Просмотр полной версии : giperandrogenija?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear doctors!

Whether you can comment on the given situation?

About itself: 26 years, a cycle of regular 28-29 days, an ovulation according to US are present, schedule BT biphase. Handed over hormones in two cycles.

One cycle

09.01.01 of 5-th dmts

LH - 8.5 ??N/l (1.9 - 12.5)

FSH - 5.3 ??N/l (2.5 - 10.2)

Prolactin - 222 ??N/l (59 - 619)

Testosteron - 0.5 ???y/l (0.5)

Estradiol - 371 ??y/l (40 - 606)

TSH - 1.63 ??N/l (0.4 - 4)

FT3 - 4.5 ??y/l (3.5 - 6.5)

FT4 - 14.2 ??y/l (11.5 - 23.2)

ACTH - 4.2 ??y/l (1.08 - 10.1)

Cortisol - 300 ???y/l (119 - 618)

DHEA-S - 4.3 ???y/l (0.95 - 11.67)

17-OH-Pg - 0.99 ng/l (0.15 - 1.1)

Growth Gormon - 8.1 ??N/l (0.16 - 12)

Other cycle.

27.06.01 of 3-rd dmts

FSH - 6.6 honey/ml (3.0 - 12.0)

LH - 6.60 honey/ml (2.28 - 9.41)

30.06.01 of 6-th dmts

Testosteron - 2.1 ???y/l (0.8)

Cortisol - 364 ???y/l (150 - 650)

17-OH-Pg - 3.0 ???y/l (0.45 - 3.3)

DHEA-S bloods - 2140 ???y/l (1000 - 5500)

DHEA-S urine - 4000 ???y/l (500 - 2000)

Opinion of doctors were divided or ed undresswere into two: at once appoint or nominate Dexamethazonum, or speak, that it's OK with hormones and anything to do or make it is not necessary, neither those, nor others do not wish to explain the references. It seems to me, that precise indications for purpose or appointment of Dexamethazonum are not present, since androgens in a blood in norm or rate, and a preparation this not harmless. On the other hand, I can not agree and that that's all right since nobody can tell or say why DHEA-S urine it is raised or increased, and secondly, I think, I nevertheless have a hirsutism (besides opinions of doctors were divided or ed undresswere into this bill), but at my mum and the sister he is expressed in a greater degree, than at me.

I not the fan or amateur to hand over analyses and to dig in myself as it can seem, but at my husband azoospermija, and it would be desirable to know, whether there are at me problems with conception or not (to not waste time while is treated the husband), to find out it by practical consideration is not present an opportunity.

Can eat any way to find out, whether is at me giperandrogenija or not, whether has sense to do or make sinaktenovyj the test?

In advance thanks.


Anja With
01.09.2004, 19:30
By the resulted or brought data, you do not have obvious hormonal disturbances and to appoint or nominate Dexamethazonum at the given stage (by preparation for pregnancy) I would not become. But, considering presence of a hirsutism, it is meaningful to make sinaktenovyj the test as relatives too have a hirsutism. If the test will be positive purpose or appointment of Dexamethazonum immediately in medical cycle IKSI or ISD and further in a small dose will be, certainly, is justified.

About DHEA-S in urine - it is better to repeat the analysis. Also it is not necessary to trust strongly to this analysis at norm or rate in a blood.

If you wish to know absolutely precisely about presence and the form giperandrogenii it is better to you to address in ENTS Russian Academy of Medical Science where spend detailed inspections on this bill.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob! Thanks big for your answer.

In ENTS Russian Academy of Medical Science I already addressed, there to me and have told or said, that at me all in norm or rate, and on DHEA-S in urine they appoint or nominate the analysis only in a hospital and only at suspicion to a pathology of adrenals, instead of to usual gynecologic patients or patient.

Whether and it is possible to do or make sinaktenovyj the test for 5-th DMTS?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, sinaktenovyj also it is necessary to do or make the test approximately for 5 day of a cycle.

01.09.2004, 19:30
All reasonings concerning to your hormonal status are very interesting.

But, I am afraid, that you in the endocrine plan are healthy. Rising nua-WITH in urine, at its or his numerous norm or rate in a blood cannot testify to a pathology, as urine - less authentic test besides the mistake or error of laboratory is possible or probable.

If a cycle at you ovulatory can not worry about itself much.


Azoospermija is an absolute indication to application of auxiliary methods of treatment of sterility or barrenness. Moreover, clinic EKO owning method IKSI - intratsitoplazmaticheskoj is necessary to an injection of a spermatozoon. The method of an aspiration of spermatozoons from a tissue of a testicle by a puncture - and if will carry in a punctate there will be spermatozoons most likely is required.

Such practically does not happen, that conservative methods of treatment could deduce or remove the man of their status azoospermii to the status of a semen providing a fertilization.

Therefore, I would be not present recommended you to be late at a stage of treatment at androloga, and to address in center EKO. You can lose a lot of time (cycles of treatment at men last at times many months), but eventually will come for the child *quot; from Oi?O?*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Thanks big for your answer.

About a problem available us we in a course, conservative methods do not treat the husband, half a year back to him operation on excision bilaterial varikotsele (it was relapse), audit of organs of a scrotum and a biopsy of both testicles has been made. Unfortunately, the biopsy has not shown anything new in comparison with spermogrammoj, there and there only cells of a spermatogenesis though in spermogramme there were spermatids, and on a biopsy have not found them, so I think there is no sense to do or make a puncture for reception of spermatozoons since too most it is possible to receive from a semen if spermatozoons will start to ripen. Now the husband passes or takes place stimulation of a spermatogenesis by Tamoxifenum if will not help or assist it is then planned to appoint or nominate Gonadotropinums if we shall decide to do or make IKSI.

The matter is that we do not exclude also method ISD, therefore I and wished to be surveyed.
