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01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not know that to me to do or make, since I am flied or treated longly enough, and result for a week. What is the dysbacteriosis of a vagina and how it is treated? What smptomy thus. To me appointed or nominated Trichopolum, metrogel, klotrimozol, nizoral and it is a lot of dr. Eventually have told or said, what is it it is very longly treated, appointed or nominated bifidumbakterin in current of month to drink and on a wad in a vagina. And still, if not bespokit it is possible to not treat. But menjaochen disturbs a smell, allocation. Exists what nibud an effective method of treatment???

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: Arina

I do not know that to me to do or make, since I am flied or treated longly enough, and result for a week. What is the dysbacteriosis of a vagina and how it is treated? Exists what nibud an effective method of treatment???

Dear Arina!

The dysbacteriosis is a change mikrobioty (that is change of structure of microorganisms) what or an organ in comparison with norm or rate. For an establishment of such fact it is necessary to spend the analysis of quantitative conformity of concentration of probably greater number of microorganisms of an organ, to define or determine those from them which concentration have clinically significant differences from normal value or meanings;importance (both in the positive party or side, and in negative) and to choose tactics of treatment directed on normalization of a microflora for a concrete case. Probably, in view of that circumstance, that frequently the dysbacteriosis in a concrete organ is connected with a dysbacteriosis of an intestine and consequently happens, as at you, *quot; result on ?NnN??*quot;, if to not begin normalization mikrobioty with an intestine. At such approach the probability of treatment essentially increases.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. a-dynes Osipov! You could not answer a question.

Let's tell or say, a sick pneumonia or what nibud an abscess receives we shall tell or say Ciprofloxacin within a week. And suddenly at it or him the diarrhea begins.

1. Whether a dysbacteriosis it? If yes, what bacteria? Also what to do or make as to treat?

Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Libman_Saks!

Should make a reservation, that I not the doctor, and the microbiologist - the diagnostician working a new molecular method with use of masses-spectrometries. Therefore to first two questions I respond with the full responsibility, and on the third - it is schematical.

On well-known representations such diarrhea is willingly considered or examined;surveyed as induced by an antibiotic. Consider or count that she monoetiologichna. Find out as the agent often Clostridium difficile less often Cl.perfringens, Klebsiella oxytoca and other microorganisms. The term a dysbacteriosis thus is not used. Actually he takes place at any problems connected with an intestine if to supervise a wide spectrum of microbes immediately in an intestine or on microbial markers in a blood as it is done or made by us (sm clause or article in section Microbial diagnostics of this site - button WWW). We confirm presence specified above microorganisms, but two second meet more often, than C.difficile. Besides other components of a microflora of an intestine variously behave. Laktobatsilly and bifidobakterii change concentration in tens times, as aside augmentations, and decreases. It is desirable for knowing before application of probiohabit spasms. The microflora of excrements in this case is not adequate to the microbiostorage of an intestinal wall - there other kinds laktobatsill and bifidobaktery.

Further concentration (again in the different parties or sides - disbioz) streptomitsetov, rodokokkov, streptococcuses, various anaerobov and five tens other organisms, which monitorirujutsja in these researches essentially varies.

The data set on microbial markers gives enough material for fast treatment by application of set of probiohabit spasms, antibiotics and other known agents of normalization of a microflora, but under the certain script which is developed or produced by the doctors using detailed data on a status mikrobioza of an intestinal wall. On intestinal problems is a unit of a pathology of a thin intestine of Institute of gastroenterology in Moscow.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for the answer.

Still it would be desirable to learn or find out, how the dysbacteriosis is treated.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Arina!

The dysbacteriosis is treated especially individually according to detailed research of disturbances of a microbial bionomics of an intestine. I emphasize - an intestine, instead of excrements as it is accepted in the majority of medical establishments. The microflora of excrements has very remote attitude or relation to a microbiocenosis of an intestinal wall and an event on her to the vital metabolism. Many doctors consider or count treatment disbioza on the basis of data of the bacteriological analysis of excrements as employment or occupation long, expensive and useless.

Treatment, I repeat, individual, in view of a prehistory and klinichiskih displays of the concrete patient. Therefore the general or common prescription is not present, besides that I have mentioned in the last report: a complex of actions on normalization of a microflora by probiohabit spasms, prebiotikami, antibiotics and other agents depending on the basic diagnosis and a status of the patient.

I wish to pay attention that a dysbacteriosis - not the diagnosis, and a status or a syndrome which can accompany with the most various diseases. Or to be their reason. It not only intestinal diseases, but also dermal (atopichesky a dermatitis, eczemas, ugrevatost, a psoriasis, etc.), urogenital (vaginites, prostatites urethrites, a pyelonephritis, etc.). Many inflammations of other organs and fevers of a unknown etiology appear connected with change of structure of microorganisms of an intestine.

Thus it is clear, why it is impossible to name *quot; a medicine from n??iaONO??a*quot;.