Просмотр полной версии : Endotservit

01.09.2004, 19:30

Tell, please, what is this bjaka such endotservit? Whether is endotservit an accompanying infection to any more essential bjake (a clamidiosis, ureoplazmoz, trihomaniaz). Whether is detection endotservita an occasion for carrying out of additional researches on an infection? If yes that on what and what method?

Floor of year back and I and my husband handed over all of the analysis all methods in three independent laboratories (simply with infections we have passed or have taken place all circles of a hell and consequently were reinsured).

In advance many thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Tell, please, what is this bjaka such endotservit? Whether is endotservit an accompanying infection to any more essential bjake (a clamidiosis, ureoplazmoz, trihomaniaz). Whether is detection endotservita an occasion for carrying out of additional researches on an infection? If yes that on what and what method?

Floor of year back and I and my husband handed over all of the analysis all methods in three independent laboratories (simply with infections we have passed or have taken place all circles of a hell and consequently were reinsured).

In advance many thanks for the answer.

Inflammation of the channel shejki uteruses - an endocervicitis. At revealing this status it is necessary to pass or take place inspection on IPPP, that actually you and have made. Treatment is required in case of revealing infections.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Floor of year back and I and my husband handed over all of the analysis all methods in three independent laboratories

If not a secret, whether there were differences in results of different laboratories?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well it is separate history!!!! We are treated a year three. And with transition from the doctor to the doctor and from laboratory to laboratory found at all of us time a miscellaneous, and plus to it or this my analyses did not coincide with analyses of the husband! Diagnoses were the following: a clamidiosis (where without it or him), trihomaniaz, ureoplazmoz, garenderelez. The first doubts in correctness of analyses at me have arisen when to me have made the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics of chlamydias and it has appeared, that they there is nothing do not react. As it was found out later them from me it was not simple (I hope, it is what is it valid so). When it has bothered all of us we have prosecuted a subjects densely, I have sat in a boarding school at different forums, have spent the analysis of the information and have chosen some laboratories which have decided to trust. In them results have coincided!!! At us all over again have found ureoplazmu, have then treated, and accordingly on check analysises it or her have not found.

But coming back to my question about endotservit. Whether It is necessary for me to be disturbed and checked up anew or analyses of semi-annual prescription enough for that what to sleep easy? Whether can mean presence endotservita, what at me became more active or was activated any bjaka? Or endotservit like a thrush can be and without a bouquet? We plan pregnancy, we are already treated for sterility or barrenness (the man's factor) more precisely and the question of presence of infections for us is very important.

To tell the truth at words the latent infections at me the nervous habit spasm begins. The question with a clamidiosis for me and has remained opened or open, I read at a forum of discussion and all of absolutely nothing I do not understand as to find out on 100 % that it or him is not present? That IFA on antibodies the panacea so in fact it has appeared earlier thought that is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
But coming back to my question about endotservit. Whether It is necessary for me to be disturbed and checked up anew or analyses of semi-annual prescription enough for that what to sleep easy? Whether can mean presence endotservita, what at me became more active or was activated any bjaka? Or endotservit like a thrush can be and without a bouquet? We plan pregnancy, we are already treated for sterility or barrenness (the man's factor) more precisely and the question of presence of infections for us is very important.

To tell the truth at words the latent infections at me the nervous habit spasm begins. The question with a clamidiosis for me and has remained opened or open, I read at a forum of discussion and all of absolutely nothing I do not understand as to find out on 100 % that it or him is not present? That IFA on antibodies the panacea so in fact it has appeared earlier thought that is not present.

Well, if to blow on water it is possible and to be surveyed. My vision of ideal inspection in your case: C. trachomatis - +; U. urealyticum and M. hominis - bakposev; M. genitalium - PTSR; -1,2-;

Microscopy soskoba from tserviksa on Gramu, bakposev on flora (+), crop on T. vaginalis, crop on mushrooms.

Only for God's sake, it is not necessary to hand over PTSR on kandidy, streptococcuses, TSMV, pneumococcuses, M. pneumoniae, gardnerelly and other not informative positions.