Просмотр полной версии : Infections pursue me

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me the mycoplasma, uraplazma, gardennelez, kandilomatoz in current of three years spent seven courses of treatment but that has not helped or assisted. At sensitivity on antibiotics of a ureaplasma :, dzhozamitsin, klaritromitsin, erythromycin, dksitsiklin ofloksatsin., after reception sumameda I was not treated any more. Complaints on bleach with zapohom, there was a half a year back hrnichesky an adnexitis. To me 23 years, labors were three years ago. Whether With I can sometime get rid of infections, whether there is any real treatment?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At a tort to a homeopathist, for the present 7 courses had not time to pass or take place.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Julia before to pass to searches of homeopathists, I suggest to wait and think and answer questions which probably will help or assist to understand the reason of a problem.

1. First of all tell or say, whether is at you what nibud complaints t.e that disturbs you clinically (an itch, a burning sensation, a pain, allocation, etc.)? In more detail!

Whether 2. there is a problem (problems at the partner) by way of a urogenital pathology?

3. How diagnostics of the resulted or brought spectrum of infections was spent? (PTSR, IFA, liminestsentnyj the analysis, kulturalnoe research)

4. Very important what preparations, what dosages and duration of treatment were used by you?

5. Through what time ascertained failure in treatment?

6. What does your attending physician consider or count?

The Lui
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Julia!

As far as possible predstavte to the dear doctor the additional information, but I shall result or bring without changes the report in same a disk. Club, on a subject of many illnesses or diseases simultaneously and a difference in approaches of usual doctors and homeopathists:

Dear Lenochka!

And to you the idea did not come, what higher degree of a lesion of an organism (in this case an organism of your child) is shown by a lesion various more low (in the systemic plan) the located organs which you try to treat at different experts? And with more, than variable success. In fact each of dear experts treats display of illness or disease in this or that organ (including this display by the illness or disease), but does not see the reason (and naming the reason this or that etiology of a lesion of the given organ).

And only the homeopathy, considering or examining;surveying an organism entirely and including in this system and mental sphere, tries to cure an organism influence on the reason. And that is not always successful so there is an aphorism: *quot; the Homeopathy can all. Not everyone can homeopathists. And quot;

01.09.2004, 19:30
And only the homeopathy, considering or examining;surveying an organism entirely and including in this system and mental sphere, tries to cure an organism influence on the reason. And that is not always successful so there is an aphorism: *quot; the Homeopathy can all. Not everyone can homeopathists. And quot;

Dear Israel!

I do not understand a homeopathy. Moreover, mechanisms of influence of such other-wordly delutions outside of my comprehension, as, however, and comprehensions of homeopathists. All "explanations" which it was necessary to read, forgive or excuse, on mechanisms even close do not pull But I if you had time to notice, activly enough I act at a forum against unequivocal estimations of everything that does not keep within yet a habitual bed or channel of our representations. As these estimations are not seldom connected with shop corporationism. For such performances or statements, me not so favour series of participants of a forum.

On the other hand, personally at me do not cause or cause sympathy, only loud, without a shadow of doubt of an estimation of type - a homeopathy, charlatanism, but also the phrases carrying cleanly advertising implied sense, similar to those with which has allocated in your report is unequivocal.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Dr. Zajtsev!

You fine know one of vital issues of a today's status of medicine - it or her raspadenie on narrow specializations with very deep penetration into private or individual mechanisms of narrow comprehension of illness or disease and absence obshchesistemnogo, at a level of an organism (even egosomaticheskoj a component) the approach. The homeopathy considers or examines;surveys (and is successful enough in skilled or experienced arms or hand. Preparation of competent homeopathists on a stream while is not put anywhere) an organism as a whole (together mental and somatic components at a priority mental). For example, at treatment of a dysbacteriosis often the medicine bdet is registered on character of the patient, as its or his behaviour, instead of directed on an intestine. And at correcting the general or common imunnogo statuses, the organism itself will adjust flora of an intestine. So at my topic there is no advertising, and there is an attempt to explain the approach of a homeopathy to illness or disease and the patient, and this approach cardinally, at a philosophical level is distinct from the approach *quot; ?a????N?*quot; Medicine.

