Просмотр полной версии : Please help!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! I Hope, you resolve my doubts. To me 52 years, a menopause 3 years. On reception at the gynecologist the diagnosis - a polyp of the cervical channel. Have put in a hospital, have made: 1) soskob the cervical channel, 2) soskob stenok uteruses. Patalogogistologicheskoe research has shown: 1) in soskobe the cervical channel - fibro-glandular polyp the cervical channel with epidermizatsiej; 2) in soskobe from a cavity of the uterus - zhelezisto- a hyperplasia endometrija. The QUESTION: the doctor has written out a preparation *quot; a?oa?O?*quot; once a day on 4 tablets, has read through the summary to it or him;them and has not understood, what for (and whether it is necessary) for me to accept it or him. It in fact a hormonal preparation, I am afraid to recover, and besides to me it is not clear, he for young girls or too approaches or suits me. Thankful in advance for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30

The hyperplasia endometrija demands treatment, which purpose-cause atrophic changes in endometrii which norm or rate after the termination or discontinuance of a menses and is. To receive such effect it is possible by means of the preparations containing Progestinums (to which number concerns Djufaston), derivatives 19-, Danazol. More optimum for you will be a choice between Probelief, Gestrinon or Danazolom. Remember, that for treatment by hormones there are series of restrictions, therefore a choice of a preparation and the scheme or plan of treatment is carried out on internal consultation of the doctor.

Your weight will not change, if you will not change a habitual diet.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana, big to you thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30

You have asked a good question. It will be quite good, if you inform on results.