Просмотр полной версии : Treatment trihomoniaza

01.09.2004, 19:30
Analysis PTSR has revealed at me trihomoniaz. Treatment provodeno: Trichopolum, tiberal, tsifral and terzhinan mestno. The control smear in 3 weeks has shown otsustvie infections.

The matter is that me have raped.. Including it is proctal. Disturbs very much, whether there was an infection of an intestine, in the field of an anus of sensation of a small itch and a dyscomfort. Has preventively drunk dekaris. Grazes and ranki have begun to live at once, nothing disturbed.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You accepted protivotrihomonadnyj a preparation perorally so he should sanify all the centers of this infection.

I hope, that you handed over and on other infections.

Also it is possible to make the analysis of a feces on eggs of worms, the elementary, etc. It practically has no attitude or relation to an event, but you can have helminthic invasions, etc. problems.

Also it is necessary to make in 3 months the analysis of a blood on a HIV, a lues.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Analysis PTSR has revealed at me trihomoniaz. The matter is that me have raped.. Including it is proctal. Disturbs very much, whether there was an infection of an intestine

Trichomonas vaginalis does not live in places unusual for her. She does not get accustomed neither in an intestine, nor in a mouth.

Transfer of worms by means of sex contacts also is impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
But it does not mean, that you cannot have the helminthic invasions got by another by. So, that is possible obmsledovatsja.

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; Also it is necessary to make in 3 months the analysis of a blood on a HIV, ??o????*quot;

Thanks huge for the answer)

Yes, analyses and on other infections were spent, positive were only on trihomoniaz

Very much it would be desirable to hand over the analysis on a lues and a HIV as soon as possible. Whether it is possible to try to hand over in 1,5-2 months? Also such analysis will be how much informative?

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; Also it is necessary to make in 3 months the analysis of a blood on a HIV, ??o????*quot;

Thanks huge for the answer)

Yes, analyses and on other infections were spent, positive were only on trihomoniaz

Very much it would be desirable to hand over the analysis on a lues and a HIV as soon as possible. Whether it is possible to try to hand over in 1,5-2 months? Also such analysis will be how much informative?

To hand over it is possible and before. For example there is a sense it to do or make with reference to a lues. The REEF reacts to a lues enough early, often even before occurrence of clinical displays - on 3-4 week after infection. However and your case final for it is necessary to consider or count 3 mes, you accepted antibiotics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks to you, Dr Kovalyk for the answer)