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01.09.2004, 19:30

In me have found out prolaktinomu (on a tomography), posle-

Cystic mastopathy... Last Prolactinum was 1200 on

2 tab. Parlodelum. Now the menses is late for 2,5 weeks and there are no harbingers (to a wound strongly hurted or was ill;was sick and nagrubala a breast) whether .mozhet it to be display of body height prolaktinomy? And how the mastopathy on a background prolaktinomy is treated? Whether It is possible to reduce somehow collateral displays from Parlodelum-strong a hypotension?

With impatience I look forward to hearing, yours faithfully, T. 23 years.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The test for pregnancy!

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: the Melon

The test for pregnancy!

Has made the test-negative...

Even the US-pregnancy is not present...

Has made the analysis on Prolactinum-168 (abs. Normal!),

And the menses all is not present... (almost 2 months)

I any more do not know what to think...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sonechka, give under the-order .skolko to YOU years?

What disturbed you when you have addressed to the doctor who there was first Prolactinum (before treatment) what was level TTG? FSG?

I shall try to reduce number of YOUR illnesses or diseases by one the matter is that changes of structure or frame of a mammary gland at any endocrinopathy (i.e. in any case of misoperation of endocrine glands) often are designated as a mastopathy, but if there is an endocrine pathology a mastopathy - not separate illness or disease., and a syndrome at this endocrine pathology.

To tell the truth, at me about 10 questions, therefore think, whether to continue to us conversation in and-not those or that .ili you will send an extract with detailed data by fax 248-64-77.

I am not assured completely not, that at YOU is prolaktinoma-depression of a level of Prolactinum at prolaktinome practically inevitably conducts to restoration of a fecundity and a menses

01.09.2004, 19:30
Before I have addressed to the doctor me disturbed a heap of signs... To Me 24 years, menarhe in 14 years (there was a fusion or cleisis of a hymen and me did or made a section) .menstruatsii always were very morbid-th not could go to school, me tore and toshnilo, I fainted. These signs were in the first day of -th, then all passed or took place. The cycle at once was not regular--14-60 days. Before nabuhala the breast also hurted or was ill;was sick. After 7- years these signs became less expressed. A sexual life since 19 years. For the first time zdala Prolactinum 3 years ago. To be treated has begun with June, 2001 Parlodelum on 1 tab, but only 2 months. Has made Prolactinum-1200! Have appointed or nominated on 2 tab. Last Prolactinum-168 (a saw on a regular basis 2 .4 month). Today has again made US- of 15 mm., i.e. soon should begin monthly, but the cycle has turned out 60 days! Can such be on a background of norms or rates. Prolactinum? For US have put multifollicular ovaries. What at me an opportunity zaberemennet? Or it is very difficultly treated? I the therapist-pass or therapist-take place intership... Still there are not less important nuances but many or a lot of;much to not write, if to you not difficultly-look my letter in section *quot; infections sexual OON*quot; - *quot; zamuchalas to be treated! *quot;


01.09.2004, 19:30
Sonja, I already read YOUR letter in *quot; it was tortured ?N??Oy?n*quot;, but it is more convenient to me to respond YOU in more details.

In the first, at YOU most likely is not present prolaktinomy .na start there was a boundary level of Prolactinum, it is not known, whether is not present at you so-called *quot; big-O?aO??N???*quot;-was absolutely a good-quality status, by no means for a life not influencing besides there is one million diseases - from depression up to a pseudorheumatism at which it is possible to find soft rising of a level of Prolactinum, at some women the fact of a fence of a blood can increase a level of Prolactinum .vam did not investigate or research TTG..

Your complaints are poorly similar on giperprolaktinemichesky a hypogonadism .i a problem *quot; it was tortured ?N??Oy?n*quot; directly it is connected with a problem - *quot; and I do not know, .chto I fly or treat and what for *quot;.

What is for you the basic problem - an algomenorrhea, a premenstrual syndrome (neither that, nor other status lives do not threaten and the conversation with sick and symptomatic therapy demand) why you have solved, what you will have a sterility or barrenness, .naskolko is correctly diagnosed - as you to itself, the DOCTOR, represent, it is the Internet a problem?

If to speak the truth your fluctuations of a level of Prolactinum reflect quality of job of laboratory in the BACKGROUND of reception more likely, than real changes of a level of a hormone .rezkoe depression of a level of Prolactinum usually does not affect duration of a cycle, but in the theory can break or disturb it or him So .davajte we shall find out, what for and that it is necessary to treat. And then we shall be treated.... If it in general is necessary.

In Krasnoyarsk successfully works d.m.n. S.A Dogadin (in my opinion .on at you the regional endocrinologist .pod an arm or a hand is not present vizitok) - but you the doctor, and can find it or him .rivet from me .budu is glad to discuss your problem (if to not be found out .chto problems practically is not present).

01.09.2004, 19:30
And how an amenorrhea, premenstrual pains and an adhesive desease?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Despite of kafkianskuju phantasmagoria of a question of V.Dvorjanchikova, nevertheless I shall try to respond - I shall begin with terminology - absence of a menses during SIX and more months at the woman of genesial age is called as the AMENORRHEA (we discuss a secondary amenorrhea). T.O., Sonina a situation well in any way the AMENORRHEA even if to accept recommended nekotorymii researchers the amendment about use of the term the AMENORRHEA after trimensual absence krovjanistyh cyclic vydeleny (bleeding).

