Просмотр полной версии : So the infection vsetaki is or not??

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is more five years ago, on 9-th month beremmenosti at me have found out trihomoniaz. I, naturally to sin on the husband, but he swore, that such cannot be. Me have put in hospital for treatment, but to treat and were not in time, since I ch/? have given birth to week.... Approximately ch/? mesjau - two sorts or labors I again began to go to an out-patient department on treatment. It was longly treated, then handed over analyses, it was again treated it.d. Eventually I have simply spat upon all treatment. (the child vsetaki small, demands a lot of time...).

Later 2 years I again have gone to hospital (has decided vsetaki to finish treatment). Has passed or has taken place ten-day course of treatment - simply terribly to recollect!!! Medicines dorogushchie, thus to me put such boljuchie nyxes, that when I came home at me the temperature rose and me twisted as the narcomaniac in lomke!

After that I have handed over the analysis, he has shown that like that's all right. Have made provocation - after that analyses have again appeared bad... On the second course of treatment I have not gone...

One and a half year ago I have again decided to borrow or occupy in the health, have taken the husband and we have gone or send in dermatovenerologic despanser to be checked up and if it is necessary to undergo treatment.

I at once have told or said on the first reception that once found trihomoniaz, but have not finished the cure. Began to take analyses - like that's all right. Leucocytes raised or increased, but within the limits of norm or rate. Have made provocation - too most. But, speak, time there was an infection - anywhere is got to not could! Both again, and again - analyses, provocations. While I was bothered besides also with me simply have not gone on the next reception. At the husband vobshche have found nothing. Two provocations - purely or cleanly have made!

So I would like to learn or find out - the infection vsetaki is or not. Can it is simple then, during pregnancy were mistaken also I in vain I worry? Unless can be such, what at the wife is, and at the husband is not present?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is more five years ago, on 9-th month beremmenosti at me have found out trihomoniaz. I, naturally to sin on the husband, but he swore, that such cannot be. Me have put in hospital for treatment, but to treat and were not in time, since I ch/? have given birth to week.... Approximately ch/? mesjau - two sorts or labors I again began to go to an out-patient department on treatment. It was longly treated, then handed over analyses, it was again treated it.d. Eventually I have simply spat upon all treatment. (the child vsetaki small, demands a lot of time...).

Later 2 years I again have gone to hospital (has decided vsetaki to finish treatment). Has passed or has taken place ten-day course of treatment - simply terribly to recollect!!! Medicines dorogushchie, thus to me put such boljuchie nyxes, that when I came home at me the temperature rose and me twisted as the narcomaniac in lomke!

After that I have handed over the analysis, he has shown that like that's all right. Have made provocation - after that analyses have again appeared bad... On the second course of treatment I have not gone...

One and a half year ago I have again decided to borrow or occupy in the health, have taken the husband and we have gone or send in dermatovenerologic despanser to be checked up and if it is necessary to undergo treatment.

I at once have told or said on the first reception that once found trihomoniaz, but have not finished the cure. Began to take analyses - like that's all right. Leucocytes raised or increased, but within the limits of norm or rate. Have made provocation - too most. But, speak, time there was an infection - anywhere is got to not could! Both again, and again - analyses, provocations. While I was bothered besides also with me simply have not gone on the next reception. At the husband vobshche have found nothing. Two provocations - purely or cleanly have made!

So I would like to learn or find out - the infection vsetaki is or not. Can it is simple then, during pregnancy were mistaken also I in vain I worry? Unless can be such, what at the wife is, and at the husband is not present?

As I understand you... We Toil with the same.

To us with the husband spoke, that such can be. However, a prostatitis/urethritis simply so do not happen, as it has appeared.

And diagnostics of infections limps usually - with or without provocation. So after 4-years of attempts to diagnose us it or him, at last, bdagodarja to me, have put. But here it has appeared, as with treatment - a problem. For - fastness to lek.sredstvam and with methods of check izlechennosti - a problem. PTSR at us nothing shows at a normal status. However, as well as a usual smear.

Here so.:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
As I understand you... We Toil with the same.

To us with the husband spoke, that such can be. However, a prostatitis/urethritis simply so do not happen, as it has appeared.

And diagnostics of infections limps usually - with or without provocation. So after 4-years of attempts to diagnose us it or him, at last, bdagodarja to me, have put. But here it has appeared, as with treatment - a problem. For - fastness to lek.sredstvam and with methods of check izlechennosti - a problem. PTSR at us nothing shows at a normal status. However, as well as a usual smear.

Here so.:)

Well also what to do or make?! Vsetaki to continue to go and hand over infinite analyses... But in fact I work and I can not ask for leave endlessly, and how much money for it leaves! In fact all platno... But vsetaki has decided to try or taste once again. But this time on reception I have not told or said, that found once... If something will find this time - I shall be treated, and is not present, well and it is perfect...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well also what to do or make?! Vsetaki to continue to go and hand over infinite analyses... But in fact I work and I can not ask for leave endlessly, and how much money for it leaves! In fact all platno... But vsetaki has decided to try or taste once again. But this time on reception I have not told or said, that found once... If something will find this time - I shall be treated, and is not present, well and it is perfect...

And to do or make nothing.

I was nervous, twitched. And has then thought: how much people around of me live and does not know, why this or that hurts. And the NOBILITY DOES NOT WANT.

The husband for the present has not reconciled. Still torpently searches for the doctor.

Certainly, if to me have given a guarantee that will precisely cure, both of us once again would pass or take place this nightmare of treatment. But nobody gives. Or on- offer that we already unsuccessfully passed or took place. Or do not believe.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well here and I so think... As nothing disturbs me, the husband too... If have not told or said then that have found, we even would not guess!