Просмотр полной версии : Candida albicans

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01.09.2004, 19:30
The spent analysis has shown big -in this kind of a fungus which is sensitive to Nistatinum, ekonazolu, ketokonazolu and to Clotrimazolum.

The doctor recommended following preparations for a choice: makmiror (suppositories), gino- (suppositories), Nistatinum (tablets). And here other expert, having seen purpose or appointment, advised nistatinovye tablets to replace with tablets nizorala as, as she said, put or render smaller harm to an organism.

What you from above listed groups of preparations would advise? It would be desirable poberech for my organism weakened or easied by operation

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nizoral (ketokonazol) is accepted it is system and enough gepatotoksichen. Its or his application at a urogenital candidiasis is inexpedient.

If you have a clinic *quot; ?????U*quot; I advise Clotrimazolum, as most economically expedient. Nistatinum is worse because of longer course (14 days). If you want fast treatment, can use gino- (ekonazol) - 3 days.

01.09.2004, 19:30
As your opinion for me is authoritative, I, perhaps, shall choose Clotrimazolum.

As in anotatsii to it or him;them prochla: it is active concerning Gram-positive (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus). I do not know, whether that it stafilokkok, but in me it is found out and Staphylococcus spp.

And the structure of these or it vaginalnyh tablets is pleasant to me more, than candles of other manufacturers.

Tell or Say, and they are effective at chronic vaginalnom a candidiasis?

01.09.2004, 19:30

What your attitude or relation to flukonazolu?

01.09.2004, 19:30
As your opinion for me is authoritative, I, perhaps, shall choose Clotrimazolum.

As in anotatsii to it or him;them prochla: it is active concerning Gram-positive (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus). I do not know, whether that it stafilokkok, but in me it is found out and Staphylococcus spp.

And the structure of these or it vaginalnyh tablets is pleasant to me more, than candles of other manufacturers.

Tell or Say, and they are effective at chronic vaginalnom a candidiasis?

Chronic vaginalnogo the candidiasis does not exist. There is a persistent candidiasis (more than 4 episodes in a year).

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30

What your attitude or relation to flukonazolu?

Good preparation. It is effective enough, malotoksichen, it is convenient, good komplaensnost. From disadvantages it is possible to name a plenty generikov with doubtful quality and fakes.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Michael Vladimirovich, tell or say, staphylococcus saprophyticus and staphylococcus spp. (so it is written in my conclusion) is the same? Whether this Is staphylococcus spp. Gram-positive? If yes, that, I understand, Clotrimazolum will operate or work and on it or him?

I ask, therefore as I try to find complex treatment of all my illnesses or diseases simultaneously. After operation very much oslab my organism. Has there and then clung Mycoplazma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae (there was a terrible tussis), and also earlier specified Staphylococcus spp. And Candida albicans. On tussis and a staphilococcus we shall operate or work with one antibiotic (it has initially been appointed or nominated two different). Has remained only solved a question with mushrooms.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You write, that you disturbs, who surveys you and what for for the beginning.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Disturb allocation of yellowish color with a specific smell, especially in the middle of a cycle, long enough already time. Addressed to many experts, but anything bad did not find, and, can, and did not search. Anyway, have never taken the analysis on bak.posev. And here only about two months ago have found out a staphilococcus and kandidu (she and earlier was, but such vydeleny did not give). Treatment has been postponed for September because of feeding by a breast. Later two weeks after an establishment of the diagnosis pregnancy which as you know, has ended with operation has been confirmed.

About two weeks ago I have caught a cold, tussis which does not stop till now has begun. As have already been revealed also the Mycoplasma earlier, and chlamydias in lungs (besides not treated because of last beremennostej and feedings) it has been decided to repeat the analysis which has shown greater or big credits.

As the staphilococcus earlier appointed or nominated ampitsilin is sensitive to the appointed or nominated preparation (Klatsid) also was excellent or cancelled (treatment which has not begun).

Not solved there was only a question with kandidoj as lethal can influence on a liver (has initially been appointed or nominated Nistatinum in tablets). I assume, that on a background of reception of antibiotics mushrooms can become more active or be activated, that will worsen my state of health.

As the gynecologist of the precise answer treating me on a brought attention to the question has not given, I wish to consult to you as I trust you, likely, even more, than to the doctor with whom I communicate.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. Nistatinum in tablets enterally does not possess *quot; Oi?U?*quot; action on a liver no less than any action on mushrooms in a vagina.

2. Certainly to appoint or nominate medicines on a network it is not so desirable. I would recommend in your case terzhinan or meratin-, since at you similar multi-infection. Their structure includes Nistatinum.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In itself Nistatinum, can, and does not possess such action, and here in a complex with Klatsidom, I think, there will be too a greater or big load on an organism.

At us, unfortunately, such preparations as Terzhinan, on sale is not present, as well as the majority of others popular on Russian/Ukrainian or Ukranian language the markets. And about Meratin kombi our pharmacologists at all did not hear.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Then try or taste polizhinaks. Klatsid - malotoksichnyj a preparation. Nistatinum - is not soaked up and remains on a wall of a vagina and in general in an organism does not get. I in fact already spoke about safety.

01.09.2004, 19:30
[QUOTE] Then try or taste polizhinaks.

