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01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is possible to cure without antibiotics such infections as:

Ureaplasma, chlamydias, a thrush?

Me it interests for the reason that we with the husband already were treated for a ureaplasma and at it or him after treatment the ulcerative colitis has been revealed. And if God forbid will find out once again a ureaplasma that how to be treated without antibiotics (to him them to accept it is impossible).

What is the erosion?

The reasons of occurrence?

What signs?

01.09.2004, 19:30
From resulted or brought by you *quot; gentleman's ?aiOa*quot; without antibiotics the thrush is treated only, and because is fungic or fungal zablevaniem - a candidiasis and to be treated antimikotikami. Necessity of treatment of a ureaplasma in general all over the world is challenged. And chlamydias lechatsja only antibiotics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Lulu how to be treated without antibiotics (to him them to accept it is impossible).

Sed Chlamydias are treated only by antibiotics .

Galina Afanasevna!

Here still an example, that business not in knowledge, and in psychology. Only, please, do not translate conversation on ozonotherapy. Even here at a forum it was resulted or brought a lot of jobs (basically foreign) where quite good results at a clamidiosis are received at use and other techniques raising or increasing a resistance of an organism. But such jobs even if get on eyes, are not perceived. Them, basically, also do not wish to notice, otherwise it is necessary to change the habitual representations, the settled principles of treatment. Therefore a categorical, caategorical conclusion: are treated only by antibiotics .

oleg sh
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dr. Zajtsev!

It's nothing understand as a resistance of an organism? The term is not certain also everyone understands the ... Explain more particularly...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alexey! You are mistaken, concept a resistance of an organism absolutely certain: fastness (resistibility) of an organism to any influences, capable to cause or call a pathological status, including to the etiological factors causing disease. And how still it is possible to treat this concept?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well and it gives in to sensory perception or it can be presented only?

01.09.2004, 19:30
What gives in to " sensory perception ? Immune, antioxidatic, detoksikatsionnye systems, neogenesis, antigipoksicheskie regulations of an organism, that, slezootdelenie and many, many other things functional systems and reactions in an organism, supporting or maintaining a homeostasis? About what Vy Alexey? Or you consider or count, what conservation of vital activity in such environment of various adverse factors and microfloras a merit especially medicines?

01.09.2004, 19:30
If you mean the same as I all resulted or brought by you is defined or determined and measured by means of corresponding or meeting techniques. You understand me? And the person lived and will live and without our actions, we can correct disturbances only.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To tell the truth, I and have not understood, about what our conversation and that you wish to explain to me.

01.09.2004, 19:30

I that the materialist and in miracles at all do not believe:)

What do you mean a resistance? Particularly! That that can be seen

And now I shall go to sleep... Tomorrow to rise at 7.00 - as I shall rise - I do not know:o

If that has told or said not so - do not take offence.:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, Alexey similar you already sleep and at you have mixed up in a heap of the report from different discussions. Against what I resist? What miracles?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Dr. Zajtsev, whether often we ascertain full eliminatsiju patogena forces only systems of a resistance of an organism. On how much I understand, a maximum where we have achieved successes so it in active and passive immunization. We have consulted (-whether?) with a black smallpox. We have started to use Solkourovak and Solkotrihovak. But we can oppose with nothing to chlamydias if to speak about Serums, vaccines and immunomoduljatorah. At the best we can lift interferonovoe number. popravte me if I am not right.

Yours faithfully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Dr. Sed.

I would not like to result or bring repeatedly here jobs, various authors where for "struggle" against chlamydias were successfully used not only antibiotics (Serums, vaccines there were not considered or examined;surveyed at all). As and after acquaintance with them at you (as it was at other opponents) scepticism possibly will not disappear: that it is not enough material or that clinical researches were spent without taking into account the demands accepted now. It would be clear, in this case, if you have formulated the idea approximately so: in the methods of treatment of a clamidiosis standard, now, the leading part is allocated or removed to the antibiotics, alternative techniques wear while, in a greater degree, experimental character. But at you it has sounded, as a final and irrevocable verdict Chlamydias are treated only by antibiotics . I.e. and to try it is not necessary.

It would be interesting to hear yours and other opponents opinion, with what svjazanno widely enough widespread, long (down to lifelong) bessimtomnoe a carriage of chlamydias, as well as many other things of kinds of a pathogenic microflora? And, at all the fact, what even the long carriage of chlamydias should lead to a urethritis, a prostatitis, an epididymitis, tservitsitu, to an endometritis or to something (just as from a carriage of micobacteria sooner or later the tuberculosis, and from carriage VPG or TSMV at all does not follow, that they will ever remind of the existence, etc.). With what svjazanno, in what cases probably spontaneous izlechivanie of some chronic diseases after a stage of an exacerbation?

So why such disbelief in an organism? Only therefore, mechanisms of a nonspecific resistance are abstract, their deviations or rejections difficultly give in to statistical averaging, and treatment has more individual character, and with tablets (ampoules) all is much easier - so much - that mg. Three times a day after meal, how in the instruction ?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Dr. Zajtsev. Yes, I the sceptic, but not negilist. I cannot deny obvious things. But evidence of the fact as a rule to become a subject of dispute.

