Просмотр полной версии : Thrush!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors! Very much I ask, help or assist advice or council!

In September after week illness or disease (has strongly caught a cold) at me has appeared about a burning sensation in a vagina (especially after washing), has handed over the analysis have told or said, key cells as I should go on a hysteroscopy to me the nurse are raised or increased has made processing a vagina (agents, unfortunately, I I do not remember) after a hysteroscopy drank antibiotics Nistatinum, have written out about (cream), has passed or has taken place course of treatment of 7 days, signs have passed or have taken place all, then again accepted antibiotics (as in me it is found out hr. An endometritis) has decided to hand over a smear key cells in norm or rate, but have found out a thrush it was treated terzhestanom 10 days, has again handed over a smear it's OK, but in a week there was a strong itch, again a smear and again a thrush: (the doctor has told or said, that I have not finished the cure of it or her and have advised to accept further terzhestan or indometotsin, and also to do or make wads from sodium tetraboratom. Leucocytes at me in norm or rate, on all an infection was checked three (a smear from tsirkvialnogo the channel) not that have not found out time. It would be desirable to learn or find out, why so longly there does not pass or there take place a thrush, whether correct have appointed or nominated treatment?

In advance thanks for answers!

In advance sposibo for answers!

Irina Gordeyev
01.09.2004, 19:30
Candidiasis (thrush) and key cells (bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz) - not the unique reasons of similar complaints. On what particularly infections you were surveyed also by what method (the REEF, PTSR, crop) was done or made the analysis?

As to concrete a candidiasis in similar cases it is meaningful to spend not only local treatment, but also reception of preparations of type Difljukana. Terzhinan gives quite good effect at nespetsicheskom a vaginitis, but at a candidiasis he is not so effective. From local preparations operate or work Ginezol, gino-NoaO?? is better, etc.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I was surveyed on uriaplozmoz, mikoplozmoz, a cytomegalovirus, a clamidiosis, a toxoplasmosis, a herpes, trihomaniaz (that that I remember:)) on herpes handed over a blood it is found out and 1 and in 2 in a stage of remission, in a smear the herpes are not found out, and the analysis which took from tsikvialnogo the channel here is how is called, alas I do not know, but this all handed over a heap...

Allocation at me were always before an ovulation transparent and viscous, and after white smetanoobraznye, the sourish smell, but not strong and not unpleasant can hardly...

It is lovely It is new
01.09.2004, 19:30
Occurrence liquid, transparent vydeleny before an ovulation which then become white and more dense, is norm or rate and treatment does not demand. The another matter if they have an obvious, disturbing smell or is changes in analyses.

As a result, I recommend you to spend treatment by the mentioned preparations and then to repeat the analysis on a candidiasis. In case the result will be negative - to spend treatment eubiotikami (atsilakt, laktobakterin, etc.) for restoration of normal flora in a vagina (at presence of a thrush these preparations to use it is impossible).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer!!!

It would be desirable to learn or find out in what kollichestvah to apply these preparations and what is the time?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Your attending physician should respond to these questions - in absentia purposes or appointments are not done or made.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And more it would be desirable to specify, I on December, 9th shall do or make a laparoscopy, it is necessary to be treated up to or after it or her, in fact all the same pridetsja to accept antibiotics?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is necessary to be treated up to it or her and to hand over check analysises.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It would be desirable to mention the second (obligatory) stage of treatment of all vulval or vaginal infections - normalization of a microflora of a vagina. Very much in this plan it is pleasant to me pr-O *quot; eau??a*quot;. Without it or this treatment will not be enough possible or probable efektivnym.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For what to be treated?

The diagnosis have not put, and advice or councils nedavali!

The doctor [an obscene adjective]!