Просмотр полной версии : Results of analyses on an infection

01.09.2004, 19:30
In March, 2004 has handed over analyses on an infection: chlamydias, a mycoplasma, ureplazma, Herpes the Simplex 1 and 2. Anything it was revealed not. Have started with the husband conception. Till May of this year nothing turned out. The bleeding on June, 4th has begun, has laid down in hospital - an incomplete abortion, the currettage has followed. Inspection is appointed or nominated. Were going to to start it or him;them in the autumn. But at the husband pains in the basis of a member have begun. Has rushed off to the doctor. Analyses have shown negative results on infections, but diagnostsirovali a prostatitis. The urologist has insisted, that I have handed over analyses for correction of treatment of the husband.

Has handed over a smear on a microflora - by way of. Further: chlamydias, a mycoplasma, a ureaplasma and trihoplazma are not found out. The Herpes the Simplex 1 and 2 are found out. A blood: anti Toxo IgG 0,1, anti CMV IgG 42,4, anti Rubella IgG 55,9, anti HSV IgG 25,8

In the childhood I have transferred or carried Herpes Zoster on the left part of the face, a rubella hurted or was ill;was sick.

I ask you to comment on results of analyses. To the doctor I shall get only next week.

01.09.2004, 19:30
That you have handed over that, with treatment of the husband will not help or assist. You have an immunity to a rubella, a herpes, tsmv, it has no attitude or relation to a prostatitis. The smear in norm or rate, means at you inflammatory process is not present or it is bad to take or the smear is made. These analyses, that you have quoted (Blood), to the urologist are not necessary

01.09.2004, 19:30
That you have handed over that, with treatment of the husband will not help or assist. You have an immunity to a rubella, a herpes, tsmv, it has no attitude or relation to a prostatitis. The smear in norm or rate, means at you inflammatory process is not present or it is bad to take or the smear is made. These analyses, that you have quoted (Blood), to the urologist are not necessary

Maria Mihajlovna, thanks for attention! And I just study or investigate your site closely or attentively. Has read through about *quot; incorrect oO?aO*quot; also has reflected on a correctness of the :rolleyes:

You think, it, vytjagivanie money? The center where the husband has addressed, private or individual, has chosen he it or him, in a panic, anything still then to me not having told about the trouble.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Though in any case I should hand over them at finding-out of the reasons of an abortion and planning of new pregnancy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, you have handed over knowingly. Let urologists appoint or nominate treatment to the husband. You should be treated together with it or him.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, you have handed over knowingly. Let urologists appoint or nominate treatment to the husband. You should be treated together with it or him.

All means taki it is necessary? You have in view of a herpes and a rubella?

Today one more analysis has come: anti-Chlamydia tr. IgA 8, anti-Chlamydia tr. IgG 7. Units - a credit, referens. Value or meanings;importance *lt; 50. If correctly I understand, though I can congratulate myself on it or this. Now still I shall hand over hormones, and gemostaziogrammu, antibodies to fosfolipidam and more a heap of the analyses, appointed or nominated by the doctor from hospital.

Still it is possible I shall ask: in hospital have appointed or nominated biowinters. At once it or him has not bought or purchased (almost 2 months ago). Whether it is necessary now to start to accept it or him or already late?

And about a smear: there opposite to a line *quot; ??Oo?Oa*quot; it is written *quot; a rod ??u*quot;. It is normal for the regenerative period after a currettage, yes? Leucocytes With 5-7, V 3-2, U 0-1.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rubella and herpes to treat it is not necessary, you should be treated together with the husband for that that the urologist has found at it or him, to drink with it or him antibiotics. At you analyses all normal, a smear too. A rod at such leucocytes are normal lactic bacteria, they should yt.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Today has visited at that doctor. It has been told or said, that it is necessary to lift immunity. It has been offered girudoterapija with podkalyvaniem immunomoduljatorov together with a phytotherapy. On my remark, that at me low pressure (90/60), and this contraindication to leeches, the doctor has told or said, what is it basically has no value or meaning;importance.:confused: I scratch in a nape.

I have not absolutely understood you. You speak, that I should be treated that at the husband. At it or him a prostatitis, and like as the doctor not infectious speaks. Infections have not found in fact in analyses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You are right about the contraindications to leeches.

To the husband have appointed or nominated antibiotics. Means you will accept two of them simultaneously - the algorithm is those. That infections have found that means that they are not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You are right about the contraindications to leeches.

To the husband have appointed or nominated antibiotics. Means you will accept two of them simultaneously - the algorithm is those. That infections have found that means that they are not present.

But about it or this on consultation even speeches were not. And yesterday the urologist tried to offer the husband for me leeches.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Besides he already with might and main drinks medicines, pricks, drips intravenously, candles inserts, massage to him do or make.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To the husband have appointed or nominated antibiotics. Means you will accept two of them simultaneously - the algorithm is those. That infections have found that means that they are not present.