I understand about what you wish to tell or say, having recollected centers Gona, and a mute carriage of representatives of class Mollicutes. But will agree, that absence of clinic absence of a pathology is far not always is, and that concept persistentsii, this system of a resistance connected with an incompetence, too still nobody has cancelled. And concerning chlamydias, I to you can tell or say one, that HLI-52 the antigen, even at a mute carriage, without urethrites, tservitsitov, salpingites, without the developed or unwrapped clinic of syndrome Rejtera, causes intensity of an autoimmune background. By the way ask any gynecologist-endoscopist, including experts present here as often it or him to have to ascertain presence with-mA fits-Oy?-OOO??? without what that nibylo clinics. With uvzheniem.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Dr. Sed.

You have bypassed the questions asked to you, what percent or interest of the population anyhow "met" or even has chlamydias, as well as a lot of other pathogenic or is conditional-pathogenic microflora and what of them thus falls or is ill? In what cases it or she has opportunities to show though any activity, not speaking about rough duplication? At the same time can be tell, why on the efflux or expiration of some time after the massed antibacterial therapy (in other occasion) the probability, for example, bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza (you the gynecologist) or the same clamidiosis and . increases essentially or is essentially enlarged?

And then you the sceptic, but not the nihilist in relation to an organism?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I suggest to declare or announce smehoterapiju as a method of treatment of a clamidiosis!

And what? Raises or Increases a level *quot; the general or common Y?NOu??*quot;....:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
http: // www.cofe.ru/appleubb/noncgi/roof.gif

I shall tell or say at once, that there are by-effects! - the load increases or is enlarged for the right heart... And at once contraindication - pravoserdechniki....

So a clamidiosis of a right ventricle smehoterapiej to treat it is impossible!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Lulu! Since our colleagues as it is usual, have begun to discuss with each other, I answer your question. From opinions of Zajtseva brought to your attention, Seda and Alexey it is meaningful to pay attention only to the point of view Zajtseva. For he speaks about a major principle of medicine - to treat the patient, instead of illness or disease. Its or his opponents, apparently, have forgotten about it or this and concern to the person as to *quot; OO?N*quot;.

And so - the case described by you is quite banal and will fine recover application of injections helevskih gomeopreparatov *quot; Mukoza ???OO?*quot; and *quot; ehinatseja ???OO?*quot;. In an ideal it is desirable familiar with helevskimi GPS a homeopathist (somewhere near by) and so - standard purpose or appointment is those:

Intramuscular injection mukozy;

In a day in/m an injection ehinatsei;

So to alternate or interleave in current of 2 weeks. Then:

In/m an injection mukozy;

In 2 days in/m an injection ehinatsei;

To carry out in current of 2 weeks. Then:

In/m an injection mukozy;

In 3 days - in/m an injection ehinatsei;

ch/? the following 3 days again mukoza, then again ehinatseja, etc. in current 3 months

Control inspection.

I hope, that before the beginning and in the extremity or end of treatment inspection will be in full spent and you share with us at a forum its or his results. Well and it is possible to inform on its or his course constantly.

Yes, still. Neither ehinatseja, nor mukoza are not antibiotics and in general, than more quickly the delirium will be forgotten about an antibioticotherapia - that it will be better.

Moi lolita
01.09.2004, 19:30
At us all is even easier:

1-3 (at will of the patient) injections Chlamycidum 1.0 and on 5 *quot; uO?o*quot; 2 times a day - immunization in 1-20 day (propubertatnye injections do not require at all). And further - long and tiresome resorptional therapy with liquidation not finished *quot; n?aN??UO*quot; the centers which though are not dangerous, but keep in suspense immunity, and also can cause the moderate intoxication and to complicate restoration of normal flora. When chlamydias are weakened or easied, but completely yet eliminirovany, in 9 cases from 10 appear gardnerelly. To observe a little appreciable quantities or amounts gardnerell at an active clamidiosis or at its or his full absence to me it was never resulted or brought.

To get rid from gardnerell any work does not represent, but we prefer them to not touch or not tamper with, since they at the uttermost inoffensiveness are the good indicator of a flaccid clamidiosis. And we never stop treatments of the last if in spite of the fact that all conceivable analyses already for a long time are good, gardnerelly in a smear, taki, remain.

Here still asked about fastness to chlamydias. By our estimations a share steady to C.trachomatis the population - 25-30 %. In publications digit 20 of % was mentioned.

Infitsirovannost in a population no doubt in some times above, than it is considered to be officially.

01.09.2004, 19:30
All is logical. However I prefer Hel for the reason, that he allows to avoid (well or strongly to reduce) *quot; long and ?On?O?*quot; resorptional therapy. Both mukoza and ehinatseja besides the basic action possess decent resorptional -you and a sin to not use in therapy so multiplane preparations.

