Просмотр полной версии : HELP! Leucocytes and Ureaplasma Urealyticum

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me here such situation.....

I fly or treat at present a chronic pharyngitis and tonzilit and at the same time has decided to visit or attend the gynecologist - simply and to hand over on an infection as for a long time did not hand over a smear (about 1 year). Here the most interesting also has begun. Sdela a colposcopy. Smears with shejki have taken any. There it's OK-except for a strange phrase *quot; a cytology o?a?N??n*quot;. Has handed over a smear on flora, there were leucocytes in shejke 40-60, a vagina 25-30, 8-10 moch.kanal. Has handed over still PTSR on a chlamydia - negatively, miko and uroplazmy.... As a result of analyses it is found out Ureaplazma Urealyticum in a high credit more than 10 in 4-th degree CCU/ml..... At me questions to doctors! And whether it is necessary to me to treat a ureaplasma? Whether it is necessary to treat the sexual partner? Whether it is necessary to him to hand over on an infection and to solve *quot; to treat - not ?N??Oy*quot;, or it is enough him to spend on drink same medicines, as me..... (if at all it is necessary to treat a ureaplasma). Can to me peresdat a smear, I in fact now am ill or sick and I treat a throat?

And more, here what scheme or plan of treatment has appointed or nominated to me the doctor:

1. Immunomaks

2. junideks-?a??Oai, Trichopolum - 7 dn., fljukostat 150, vobenzim (200 tabl), Klionum-n - 10 dn.

3. Ofloksin - 7.

4. Viferon suppositories 2 10

What will advise? I something in rassterjannosti.....: (

nataliy 041956
01.09.2004, 19:30
At me here such situation.....

I fly or treat at present a chronic pharyngitis and tonzilit and at the same time has decided to visit or attend the gynecologist - simply and to hand over on an infection as for a long time did not hand over a smear (about 1 year). Here the most interesting also has begun. Sdela a colposcopy. Smears with shejki have taken any. There it's OK-except for a strange phrase *quot; a cytology o?a?N??n*quot;. Has handed over a smear on flora, there were leucocytes in shejke 40-60, a vagina 25-30, 8-10 moch.kanal. Has handed over still PTSR on a chlamydia - negatively, miko and uroplazmy.... As a result of analyses it is found out Ureaplazma Urealyticum in a high credit more than 10 in 4-th degree CCU/ml..... At me questions to doctors! And whether it is necessary to me to treat a ureaplasma? Whether it is necessary to treat the sexual partner? Whether it is necessary to him to hand over on an infection and to solve *quot; to treat - not ?N??Oy*quot;, or it is enough him to spend on drink same medicines, as me..... (if at all it is necessary to treat a ureaplasma). Can to me peresdat a smear, I in fact now am ill or sick and I treat a throat?

And more, here what scheme or plan of treatment has appointed or nominated to me the doctor:

1. Immunomaks

2. junideks-?a??Oai, Trichopolum - 7 dn., fljukostat 150, vobenzim (200 tabl), Klionum-n - 10 dn.

3. Ofloksin - 7.

4. Viferon suppositories 2 10

What will advise? I something in rassterjannosti.....: (

At you an endocervicitis. The formal bases for treatment are.

The casual find confuses, only, what is it at you... In fact nothing disturbs you?

In occasion of treatment:

You spend treatment of an endocervicitis. The role of ureaplasmas here is clear not up to the extremity or end, to aspire to clean or remove them it is completely not necessary, it often turns around repeated vain courses of treatment. If to recognize that we treat separately an endocervicitis - on antibiotics obvious search. But, probably, doctors suspect VZOMT (an inflammation of appendages)? Then - purposes or appointments are justified.

Immunomaks with Viferonom IMHO - a ballast, the widespread addicting of the Russian doctors.

Yes in occasion of the partner... Enough often it appears, that the partner does not have ureaplasmas (it in fact not IPPP). In this case treatment is not required. Let will hand over analyses: a smear from a urethra, the basic IPPP (C. trachomatis, M. genitalium) and, certainly, bakposev on U. urealyticum.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And what me should disturb? Nothing flows from me, one year ago did or made medicamental abortion (mifepreston), before it or this handed over a smear on flora - doctors did not speak, that something not so in the analysis, he means was normal. Can vydeleny at me little bit more, but on every day I do not use linings.....