Excuse, that I put in your lovely vorkovanie...

Not absolutely I understand about what algorithm there is a speech. In what management or manual it is told or said, what at detection of a chronic prostatitis at the husband the spouse the same treatment even if on the eve there was an abortion is appointed or nominated? And that if at the husband an abacterial chronic prostatitis (and on frequency of occurrence such variant meets more often, than a chronic bacteriemic or bacterial prostatitis). I consider or count, that it is necessary to specify the diagnosis of the husband and then something to recommend.

Yours faithfully, Vladimir.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, certainly it is necessary to specify

I specify: to the husband have appointed or nominated ANTIBIOTICS? List medicines which he drinks and pricks.

If antibiotics are appointed or nominated, the prostatitis truth means is treated by the doctor as not abacterial? Though *quot; iaONO?a?y??Oy*quot; this prostatitis the-rubella, tsmv - to what is for some reason found out under analysis PTSR and delivery of the BLOOD of the wife on a -complex??? And the urologist to the wife appoints or nominates leeches and something for rising immunity.

If antibiotics are appointed or nominated, them both should drink simultaneously the spouse, with some individual correction of schemes or plans on duration, etc. nuances. It always was algorithm of a rational antibioticotherapia. The antibioticotherapia separately one sexual partner is senseless.

But that the truth is that I in the darling vorkovanii have forgotten to specify, whether in general about antibiotics speech. Or the husband too treat leeches and something for a raising of immunity...

Therefore write here please preparations from the appointed or nominated scheme or plan of treatment of your husband.

01.09.2004, 19:30
: 21. Suppositories Diclofenac of 11 days for the night and in the morning, then Methyluracilum for the night up to 21 days. Flagylum 4 days in the beginning of a course. Monural 1 package for 3-rd day of a course. Doksal and Nistatinum with 5-th for 14 day. Intravenously metrogil and panavir. prostanor intramusculary, an aloe intramusculary. Manual massage of a prostate, laserotherapy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If antibiotics are appointed or nominated, the prostatitis truth means is treated by the doctor as not abacterial?

Lie.: (trial treatment by antibacterial preparations is appointed or nominated in any case, even when are not revealed IPPP and bakposev postmassage assay has not given appreciable body height of bacteria.

http: // www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve*amp; db=pubmed*amp; dopt=Abstract*amp; list_uids=10979882*amp; query_hl=2

If antibiotics are appointed or nominated, them both should drink simultaneously the spouse, with some individual correction of schemes or plans on duration, etc. nuances. It always was algorithm of a rational antibioticotherapia. The antibioticotherapia separately one sexual partner is senseless.

It do not agree. This statement is certainly fair at revealing a lues, gonokokka, chlamydias, Trichomonases. I shall result or bring some examples:

At revealing bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza - the partner is not a subject to treatment.

At revealing a urogenital candidiasis treatment to the partner only in case of presence of clinical displays of this candidiasis is appointed or nominated. The same concerns or touches also genital herpes.

If to assume, that at a prostatitis have not revealed IPPP a unique situation at which purpose or appointment of ai-therapy for the partner is justified is a bacteriemic or bacterial prostatitis (and that in case at spouses will appear the same bacteria, as at the husband in a secret of a prostate).

There are no practice of purpose or appointment of treatment partnershe sick of a chronic prostatitis in our country, abroad. Exists both the European and American management or manual on conducting IPPP, VZOMT, etc. ANYWHERE there is no indicating on treatment of the partner (if it not IPPP, certainly).

As a whole to me your aspiration to avoid an abortion is clear at following pregnancy, but it is impossible to rush to extreme measures and to blow on cold.

I suspect, what you recommend the partner to accept also AB in case of VZOMT at the patient? Do not do or make it or this. Believe - the public prosecutor will not forgive or excuse it or this to you.

And purpose or appointment of Nistatinum in parallel AB to preparations is too a rational antibioticotherapia?

Dear mariamm! Came to you on a site - beautifully, fine, a word of 5 points!:)

However and there there is a prescription in ANY case to partners to drink antibiotics simultaneously. IT is not correct. Following your references in parallel to be treated it is necessary and at an angina, a gastritis, chirijah - for all this also an infection. I would not began to speak about it or this here at a forum, but you specify everywhere the address of yours the Web- and patients come there.

Nevertheless visiting of a site has inspired me personally on creation own. Thanks!:)

I apologize if too rectilinearly....

Yours faithfully, Dr Kovalyk.

