Просмотр полной версии : Ureaplasma: whether so continence in protsese treatments is necessary?

Doctor Nazimova E.M.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear experts, develop or dispell my doubts.

My attending physician has found out in me a ureaplasma and has appointed or nominated corresponding or meeting treatment to me and my husband.

Unfortunately, I can not ask a question to immediately her,

She in holiday, and with treatment to tighten or delay it would not be desirable.

Question in the following.

For the period of treatment it is recommended to refuse a sexual life.

1) whether it is obligatory in case we with the husband are treated together, and sexual contacts to someone another at us are not present and will not be?

2) whether means it what to abstain it is necessary from all kinds of sex? Whether the oral and proctal or anal variant is resolved?

3) this continence what for is necessary?

In advance blagodana,


01.09.2004, 19:30

Continence is desirable, but in fact absolute trues do not happen. In *quot; aoaO??*quot; situations recollect about a condom. These measures to prevent risk of a repeated becoming infected are necessary all, in fact there is no guarantee, that the partner does not forget to be treated...

01.09.2004, 19:30

I already some times flaunters at a forum the same question. Unfortunately, experts modestly keep silent. Can you me educate?

It is a lot of questions at a forum began with a phrase: in me have found out (usually PTSR), a ureaplasma . I emphasize, a ureaplasma, instead of a ureaplasmosis since complaints, clinical displays were absent. You are assured, what in this case, in general, it is necessary to appoint or nominate treatment (antibiotics)?

In advance I thank for the answer. Yours faithfully.

S Tatiana
01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, Tatyana, after: PTSR, naturally, qualitative. (quantitative definition - almost that exotic)

And an accompanying question: I understand, that data on diffusion of a ureaplasma among the population are inconsistent enough, but nevertheless on vskidku, at whom percent or interest of the population if to try (to take material for analysis in several places) is possible to find out by means of PTSR a ureaplasma or dr. ycoplasmataceae?

And, if it has not complicated you, it would be curious to discuss in this plan and other infections which have been found out by such complex microbiological searches at patients of any potentially pathogenic microorganisms, with the purpose of obligatory treatment of all sexual partners.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vladimir Jakovlevich,

In my opinion, here the basic question of the patient on continence during treatment. Which in perplexity for what and what good purposes during treatment is necessary this interdiction. If I am not right - to you a word. And questions on a ureaplasma and facultative flora already it was many times discussed in other discussions. Besides in fact the patient while has not mentioned with a word about any other conditions...

01.09.2004, 19:30
It agree, Tatyana!

I have used a question on a ureaplasma and have returned to a subject only indirectly connected with an initial question. But I believe, that this subject nevertheless is wider than a question on continence.

At me the impression was made, that you are not afraid to state the position on any questions, however or as ambiguous they would not be. And it is interesting to me to hear your opinion.

01.09.2004, 19:30
We live together. Also we are treated too together. We do or make each other nyxes. I am assured, that my partner does not forget is treated. Whether correctly I have understood, what in this case continence can be cancelled?

Yes, also what in occasion of other kinds of sex?

Whether the becoming infected through oral or proctal or anal contact is possible or probable?:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vladimir Jakovlevich,

As a question on treatment of a ureaplasma disputable enough, and we already many times fractured spears in attempts to find the answer, I do not think, that it is meaningful to begin all over again.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Understand, finally a choice for you.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Excuse my persistence, but I do not receive answers to directly put questions. Questions which cannot be solved in any way only my choice as my choice should be supported by knowledge which I hope to receive here.

Asked twice I have replaced a question, that you pay attention only to its or his first part. The second part of a question has remained in a shadow.

I ask you, if it in your competence, otvette:

Whether probably repeated becoming infected a ureaplasma by means of oral or proctal or anal contact?