Did or Made uzi about 2 months ago for 6 day of a cycle (vaginalno) - it's OK.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And what me should disturb? Nothing flows from me, one year ago did or made medicamental abortion (mifepreston), before it or this handed over a smear on flora - doctors did not speak, that something not so in the analysis, he means was normal. Can vydeleny at me little bit more, but on every day I do not use linings.....

Did or Made uzi about 2 months ago for 6 day of a cycle (vaginalno) - it's OK.

And before abortion of ureaplasmas was not?

01.09.2004, 19:30
In that continually, that I the first time in a life hand over analyses method PTSR. Earlier never handed over, anybody from gynecologists did not direct or refer also anything especially did not disturb. Therefore I also do not know how much at me this muck sits.

But here at me still a question..... At me at the partner taste of a semen has changed... Approximately as half a year. Somewhere read, what is it can be an indirect attribute of presence of an infection..... Whether So it? To send it or him to the urologist?

01.09.2004, 19:30
In that continually, that I the first time in a life hand over analyses method PTSR. Earlier never handed over, anybody from gynecologists did not direct or refer also anything especially did not disturb. Therefore I also do not know how much at me this muck sits.

But here at me still a question..... At me at the partner taste of a semen has changed... Approximately as half a year. Somewhere read, what is it can be an indirect attribute of presence of an infection..... Whether So it? To send it or him to the urologist?

Change of taste of a semen is not how much-or a significant attribute. Theoretically it can occur or happen - varies pH, but anybody did not study or investigate it or this.

If you handed over PTSR whence it is known, that ureaplasmas *gt; 10*4?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I was not correctly expressed.... I handed over bakposev on a ureaplasma with antibotikogrammoj... There it is written about 10*4...

The partner was going to to the doctor....

And here if at it or him will find nothing? And we are engaged sex without a condom but while I am not flied or treated yet... The Gynecologist has told or said, that it or he should be treated irrespective of results of the analysis, type to treat it is necessary both, under the most bad analysis.....

I here of that am afraid, that I shall be treated, and he is not present, as at it or him will find nothing.... And such treatment in what will not result or bring.....

And here still questions: whether the ureaplasma is passed at oral sex? Whether it is possible to define or determine how long at me she sits.... Half a year, the year, two..? Whether It is possible to be engaged in sex in a condom on time of treatment?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I was not correctly expressed.... I handed over bakposev on a ureaplasma with antibotikogrammoj... There it is written about 10*4...

The partner was going to to the doctor....

And here if at it or him will find nothing? And we are engaged sex without a condom but while I am not flied or treated yet... The Gynecologist has told or said, that it or he should be treated irrespective of results of the analysis, type to treat it is necessary both, under the most bad analysis.....

I here of that am afraid, that I shall be treated, and he is not present, as at it or him will find nothing.... And such treatment in what will not result or bring.....

And here still questions: whether the ureaplasma is passed at oral sex? Whether it is possible to define or determine how long at me she sits.... Half a year, the year, two..? Whether It is possible to be engaged in sex in a condom on time of treatment?

Once again I shall repeat, that it is necessary to treat not a ureaplasma, and an available inflammatory process. The ureaplasma can be passed at oral and proctal or anal sex.

Empirically results of treatment of an endocervicitis often appear better, in case of joint treatment, however a ureaplasma here IMHO there is nothing.

How long *quot; ??n?O*quot; - to learn or find out it is impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
My partner cannot go to the doctor, owing to employment! Type *quot; to me ?Nuna*quot;! Speaks, that will drink antibiotics if it is necessary. Type *quot; I have you, go on doctors, all razuznaj and ask that with the muzhik to do or make and than to be treated! *quot;. Nothing disturbs it or him..... But too nothing disturbed me..... While analyses has not handed over. What with it or him to do or make?! What course to him to drink, same as well as me? And whether there is on shorter a course of antibiotics - not two weeks.....

