Просмотр полной версии : Oral sex

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yesterday with the girl of the most ancient trade at me during oral sex the condom has torn. I have noticed it only in minutes 5 when have finished. I was in horror. In 30 minutes I have already washed out member Hlorgeksidinom and mocheispuskatelnyj the channel too + a weak solution margontsovki. In the morning the familiar doctor to me has advised 2 days to spend on drink Ciprofloxacin on 1000 in day. Today has drunk the first tablet in the morning. But me all the day long disturbs kakoeto an easy or a light;a mild pricking, and pochesyvanie there. Tell or say that I could pick up: most of all me AIDS and the Hepatitis, what excites probability?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is assured, that the pricking and a tingling is your suspiciousness.

01.09.2004, 19:30
... Or consequence or investigation vymachivanija in hlorgeksidine:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
There is no it I suspiciousness actually that that is scratched inside, but mocheispuskatsja is not sick

01.09.2004, 19:30
Even if to imagine, that the representative of the most ancient trade was sick of serious disease, chance of infection is insignificant is small. First contact was unitary (Yes?). Secondly was absent as that direct contact with mucous. Infection occurs or happens more often through small damages. Well and thirdly - such processing.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say that I could pick up: most of all me AIDS and the Hepatitis, what excites probability?

All set - most often a lues, a gonorrhea, a clamidiosis.

The HIV and virus hepatitises In and With less often, but also are passed at is oral-genital contacts, though even at traditional vaginalnom contact (more dangerous from a point of infection) their contageousness does not exceed 1-2 % at unitary contact.

Plus any microflora of an oral cavity - beginning or starting from not gonococcal nejssery, mycoplasmas and finishing strptokokkami groups In

01.09.2004, 19:30
The most probable reason of sensations processing hlorgeksidinom and potassium permanganate. Therefore as for development something term too kotorok.

It is not necessary to worry in advance.

In a month for full confidence to hand over analyses.