01.09.2004, 19:30
: 21. Suppositories Diclofenac of 11 days for the night and in the morning, then Methyluracilum for the night up to 21 days. Flagylum 4 days in the beginning of a course. Monural 1 package for 3-rd day of a course. Doksal and Nistatinum with 5-th for 14 day. Intravenously metrogil and panavir. prostanor intramusculary, an aloe intramusculary. Manual massage of a prostate, laserotherapy.


I recommend to place this scheme or plan at a forum *quot; oO?u?n*quot;.

Dr Kovalyk.

01.09.2004, 19:30

I recommend to place this scheme or plan at a forum *quot; oO?u?n*quot;.

Dr Kovalyk.

If it is not complex or difficult, explain in what horror. And than all this threatens my spouse

01.09.2004, 19:30
And I do not agree with you - that it is not necessary to treat the partner. Certainly speech does not go about herpes which do not treat antibiotics, to a thrush without signs, vaginoze which treat mestno. As well as a rubella, which she what for handed over to help or assist urologists.:)) it is incorrect examples or I was incorrectly expressed last time. It is a question about bacteriemic or bacterial and hlamidijnoj infections.

Nistatinum, etc. antimicotic for PROPHYLAXIS do not concern to a rational antibioticotherapia, I did not speak it or this, and on a site the return is written:)

And when VZOMT are caused or called by enterococci, an intestinal rod or chlamydias - I fly or treat together, and how? From its or her intestine this enterokokk or from its or his prostate? Or from an intestine in a prostate, and therefrom in the cervical channel? And chlamydias of 100 % come to light or are taped? And purpose or appointment protivohlamidijnogo a preparation necessarily is included into the empirical scheme or plan of treatment because it is not considered while, that their role has decreased. What for them include in the scheme or plan? And sense of their including or incorporation without treatment of the partner?

But you know - huge quantity or amount of doctors do not treat the partner, owing to it or this vzomt are saved and prosper, and at us always it is a lot of job.

Urologists when you direct or refer to them, either do not treat, or appoint or nominate here such schemes or plans - and to any 7 days - at a prostatitis-was ridiculously. And they are not excited with the raised or increased leucocytes in spermogramme - a pier they do not prevent to become pregnant. Because they do not conduct pregnancy, and do not meet with stood on a background of endometritises. Whence an endometritis at the woman without beremennostej and Naval Forces in the anamnesis, but with leucocytes in a semen at the husband?

And why antibiotics are appointed or nominated at *quot; abacterial O?OaO?ON*quot;? On what logic? On that, what nevyjavlennost does not mean absence? Then on the same logic it is necessary to treat partners simultaneously.

By the way at a chronic abacterial endometritis antibiotics do not appoint or nominate. I.e. gynecologists in this plan are more consecutive - chronic inflammatory changes of a tissue already without the originator of antibiotics do not demand. Then also the partner certainly do not touch or tamper with.

And at last you see that to him have appointed or nominated - a doxycycline, Flagylum, metrogil. There is a sense to do or make it to one? The organization of a session of a nausea and a dysbacteriosis.

But I am not imposed with the references, I do not apply for their faultlessness before the public prosecutor. State the reference - that to her to do or make - to drink/not to drink, what to do or make to him with such scheme or plan - answer questions of the patient and we shall leave your answer last, correct. I think, in this forum answers are necessary simply. And for discussions there is a forum *quot; for oOa?N*quot;. Doctors of the mutual points of view patients have got used to refutations, they do not touch or tamper with them.

I shall be glad, if you will respond me by mail and we shall continue discussion there - I with pleasure shall learn at the clever urologist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If it is not complex or difficult, explain in what horror.

Metronidazolum is not applied at lecheni a chronic prostatitis if presence of Trichomonases certainly is not proved. Even if to assume, that Trichomonases are found out - intravenous injections them to treat it is not required.

The further reasonings are based or founded;established on the assumption, that at the husband a chronic not bacteriemic or bacterial prostatitis (since in the previous reports you pysali, that infections and bacteria is not revealed)

Application of Methyluracilum, panavira, Nistatinum, monurala, prostanora, an aloe, laser radiation is not justified since their efficiency at a chronic prostatitis is not proved.

Thus, there is a diclofenac, manual or digital massage and doksal. Last preparation makes *quot; nnO*quot; treatments, however duration is insufficient. It is necessary a minimum 2-3 ned whether then to decide to continue further.

And than all this threatens my spouse

Very much I hope, that anything...

Once again I recommend to address in section *quot; Urology and a?nO?u?n*quot; - you will be heard by many authoritative experts.

Yours faithfully, Dr Kovalyk.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I can not be defined or determined with subitem:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30
I can not be defined or determined with subitem:rolleyes:

It is made

01.09.2004, 19:30
Today has visited or attended the gynecologist in ZHK. Are appointed or nominated the analysis to sensitivity to antibiotics. Hastes any, ordered to come to the extremity or end of August.