Under the description I like this preparation and know precisely, that on sale is available. Even it seems to me, that I once used these suppositories. How long they should be used? Every day?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Every day 10 days

Olga X
01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Michael Vladimirovich.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Forgive or Excuse, that I climb in your subject, but at me too a problem with this fungus.. Still one year ago did or made analyses and has received positive takes on following infections:

Mycoplasma hominis

Ureaplasma sp.

U.parvum (Parvo)

Gardenella vaginalis

Candida abicans

The doctor has registered to me fromilid, pimafutsin, a cream clindamycin (I do not remember precisely) and for 6-th day 1 capsule mikomaks...

For 6-th day of treatment in the evening I have drunk a capsule mikomaks and next day me have taken away in hospital with an appendicitis...

To go to the doctor after hospital at me there was no desire and antibiotics to drink am afraid since then, and the fungus as was and has remained...

Now here has started to drink Nistatinum, but he not so helps or assists... What will advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nistatinum at vaginalnom a candidiasis is appointed or nominated only mestno. Orally he not vsasyaetsja in an intestine. It would be time peresdat analyses. Year has passed or has taken place.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I again to you and with the same problem. Has spent on drink a course of antibiotics in a complex with vaginalnymi suppositories. Week felt simply excellently - any vydeleny, pains and a dyscomfort. And here now again all has renewed, even, in my opinion, became worse.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
I again to you and with the same problem. Has spent on drink a course of antibiotics in a complex with vaginalnymi suppositories. Week felt simply excellently - any vydeleny, pains and a dyscomfort. And here now again all has renewed, even, in my opinion, became worse.: (

Whether there is at you an opportunity to carry out microscopical research from a photo, the-videoreport in tsifrofom a format?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether there is at you an opportunity to carry out microscopical research from a photo, the-videoreport in tsifrofom a format?

I about such research did not hear. I shall try to learn or find out.

01.09.2004, 19:30
After such research you can give micrographs at this forum and receive responsible or crucial consultation on the basis of the real facts from real experts. And so while it is possible only to guess and aspire to shine with the erudition which very much often the general or common has no anything with a reality. Thanks for comprehension.

01.09.2004, 19:30
After such research you can give micrographs at this forum and receive responsible or crucial consultation on the basis of the real facts from real experts. And so while it is possible only to guess and aspire to shine with the erudition which very much often the general or common has no anything with a reality. Thanks for comprehension.

Tell or Say, and for this research the special equipment is necessary? Precisely I know, that in a cabinet or study where I go such is not present.

It is given
01.09.2004, 19:30
For this purpose the banal microscope which are in any clinic and the digital camera to it or him;them is necessary. The cheapest, that only can be from *quot; special aaOaOOOU*quot;. Each decent or considerable clinic for responsible or crucial job should have it.

Why I should take a word *quot; ??NuN*quot; in days of wild capitalism. And that can you at all treat? How it is possible to prove it? And advice or councils of local experts can lead to that to you in general becomes even worse. To treat, advise treatment when the diagnosis undertakes according to the patient, according to the code of the Internet - the forbidden business. When there will be a photofact on its or his basis there can be a presumable conclusion, but not in which case treatment.

For an example, I ask to pay attention to a picture which similarity is necessary for the expert for statement of the diagnosis. If in an investigated or a researched material he sees such situation treatment from C.albicans is unequivocally appointed or nominated. That the full comprehension in your situation personally to me needed to be seen on the eyes, what at you a real picture. Success.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For this purpose the banal microscope which are in any clinic and the digital camera to it or him;them is necessary. The cheapest, that only can be from *quot; special aaOaOOOU*quot;. Each decent or considerable clinic for responsible or crucial job should have it.

To you to cite data about sensitivity, specificity and other parameters of diagnostic value dli mikrosokpii or will look?

Why I should take a word *quot; ??NuN*quot; in days of wild capitalism.

Do not believe anybody. Do not leave on street. Dear visitors of a forum and why you should believe mister microveda, not being besides vrachem?

And advice or councils of local experts can lead to that to you in general becomes even worse.

Your advice or councils in general not clearly to what can result or bring. To total nihilism.

To treat, advise treatment when the diagnosis undertakes according to the patient, according to the code of the Internet - the forbidden business.

In this concrete branch nobody appointed or nominated treatment. I gave only the characteristic to preparations. Regain consciousness.

When there will be a photofact on its or his basis there can be a presumable conclusion, but not in which case treatment.

With modern computer technics or technical equipment and possessing such big database as at you, in days of wild capitalism it is possible such to represent... Here to you and a photoshop, oh, forgive or excuse, the photofact.

For an example, I ask to pay attention to a picture which similarity is necessary for the expert for statement of the diagnosis. If in an investigated or a researched material he sees such situation treatment from C.albicans is unequivocally appointed or nominated

And why it cannot be C.tropicalis. And where antibiotikogramma? Ridiculously and oppositely simultaneously.

P.S. If not the doctor - nothing to advise.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For an example, I ask to pay attention to a picture which similarity is necessary for the expert for statement of the diagnosis. If in an investigated or a researched material he sees such situation treatment from C.albicans is unequivocally appointed or nominated. That the full comprehension in your situation personally to me needed to be seen on the eyes, what at you a real picture. Success.

And it can C.glabrata which now meets in increasing frequency and is steady to flukonazolu