Просмотр полной версии : How to understand the analysis on TSMV?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear sirs,

Please, help or assist to understand. Has handed over the analysis of a blood on antibodies to a cytomegalovirus. Result IgM - it is not revealed, IgG 45.0. What does it mean? Whether there can pass or take place because of it or this a dysbacteriosis and-or a thrush?

In advance thanks.


01.09.2004, 19:30
The analysis has been made in connection with pregnancy?

I believe, that the doctor has already calmed you: a variant (IgM-, IgG +) quite favorable. TSMV, in this case, danger to a fetus does not represent.

The direct communication between a cytomegalovirus and a candidiasis (thrush) is not present. But presence at you a proof (recurring) candidiasis testifies, that with immunity at you is not so brilliant. And immunity the main guarantee, that any infection "sleeping" in your organism at pregnancy suddenly will not lift a head. (the last, in a greater degree, not to a question about TSMV: just to this virus an organism at you on the lookout).

01.09.2004, 19:30
I wish to add, that it is quite good to make still PTSR a smear with shejki uteruses and mucous vaginas on TSMV. There is Enough often in III trimester there is exacerbation TSMV.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for answers.

The analysis has been made in connection with that already almost two years at all there does not pass or there take place a thrush. It was treated by different agents but as soon as course of treatment came to an end, next day all again began. The doctor any more does not know what to do or make. Strangely enough, last analysis (crop) a thrush has not shown a tank, and has shown a staphilococcus. But all the same signs of a thrush are. The doctor has registered to drink preparation Vobenzim.

What to do or make? Any more I do not know...


01.09.2004, 19:30
Vobenzim certainly not an output or exit, though a preparation good.

Disturbance of a microbiocenosis of a vagina process polietiologichnyj, however I recommend all taki to listen to the previous advice or councils and to make the following

1. PTSR a smear with shejki uteruses and mucous vaginas on TSMV, a herpes, a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasma

2. An immunogram (research of immunity)

3. IFA on Candidia albicans

4. Hormones method IFA

5. The biochemical analysis krovina Saccharum

01.09.2004, 19:30
On a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasma, a herpes, a clamidiosis I handed over analyses, result negative. Saccharum in a blood - lowered. And what such IFA on Candida albicans?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Than in more detail you tell about yourselves, it is especially probable, that correspondence references of doctors at a forum will appear productive. When (then) you had "thrush"? What for this time have been made analyses, results? What treatment, results? Accompanying diseases, disturbances, predilection to allergies? To inform age, pregnancy, about long (if was) reception of antibiotics. Whether accept peroral hormonal contraceptives, what? And t. Item

01.09.2004, 19:30
polnost I join Mr. Zajtsevu.

IFA on IgG Candida albicans-this definition of antibodies to mushrooms of a sort kandida in a blood

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for your answers! I Shall try to tell more in detail about the case, I hope you will not tire so long story:-)...

To me of 24 year, pregnancy was not, hormonal contraceptives I do not accept. The thrush has appeared at me in March, 2002 after I have had been ill with an acute bronchitis and drank antibiotics (Ofloksin, 10 days), since then unsuccessfully try to get rid of it or her. (up to this case the thrush appeared time three for 7 years, and each time it happened or was possible after reception of strong antibiotics - was ill or sick with a pneumonia 2 times and once an angina - however, always cured a thrush very quickly by means of local treatment "brown" or Nistatinum).

In the spring 2002 treated a thrush besides brown (wads, 10 days), during treatment signs vanished, but in two days after end of treatment again appeared. I have repeated course of treatment, the same history. Then it has started to be syringed by a solution of baking soda, 10 days, result same, course of treatment repeated.

In July 2002 has handed over a smear. Results: the epithelium - is a lot of; leucocytes - it is a lot of; erythrocytes - are not present; a microflora - it is mixed., it is a lot of; Trichomonases, gonokokki and cells with attributes of atypia - not obnar.; many spores Candidae is found. Under the reference of the doctor applied suppositories Pimafutsin of 6 days and saw Atsipol of 10 days. Treatment was effective, all signs have disappeared, but approximately in a week the thrush has started over again. I have repeated course of treatment + applied suppositories Viferon in a rectum according to the doctor, the same result - passes or takes place all and there and then begins.

Later used suppositories polizhenaks of 10 days, all over again there was an improvement, but somewhere for 7-8 day became worse. Later after a while I was once again treated Pimafutsinom 10 days, saw Bifidum Bakterin and one tablet Difljukan, but for the second day after reception Difljukana has begun a thrush.

Used suppositories Bifidum Bakterin and laktobakterii, has not helped or assisted.

In September of this year I have spent treatment by suppositories Candibene of 6 days, in parallel saw Bifiform 1 month and Immunal 1 month, a course of application Candibene repeated time two or three through short term. Treatment helped or assisted, but after end of course Candibene in two-rub or -three days again there were signs of a thrush. Though as a whole after that the thrush is a little treatment oslabla also became not such acute (now though somehow to live it is possible:-).

After that in November has handed over a smear in full confidence, that at me a thrush, and surprising business - its or her smear has not shown (Result of the analysis: the epithelium - is a lot of; leucocytes - 18-20; a microflora - a polymorph. melk. Has fallen., coccuses). The doctor recommended to be syringed by a spirituous solution hlorofillipta, locally to apply a cream Clotrimazolum and to drink Nizoral 5 days in the morning and in the evening, that I and did or made, and for 4-th day of reception Nizorala there was a strong itch and reddening.

Has handed over a smear on bacteriological research, results: koagulazonegativnye, number laktobatsill staphilococcuses are found in norm or rate. Has handed over a smear on a clamidiosis, a mycoplasma, a ureaplasma - it is not revealed. Has handed over a blood: 1) a glucose - 3.5 (at norm or rate 3.9-6.4 ???y/l); 2) anti-HSV I and II IgG - not obnar.; 3) anti-HSV IgM - not obnar.; 4) anti-CMV IgG - 45.0 (norm or rate *lt; 10 not obnar.; 10-200 obnar. iN/ML); 5) anti-CMV IgM - not obnar.

The doctor speaks, that I do not have anything super terrible, obvious the sign of a thrush does not see. On my sensations the thrush is - white curdled allocation in a small amount, an itch, an acidic smell from a vagina, from time to time reddening. The doctor does not know, than to me to help or assist, has told or said to wash out a solution of soda, but it does not help or assist.

From other diseases at me the adenoid disease, happens a pharyngitis, any maculae in tongue appear and vanish, on a skin ugrevaja an eruption. Allergies are not present (though has noticed an allergy on virus ORZ - whether can such be? - when last two times fell or was ill with a flu with temperature, red maculae on all skin started to appear, drank Suprastinum and they disappeared ).

Here my history for last two years Excuse, that such long story, tried anything important to not miss