At from a premenstrual strain HAPPENS soft giperprolaktinemija, but this with-thit PRACTICALLY does not meet at prolaktinomah (in communication or connection with an amenorrhea .kak more typical situation).

If Sone or to that-or from doctors that-or is not clear in my answers, I shall consider or count myself OBLIGED (I think, washing the special love to this subject is known to doctors) I shall respond in more details .takzhe is grateful to a moderator .esli he will find or consider necessary how to expand my answer.

I take an opportunity to remind only, that HYPERDIAGNOSTICS by Prolactinum - alas .rasprostranennoe the phenomenon. And chronic stressornaja a situation. In which there is a woman in this case, can really aggravate disturbances of a menstrual cycle.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Forgive or Excuse, but I not about *quot; a syndrome premenstrual ?aOn?N??n*quot; (we shall leave this doubtful nosology on conscience of its or her inventors). I about absolutely concrete premenstrual pains and about absolutely concrete solderings, zarostivshih even in due time plevu. I believe, we are obliged by this phenomenon to a myth about the bloodless defloration happening on Jacob (not to the prophet, and) in 60 % of cases. But it so - to a word was necessary.

That up to an amenorrhea, so in fact the tendency to reduction *quot; control ?Oo*quot; here it is available. And business, undoubtedly, will terminate a bi-monthly interval.

01.09.2004, 19:30
C to you that you wish to help or assist somehow to me but if is fair-th not all I understand about what you speak, in endocrinology I not the expert. Dogadinu I greetings necessarily shall pass-thight just pass or take place intership in Regional hospital...

Monthly send or have come-cycle it has turned out 62 days... Again the breast strongly hurted or was ill;was sick. About mistakes or errors in job of laboratory-quite it is possible or probable.

And that I do not know what to treat-is perfect or treat-is absolute;treat-absolutely correctly... But in fact these pains do or make my life intolerable... And why I thinking of sterility or barrenness-so same -after stolkih years of an inflammation in uterine pipes... Especially we with the husband are not protected-pregnancy for a long time could come or step...

I have forgotten to write about hormones-ths did or made all (both TTG and STG and all the others were in norm or rate, the truth has been a little raised or increased a hydrocortisone, but endocrinologists to me have told or said what is it can be both at a capture of the analysis and on stress). Still I not absolutely ???a?-as can not be prolaktinomy if to me it or her have found out on tomografii-and quot; in a forward share of a pituitary body prolaktinoma in the size 0,5 see and quot; Certainly, since I am in constant stress-can to be raised or increased Prolactinum... But how to me to normalize a menstrual cycle? And how to get rid of a premenstrual syndrome? And the mastopathy-in fact she probably all the same on a background hormonal dizbalansa has appeared? And a mastopathy-it or -this;-thus a precancer... Especially at me a heredity on a cancer of a mammary gland otjagoshchena...

And in fact on a background of high Prolactinum there is no ovulation (coming back to pregnancy...).

And how to me all the same to be with chlamydias-treat or to not treat?

I understand, that this question not to you and to kozhvenerologam, but all the same, it would be desirable to hear your opinion...

In advance thanks...


01.09.2004, 19:30
Sonja, I responded you, ishoodja from the information, that you the doctor.

I shall try to simplify a statement some.

If 100 passing or taking place along the street the person to put under MR-or KT a tomograph at 10-20 from them will be attributes mikroaadenomy.

On opening, at the people who have died at respectable age from an infarct .insulta, etc., find out microadenomas of a pituitary body - nothing meant during lifetime of, so-called INSIDENTALOMY, too approximately in 15 percent or interests of cases.

Already in the beginning of 80th years in Lancet there was very nice clause or article - *quot; when prolaktinoma not prolaktinoma *quot;.

The level of Prolactinum is influenced also with set of factors, there is both gipofizarnaja, and VNEgipofizarnaja production of this hormone.

At YOU it is excluded symptomatic giperprolaktinemija at a primary hypothyrosis, but the fact true giperprolaktinemii is not proved not so.

Sonja, YOU, probably, should know about jobs on prolaktinomam, time you the physician and suspect at yourselves this disease. Hence, you can present yourselves, what volume of observations over these patients and what volume of data on this disease your obedient servant .mozhet possesses be .stoit to listen to my opinion? The case history described by you at all does not remind true prolaktinomu, and signs available YOU have no attitude or relation to a clinical picture giperprolaktinemicheskogo a hypogonadism.

It is necessary to tell or say, that soft giperprolaktinemija it is observed and at chronic salpingo-oophorites, and at an endometriosis.

Stimulation of a mammary gland uvelichivet a level of Prolactinum in eight times, essentially increase or enlarge a level of this hormone of kind two ten preparations, not speaking about travkah (, and narcotic .i national.......)

In a word, I repeat once again - at YOU not a typical situation for interenet-consultations. Certainly, if YOU he- satisfies the diagnosis of a mycoplasmosis and hlaimdioza, you can continue interenet-treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear professor Melnichenko, big to you thanks for consultation and a clarification of some not clear questions for me, is simple I did not know about existence insidentalom...

Certainly, I agree-it not an Internet-problem... And I am certainly observed at the gynecologist... Simply it would be desirable to consult once again with the person knowing this problem.