01.09.2004, 19:30

About the mechanism of influence *quot; ?aONnN?y?UO*quot; delutions it is already known not very little. But even if it or this to not know, it is easy to draw an analogy: even the neanderthal man FROM EXPERIENCE knew, that the thrown stone will fall downwards on a vertical (probably, to a head). And many hundreds years this knowledge was used for the blessing of the person. And the law of universal gravitation has been formulated yesterday (in historical comprehension). If you over and over again see treatment of illness or disease, but not up to the extremity or end understand the mechanism of treatment to the patient it is easier from treatment, instead of from comprehension of the doctor.

gran '
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Israel!

My previous post, in general, not about a homeopathy which it is not ready to discuss by virtue of the not competence. I suppose, that homeopathic preparations can render certain, while difficultly understood, influences on an organism. The protest is caused with words "only", "only" .

As already wrote in one of posts, it sounds similarly to: only (only) our belief - true. If the person really in something so believes, for objectivity from it or him to wait difficultly. Or such reports carry an advertising load.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes with two letters *quot; i*quot; the word immunity is written...:mad:

In general all this on the sly starts to bother

01.09.2004, 19:30
Complaints on bleach with zapohom, the itch, noshchie pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, half a year has appeared an adnexitis ago, which was very similar to signs extrauterine (dark, not allye krovjanistye allocation), a colpitis. It was treated tsikloferonom 12\5 %-2,0 in \m number or room 6 (1,2,4,6,8,10), processing of a vagina by erythromycin-- on 5 pieces, antizarinovaja ointment, 22-40 it is lovely-processing vaginas.. Further nastuila pregnancy was treated by suppositories terzhenan number or room 6 on 1. 1 time, macrofoams 400 3 times a day, - beremenost proceeded prekrastno, without threats. After pregnancy there were 4 more courses, than I treated do not remember since data were not saved, but last 7 course I was treated sumomedom As the last time me were disturbed with an adnexitis to me have spent 1 course girudoterapii.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have still recollected suppositories bitadin and polizhenaks, antibiotics gentamycin, bitsilin.vsem I was treated by it or this. The method isledovanija was PTSR.U the partner is not present what clinical displays. After treatment in 3 months did or made repetition of analyses and infections ostajutsja.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Julia, I the doctor tiresome.:rolleyes: but it is necessary. Still questions:

1. Whether there was a simplification, those. Disappearance or eradication of clinic for some time after courses of treatment?

2. After each course the control was always negative?

3. Whether investigated or researched the partner on an infection?

4. Whether always one partner?

5. Now result of a usual smear (shchejka uteruses, a urethra, a vagina), what?

6. In detail. What is written in results of last analyses?

7. Whether the child is healthy?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The simplification came, i.e. propodal an itch, became allocation less, but in 3-4 weeks of allocation amplified and were with a smell. That that are infections showed analyses, in three months after treatment. After a marriage portner there was one, up to it or him was (5) therefore in marriage left already with such bouquet. I have infected the husband, but in its or his analyses only a virus of a papilloma (not oncogenous), and at me (oncogenous), and more at it or him a ureaplasma. Toest at me 4 infections, and at it or him 2 infections. Isledovanija on :. means., leucocytes 0-7 \ 40-60, flora anaerobic, I did not check the Child on an infection, but in seven months at it or her have appeared kontogeoznyj maljusk and so I am more it or her not that did not notice.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Still mlj the doctor insists that all these problems because of dizbakteriza vaginas. After treatment girudoterapiej a smear did not take, therefore it is difficult to tell or say what he shchas

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dysbacteriosis of a vagina (though, this diagnosis as independent is denied by many) here a status frankly secondary. The reason in a recurring infection.

I.e. the infection is and at your husband. At what I drive. On svoemuopytu jobs and colleagues of gynecologists, more often the reason of relapses of a urogenital infection - repeated infection from the partner i.e. a reinfection. Less often this disturbance of immunity vsledstvii or not distinguished or recognized infections (herpes, TSMV) or other reasons (stress, errors in a diet i.t.d.). Still the delayed either false preparations or incorrect dosages were probably applied.

Ask the doctor to make to you an immunogram and more a smear on Papanikolau.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me the question is a little to a subject not concerning, forgive or excuse in advance.

Whether it is possible to catch such infections using a condom?

Ikak they are passed: only sexual by?