Просмотр полной версии : Negative PTSR, but...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors, your consultation is very necessary.

2 months ago the analysis (we plan children) is made. Before not lechilach from what. Result - lejk. 15-24. disbioz, the Trichomonas (in a usual smear is found out!). Allocation without a smell, moderated or moderate, periodic, at a desiccation hardly yellowish color. Any pains, a burning sensation and t d. A course - makmiror - atrikan-- (in rasschete for 1,5 months) + intensive local treatment. After makmirora and atrikana (22 days) has addressed to the doctor, t to were by-effects and besides pains in the top part of a hip joint from the right and left party or side, a pain under the left scapula, sometimes heart slightly. All separately is not lethal, but together it is not healthy. (before treatment nothing disturbed.) The doctor has told or said, that would be strange, if did not hurt or be ill;be sick, but I nevertheless did not begin to accept naksodzhin and tiberal (now when has reached your site, certainly, I repent). As a result of it or this kutsego course of treatment nothing has changed, except that vydeleny became much more and more often. Has addressed to other doctor. In a mirror - it is healthy, a smear - continuous coccal flora, leucocytes - 8-10. Analits PTSR - negative on all standard set from 6 infections, and also on a Trichomonas. Are found out only gardnerelly. (on a gonorrhea not sdevala) My question: whether is though any probability of that from chronic trihomoniaza I have recovered, and my present disbioz - result of treatment or *quot; simply lowered ???O??ONOa*quot;? From a contained site I have understood, that the best way to make sure - to sow. A question - when? (from the moment of last tablet has passed or has taken place 1,5 months, But now I under the reference of the doctor fly or treat simpotomatiku (5 days ointment on Trichopolum). Whether medium Doubela-Leydloy there where take analyses on crop is Enough known? If crop will give a positive take on a Trichomonas. Whether it is possible to be treated only naksozhdinom and tiberalom + local treatment? Izvenite, that has borrowed or occupied so a lot of place. Thanks in advance,


01.09.2004, 19:30
Trichomonases here, similar, niprichem. Possibly, there were solderings, and resorptional therapy has exposed the infections immured in them.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu

thanks for the answer. Only now I zputalas absolutely.

Whether what you could assume solderings the doctor at survey precisely could suspect them means and has registered to me such lethal and long course (each preparation in almost double doses in comparison with the instruction), and at all because of trihomoniaza?

Solderings - result something very chronic? (abortions were not) whether Should though somehow to be shown earlier? An opportunity zaberemennet in the near future under greater or big doubt? How to learn or find out, whether solderings it and whether to treat now in general vaginoz with a dysbacteriosis? Whether something means what is usual at disbioze flora would like mixed, and at me - continuous coccal? Thanks,


P S If treatment has provoked all infections why has not shown analysis PTSR? Because of solderings?

Persi Stent
01.09.2004, 19:30
On idea, them should find out at survey. But sometimes they settle down in trudnodosjagaemyh sites and can be nezamecheny. Treatment has not provoked any new infections. There was a change dominating.

Be passed or taken place on a symptomatology (a pain, allocation, character of a menses), can, suspect that.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, Dr. Dvorjanchikov,

I, certainly, can be passed or taken place on a symptomatology itself, but I am afraid, as a maternity fever I can find among proch. If you not so mind, I am possible is better with you I shall be passed or shall be taken place: the pain - is not present, zhzhenie-is not present, an itch - sometimes, seldom. Allocation (now, after treatment) - absolutely same, as well as were earlier, only every day. (the smell - is not present, color and a consistence - milk or dairy yoghurt, then - hardly is yellow. A shade). Please, I all the same would ask you to advise, (in fact same not the guide to action but only your advice or council - I understand):

1. To not treat a dysbacteriosis, to try somebody to give birth

2. To treat a dysbacteriosis and .1

3. To treat, but not disbioz (then what again need to be made analyses and in what days of a cycle on what inf. Better)

Excuse for meticulousness, at me it is pure or clean shkurnyj interest: I try for myself, t to all life to feel guilty to own child not so it would be desirable. Thanks in advance, Olga

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, simtomy at you is closer to a thrush. However, you inform nothing on a menses. In particular, about pains up to, during or after a menses (is/is not present if is when and where exactly; can, were) earlier, and it is a good diagnostic attribute. The regularity, a profuseness and character vydelenj during a menses matters also.

tatiana N.
01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu.

Vladimir Vladimirovich,

Pains before and after a menses at me are not present (only sometimes a little *quot; On?NO*quot; in a bottom of a stomach or belly in before the beginning of a menses). Earlier never was be ill or sick too. The cycle now jumps 29-30 days after has stopped to accept to Diana-35 (4 years). Menstr. 6 days (the first 3 days plentifully, then absolutely slightly last.) to not take away from you time if you will not respond to this report I then shall think, that, anyway, from that that I before have written, it is not necessary to suspect something serious. Well and with gardnerellami and a dysbacteriosis clearly what to do or make.

Many thanks to you for advice or councils and that have found for me time.


