Просмотр полной версии : Golden staphilococcus

01.09.2004, 19:30

I wish to consult at you in a following occasion. At the wife bakposev has shown golden stafilokok, and at us 24 week has gone. Zdali the complex analysis on a chlamydia also that that still, anything else lohogo was not revealed, repeated bakposev has confirmed staf (and also its or his strong susceptibility to antibiotics is known). The doctor has appointed or nominated all over again suppositories pimafutsin, but has then decided to replace them on furadonin (on 1 tab. In a vagina for the night). In occasion of this preparation I have not found good responses, only bad. Moreover contraindications to alergetikam, and she at me to them concerns. Here we now also think as better to act or arrive. And absence too to good will not result or bring treatment.

Alain Li
01.09.2004, 19:30
At me too was Stafilokok Golden, that I can tell or say, Pimafutsin preporat good, but appoint or nominate it or him at treatment of a -consequence of antibiotics.. Or can be them prevent, and on the bill of treatment stafilokoka so I have recovered due to intramuscular injections... Simply suppositories here hardly than will help or assist..