Просмотр полной версии : Heart

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon.

My problem is those: From a sort to me 22. Already more than 7 years I constantly test a strong stethalgia from the left party or side under a thoracal muscle and in the center, giving in the left arm or hand, in a neck and under a scapula. Occurrence of painful sensations spontaneous, as a rule, does not depend on influence of external factors.

Can arise in a dream, in a quiet status, and can and after an exercise stress or stress - it is natural, that in the second case the probability is more.

There was a precedent, that after a campaign in sports a hall the pain has stopped.

After an exercise stress the pain seldom comes as result - and more likely as consequence or investigation - hour through 3-4.

The pain depends on position in space - during an attack lays on a back I can - to turn sideways any chances. Turn sideways (during a dream, for example) can provoke an attack.

There is a desire deeply to inhale - but sensations of shortage of air yet was not.

The pain reacts to deep respiration - at an inspiration usilivaetsja.

Duration of attacks different: from one lumbago, several hours about several weeks of incessant pains.

Pressure 120 on 80.

I do not smoke. I do not drink. Very much I like sports. But last time I am engaged ever less - hurts

posledjaja the Black strip tjanetsja since January

No researches of heart (an electrocardiogram, the ECHO during an attack, on apparatus Holtera) results have given research - doctors speak, that with heart it's OK (sinus arrhythmia). The diagnosis an intercostal neuralgia also reasonable not seems - she does not give to a back. Reception of preparations (both intimate or cardiac, and analgetics) simplification do not bring. I search for the person with a similar problem, and also I ask advice or council from readers of a forum: what to do or make with a similar problem, where to address and what researches to spend even for statement of the diagnosis?