01.09.2004, 19:30
For the long practice in the field of ZPPP I nirazu did not meet premenstrual pains and gardnerell without chlamydias. neotchetlisvost signs, probably, it is connected from receptions hormonal LS. They sharply reduce estestvnnyj immunity to chlamydias. There is no immunity - accordingly, there is no also a morbidity. gardnerelly any danger to an organism do not represent. They - no more, than the indicator slow ZPPP (it is possible or probable also intoxications).

You, probably, can glance on my site (http: // panacea.narod.ru). There there is something on a symptomatology.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu.

Has glanced, thanks. But in fact them (gardnerell) have found out under analysis PTSR. If, how you write, they at all peacefully live at the majority healthy as PTSR can not find them?! But all the same, to be convinced, what to do or make further? Advise to hand over better, maybe, please one more analysis PTSR (on a chlamydia) in any certain days of a cycle?

Thanks, Olja

01.09.2004, 19:30
In PTSR there is a limiting concentration (time of an operating time) below which

01.09.2004, 19:30
In PTSR the limit of concentration (time of an operating time) below which signal is pawned is doubtful. Casual separate gardnerellu, the chlamydia, a mycoplasma or any virus can be found resolutely everywhere. However such *quot; ?oNOO?Oo?Oo?ON?y??Oy*quot; at all does not stir or prevent method to say lies in both possible or probable parties or sides.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu.

Everything, I surrender. If all is almost clear, it is necessary to treat. Chlamydias. Than? (H'M too will approach or suit, even it is better, certainly. Whether is in gomeapat. S.Peterburga's drugstores something not less effective than himeoterapija?.) Prompt, please. The chemistry (in small amounts) + can?.

Thanks, Olja

P S Analysis IFA in any case will show presence of antibodies? In sense if he otritsitelnyj for certain was never and if positive - that is not clear. Yes?

natalja dybina
01.09.2004, 19:30
IFA is in general *quot; ink ?oNO*quot;.

Is better, perhaps, the PIF. On official priznanniju he gives somewhere 2 chances from 3.

In homeopathic drugstores there are, certainly, agents, at least, not conceding, to antibiotics. But to them it is required prilozhenitse in the form of good (or very good) a homeopathist. If you too from Peter, at you are chance to be treated practically on holjavku. It is necessary to confirm only the diagnosis *quot; O?a??n??*quot; a method the PIF (or crop) before treatment and to someone them there to show or present, and after treatment to be checked up in the same place and as and too to show or present result. I incur the rest.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu

The doctor, at me in connection with a freebie bad luck not less chronic, than a clamidiosis prospective by you. The matter is that yes, I from Peter, but tomorrow, to be exact, already today, I leave Lithuania-- and I shall return to the St.-P. only in the middle of February. So, the freebie, as always, has not happened. You could not write to me how the PIF is deciphered and translated in English, t to in nek. Former sister republics not doctors in Russian speak all or not everyone want, and the PIF to do or make it is necessary.

If you do not mind, I shall inform you on results and if suddenly to my arrival to Peter still will be an opportunity to participate in experiment and to recover at the same time, I certainly, necessarily would agree. Business in fact not in a freebie (though and in her too), and that two my girlfriends (not two of.., and those two with which I can discuss similar problems) are treated for a clamidiosis and so forth and quot; ?OUOUO*quot; 2.5 (!!) and 0.5 years accordingly, spending for treatment are more, than earn together with the husbands. At such charges they, certainly, do or make all how doctors have registered, and those, in turn, speak, that one of them was not treated and that in general *quot; all muzhiks should be heated in sulfuric ???ON*quot;. How much are treated from otgo around I do not know, but I guess.

I wish to be justified simply for the ease think.

I am very grateful to you for participation and advice or councils as soon as I shall make the test, I shall write.


01.09.2004, 19:30
PIF - a direct immunofluorescence. There are some more versions. But the short that (in the elementary variant) the smear (instead of a blood as at IFA), it is processed on glass by chemically modified antibodies to chlamydias undertakes, and then is washed from excess of antibodies. These antibodies (in an ideal) *quot; O??Oa?O*quot; only to chlamydias and it is more to what. And they are modified in such a manner that when on them invisible ultra-violet light gets, they start to be shone (to fluoresce), but already visible (it is usual, greenish) by light. Therefore, at examining a smear irradiated by a ultraviolet in darkness, the chlamydias which have been stuck round by antibodies, are learned or found out on a bright luminescence. But costs or stands to them *quot; Ona??*quot; smutirovat or to undergo to some chemical influences as antibodies cease to have a seat on them or have a seat, but the fluorescence is extinguished, and nothing is visible. Besides not skilled or experienced laboratory assistant can accept for alive chlamydias for a long time victims or at all chlamydias, and any objects adsorbing albuminous molecules, including, antibodies.

And girlfriends if at them analyses after treatment on arms or hand, can agitate (on the same conditions).

01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Dvorjanchikovu

About girlfriends. At that which was treated with 2,5 years, at a laparoscopy (it is not confident, that has correctly written, but something similar) have found out body height mucous. Now to her already anything in general to treat it would not be desirable. And the second I shall necessarily tell or say before departure if she will agree, will write to a forum for you.

Thanks for the detailed answer,


01.09.2004, 19:30
Not so clearly, that have found out, but, probably, solderings and-or polyps - eternal satellites of a clamidiosis. But it is not clearer, why it has served as an occasion for refusal of treatment.