By the way, Vladimir, how much I analyze cases urogenital parazitozov, I come to conclusion, that these or it 2 preparations are universal also them it is possible to appoint or nominate, that is called, *quot; with closed u?a?a??*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30

It is the illusion connected with worthless diagnostics. On the basis of analyses and state of health the majority of our patients can be recognized healthy in 1-2 weeks of treatment. And to us, at times, costs or stands considerable efforts to convince them to continue treatment resorptional GPP.

I strongly doubt, that GPP are capable to induce the accelerated resorption since rate to this process sets all the same an organism. And high rates of a resorption far are not always harmless.

As to narrowness necessary for the majority of cases of assortment GPP so in fact, and the majority of the patients, what diagnosis it or him would not expose, two reasons of the illnesses - together or separately have only. Here many *quot; O????*quot; dare to hint at mine, we shall tell or say so, bias concerning chlamydias and mycoplasmas. But a substantial part of discussions with them, as a rule, come to an end, when I suggest them to inform on their own vision of an etiology of this or that disease.

Heelevskie preparations, certainly and repeatedly surpass by efficiency AB, but also course of treatment by them costs or stands (at least, at us) in 2-3 times is more dear or expensive, than AB. And I saw cases of failures at their use, peerly as saw also conclusive successes. That and another - approximately in peer attitudes or relations that gives me the basis to assume, that efficiency Heelja at a clamidiosis somewhere in between 60 and 80 %.

On my unbiassed observations, in our nice or famous city those who has money, but has no full information on the market of venerologic services, go to treat clamidiosis Heelem or ozone (too rather not bad leaves); those who possesses the information, go to be treated to us; those who does not possess neither money, nor the information - send in KVD (but all the same fly in the round sum); the same who at all does not represent, in what vlip, or simply is not friends of a head, go to be treated to gynecologists or urologists (let do not take offence, but it so: recovered after these experts I somehow even shall not remember; and business, probably, not in local colour, and basically).

01.09.2004, 19:30

I began to give steadfast attention to urogenital parasites rather recently (in it or this there is also your merit); earlier concerned to them easy enough - have found, have treated and-th it is free. It now you understand, diagnostics is how much inexact and how much would pass by!

Cost of treatment helevskimi preparations at us also a sore point. However, is more correct than it or him to name dear or expensive question. Somehow earlier I even spoke, that when appears *quot; NO?NO?o?U*quot; onkobolnoj also it is necessary not postponing *quot; nO??Oy*quot; the tumour ubihinonom, the patient cannot allow itself it.

2 more words about a resorption - here as it is represented to me, hel out of competition. Process induced by it or him is physiologic. That up to digit of efficiency of 60-80 % here at once there is an idea on qualification of a homeopathist. It in fact only at first sight with helevskimi GPS all is simple. Actually in their purpose or appointment too there are subtleties. The same endometritis demands purpose or appointment ginekohelja and if a homeopathist will lose sight of it, having counted only on ehinatseju, -whether that the patient will recover., etc., etc.

Anyway ours *quot; -aOO?OU*quot; approve or confirm, that miksty they in a status to cure always. I shall not undertake to make comments on this statement though personally at me for 1,5 years of application helevskih GPS punctures were not as will be further - we shall see. Steklyshki with smears upon termination of course of treatment I shall send you in clinic is more reliable control, than over us.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I too wished to offer you it. At what, without the indicating to that posesses a smear - sick, treated or considered healthy.

The fast resorption is potentially dangerous, a minimum, in two cases:

1. An intersticial or interstitial fibrosis with narrow drainage fistulas in the open cavities - danger of an occlusion (very morbidly).

2. Chronic peritonialnye the synechias which for a long time have changed with self the copular apparatus - the ptosis is possible or probable.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: V.Dvorianchikov

*quot; *quot; I too wished to offer you it. At what, without the indicating to that posesses a smear - sick, treated or considered healthy. And quot; *quot;


*quot; *quot; the Fast resorption is potentially dangerous, a minimum, in two cases:

1. An intersticial or interstitial fibrosis with narrow drainage fistulas in the open cavities - danger of an occlusion (very morbidly).

2. Chronic peritonialnye the synechias which for a long time have changed with self the copular apparatus - the ptosis is possible or probable. And quot; *quot;

On hele while with such complications did not collide or face.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is possible to cure without antibiotics such infections as:

Ureaplasma, chlamydias, a thrush?

The matter is that as shows experience of human evolution,) Except for imunnogo the balance does not exist anything - and absolutely agrees with g- to homeopathists - antibiotics still have not cured anybody. But a homeopathy rather provided person (however as well as the following presumes to itself only two ways)

1) Immunomoduljatory (For example, female - solko trihovan, man's - solko urovan) - 3 nyxes with an interval in a week

2) Up to 1000 sessions (on 25 in day) the Izhevsk apparatus a biobackground.

For this time will not die razve that kandida - but she will be lost from absolutely conservative and harmless Nistatinum at the competent and is continuous-patient approach.

PS. Treatment by antibiotics - hazardous to health conservative delirium