I it kazal?

I have only told or said, that repeatedly had an opportunity to be convinced of a low level of diagnostics in Gamalei and recommended, not being tempted on a signboard to address in KVD.

And you did not hurt or be ill;be sick, IPPP?

It is a question of personal character. On such if you not in a course, I essentially do not respond.

About why to hand over pomnogu time - it is useless, I already extended hardly above.

Maria Chebotaru
01.09.2004, 19:30
It turns out, what the most authentic results of analyses at you in clinic?

If is not present - that recommend clinics in Moscow (excepting KVD - for some reason there is no trust)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Very probably. Our diagnostics is not adhered to antigenic and genetic markers. Therefore we see any chlamydias and mycoplasmas, including, mutirovannye. We reveal or tap chlamydias a little bit more often, than KVD (though, happens and on the contrary). And it will well be coordinated or will well be agreeed;is well compounded with clinical displays.

Unfortunately, anything recommend in Moscow I can not, though itself I test from this inconvenience (the Moscow patients should be sent smears by train or by mail).

It would be desirable, that such firm was, but alas!

P.s. When has already added the report, has recollected, that Dr. Osipov (Osipov) has developed an interesting method of microbiological screening, osonovannyj on use of biochemical markers with application hromasspektrometrii. However, he yet does not diagnose mycoplasmoses and trihomoniaz. Look for its or his coordinates here - in recreation center RMS.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And what such recreation center RMS?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Osipov G.A. http: // www./microbdiag/;)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Debatable Club *quot; Russian Medical ?NOoNOa*quot;.

Didenko Belief
01.09.2004, 19:30
Also what he reveals or taps this method??? What ifektsii?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Descend or Go on a reference specified hardly above Calendar'.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think it will be clear and it is useful for people with medical education.

And we need to explain to simple inhabitants somehow easier.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The matter is that the reason of chronic diseases (except for cleanly traumatic) always infectious. (if someone knows other reasons - let will specify). Therefore, correctly having defined or determined and having eliminated or erased;removed the originator, it is possible to stop, at least, advance and to achieve indemnification even if the amazed or struck organs are already damaged or injured is irreversible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
What organs can be amazed or struck is irreversible at a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasmosis and t further?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear participants of discussion!

Resolve to me as a moderator of this forum, to clear up some moments discussed in given discussion.

1. Mr. Dvorjanichkov propagandizing here the clinic and an infectious parentage of all illnesses or diseases (fortunately, except for traumas), has no medical education. Therefore its or his applications or statements need to concern to all in view of the given circumstance. Following its or his advice or councils, you act on the pavor and risk.

2. A method d.b.n. Osipova G.A. is the experimental method developed by it which have not received while official diffusion in a clinical practice. Therefore, following the conclusions made with use of this method, you also act on the pavor and risk.

3. At our forum advertising of medical institutions and methods of treatment is forbidden. Therefore convincingly I ask participants of discussion to not publish addresses of establishments, phones, links and their sites, etc. the Similar information will be removed without the prevention or warning.

As to the problems stated by participants of discussion in Moscow, as well as in any other large city, there is a big number of the centers, clinics and experts which can treat ZPPP. The given problem is not so complex or difficult as it looks or appears under reports of some participants of a forum. Any *quot; ?iUO*quot; methods of diagnostics it is not required. What are now accessible, quite solve the problems or tasks. For treatment are developed well-known to experts of a technique who, as a rule, give good result.

Natalia Jurchenko
01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, to ask you to prove any of your insinuations I do not try any more. Confirm even the thesis that in Mosvke effectively treat (in sense - cure) mentioned ZPPP: will invite these poor fellows to itself to treatment! And when these ladies after ineffectual circulation, at last, will send you where follow, then I shall borrow or occupy in them. And then we shall look or see, who from us does not have medical education. Or to you this thesis of the attitude or relation has no? Or it is weak?

imported_ Item
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear the Water-melon!

I then vaguely understand the purpose of a forum if the sick patient searches advice or council, and also a place where to him can kvalifitsirovanno help or assist, forbidding to publish addresses!

If the patient has no friends friends in the field of medicine which could give good advice or council to her it is necessary as well as to me to wander 5 years from one institution to another in search *quot; OO?Nu*quot; the doctor, at that leaving not the small sum of money!!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Really! And what for then the design of a forum stipulates the button *quot; www*quot;, also what then here to do or make to Mr. Kamenetskomu without the extensive signature-advertising? Mr. fadeev, is remembered, already attacked this kuchku. He, certainly, has achieved the benefit performance, but spectators on itself have not appeared, except for pair pensioners-.