Просмотр полной версии : Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Doctor Melnichenko G.A.

Than the raised or increased antiserum capacity to a thyreoglobulin 170,4 can be caused or called at norm or rate 0-100 if TTG, 3, 4 show norm or rate? All other hormones too norm or rate, except for Testosteron-Depotum - 5,3 at norm or rate up to 4,6. My doctor has drawn a conclusion, that fading function of ovaries (my age of 30 years) is available at me. Has handed over a blood on markers on autoimunnye processes - all vporjadke. My diagnosis sterility or barrenness 2. A menses regular, a cycle of 28 days. Monitoring of a follicle pokazal-an ovulation occurs or happens.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Antibodies to tiroglobulinu SHOULD not be investigated or researched at faces without a pathology of a thyroid gland as their level can be increased at 20 percent or interests of absolutely healthy people. Detection of rising of a level of antibodies to TG cannot explain sterility or barrenness in YOUR situation. It is more reasonable to specify the reason of rising of Testosteron-Depotum, to exclude the tubal factor. In section fruitless marriage or spoilage at our forum is precisely specified modern algorithm of inspection of patients with sterility or barrenness.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

According to GSG pipes are passed or taken place;passable. From a laparoscopy doctors have dissuaded - there are no indications. Spermogramma the husband - norm or rate. And how to find out the reason of raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum? My doctor in this occasion is silent.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To tell the truth, I am convinced, that this digit as is erroneous, as well as the offered definition of a level of antibodies to TG as there is an ovulation.

Rising of a level of Testosteron-Depotum if it really is, demands exception ovarialnogo \ an adrenal genesis of its or his excess.

If the doctor appoints or nominates any researches, he should be ready to that he should explain those parameters which deviate norm or rate. In otnoshneii AT to TG we have already agreed, that is better them would not investigate or research. BUT time investigated or researched, and thus have revealed minimally expressed deviation or rejection from norm or rate at fruitless pair the following idea - and whether is not present an immunologic component of sterility or barrenness? It is necessary to YOUR doctor to answer this question. Further let the doctor solves itself or sends on consultation to those who will not be silent in this case.