In an ideal certainly it is necessary to tire out or drive it or him to the doctor but if it or he does not have time, I when it at it or him will appear cannot wait!!! I do not wish to live with the raised or increased leucocytes in shejke.....:)

The boy still
01.09.2004, 19:30
My partner cannot go to the doctor, owing to employment! Type *quot; to me ?Nuna*quot;! Speaks, that will drink antibiotics if it is necessary. Type *quot; I have you, go on doctors, all razuznaj and ask that with the muzhik to do or make and than to be treated! *quot;. Nothing disturbs it or him..... But too nothing disturbed me..... While analyses has not handed over. What with it or him to do or make?! What course to him to drink, same as well as me? And whether there is on shorter a course of antibiotics - not two weeks.....

In an ideal certainly it is necessary to tire out or drive it or him to the doctor but if it or he does not have time, I when it at it or him will appear cannot wait!!! I do not wish to live with the raised or increased leucocytes in shejke.....:)

You live in Moscow and I can weakly present myself a situation at which husband cannot get to the urologist. Full clinics working in target.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Was at other gynecologist. From the scheme or plan has cleaned or removed vobenzim, speaks, that it is not necessary for me. But has increased quantity or amount of days of reception of antibiotics with 7 up to 12. Plus has still told or said to drink antibiotics during monthly, that is at me treatment on two cycles turns out. Still the gynecologist has told or said, that it is necessary to survey the partner, not correctly to him to appoint or nominate in absentia medicines. The partner has convinced to go to the doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Was at other gynecologist. From the scheme or plan has cleaned or removed vobenzim, speaks, that it is not necessary for me. But has increased quantity or amount of days of reception of antibiotics with 7 up to 12. Plus has still told or said to drink antibiotics during monthly, that is at me treatment on two cycles turns out. Still the gynecologist has told or said, that it is necessary to survey the partner, not correctly to him to appoint or nominate in absentia medicines. The partner has convinced to go to the doctor.

Cancelling vobenzima and a victory over the partner I welcome, about treatment during monthly it was not necessary to hear.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Cancelling vobenzima and a victory over the partner I welcome, about treatment during monthly it was not necessary to hear.

:D well the partner it was necessary to educate, persuade, passions everyones rasskazyvt, to threaten - *quot; in sex I shall not be engaged NIKADA with Oi*quot;, *quot; you will be to drink a heap of tablets, as well as I if you will not go to oOa?O*quot; and other..... Has agreed!:)

And about treatment during monthly.... Not time heard from gynecologists what to be treated better (but it is not obligatory) during monthly......:confused:

In general to hurt or be ill;be sick dearly or expensively..... It is better to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick.....

01.09.2004, 19:30
At partnetra have found nothing. The urologist has told or said - anything to treat to him it is not necessary.

At me questions to doctors:

1. When to hand over to me povotornye analyses - how much days should pass or take place after antibiotics and viferona?

2. What to hand over - a smear or also crop on a ureaplasma?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At partnetra have found nothing. The urologist has told or said - anything to treat to him it is not necessary.

At me questions to doctors:

1. When to hand over to me povotornye analyses - how much days should pass or take place after antibiotics and viferona?

2. What to hand over - a smear or also crop on a ureaplasma?

1 months

1. Smears.

2. Bacteriological research on a ureaplasma.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1 months

1. Smears.

2. Bacteriological research on a ureaplasma.

Excuse, has not so understood....

To hand over analyses through 1 mes after reception of last tablet of an antibiotic? Or after last suppository Viferona?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, has not so understood....

To hand over analyses through 1 mes after reception of last tablet of an antibiotic? Or after last suppository Viferona?

Ab, certainly.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Ab, certainly.

*quot; Ci*quot; is apparently an antibiotic?:) well not the doctor I! Also I do not understand!:)

And in general thanks you, that only you answer my questions.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here I also have approached or suited to finish. Has handed over analyses. Nothing vysejali. Ureaplasmas at me are not present. In total treatment has borrowed or occupied nearby 4 mes, from the moment of detection up to result of the analysis after treatment......

I do not wish to hurt or be ill;be sick more. Thanks you for the help and support.