Просмотр полной версии : Analyses and pregnancy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

Help or Assist to decipher analyses IFA on chlamydias, a cytomegalovirus and simple herpes as at present I do not have opportunity to address to the doctor. Analyses handed over 10 days ago as one of steps of planning of pregnancy:

Chlamydias: M - 0,17 G - 0,20

Cytomegalovirus: M - 0,09 G - 0,87

Simple herpes: M - 0,11 G - 1,03

Whether advise please it is necessary for me to address to the doctor for treatment or at me that's all right and it is possible to try to become pregnant?

Many thanks,


01.09.2004, 19:30
Levels of antibodies sviditelstvujut about the transferred or carried infection and presence imunniteta to her. In itself they a little about what speak.

For preparation for pregnancy it is necessary to know presence of an infection in an organism at present. For this purpose other analyses - PTSR on the same infections are necessary.