Просмотр полной версии : giperprolaktinemija, labors and feeding by a breast

01.09.2004, 19:30

To me of 30 years. I on 38 week of pregnancy. In 23 years at me disturbances of a menstrual cycle have begun. On the basis of the analysis of a blood have diagnosed *quot; u?NOO?aO??N??n*quot;. It was treated at different doctors, has not moved yet to Kharkov and was not registered in an out-patient department of endocrinology at institute of problems of an endocrine pathology (in 29 years). For that moment Prolactinum exceeded the top border of norm or rate in 3 times. I was surveyed by neuropathologist and the oculist who have not found deviations or rejections. Parladel which I accepted from 23 years irregularly and incorrectly (as I was explained by the doctor), have cancelled and have translated or transferred on dostineks (2 tab/?Nn). In 6 months of reception Prolactinum has come to norm or rate (300 honey/l at 57-900). After that to me have lowered a dose up to 1 tab/?Nn and soon I have become pregnant. The doctor-endocrinologist has not given indications for an abortion and more 3 months I accepted dostineks, gradually reducing a dose. In term of 18-20 weeks me have put on conservation where I was looked or seen by oculist and the neuropathologist who again have not found any deviations or rejections, and still to me have made MRT at which pathologies of a pituitary body have not revealed. On 26 week the level of Prolactinum was 678 honey/l (57-900), and on 36 - 1400 honey/l. My doctor the -gynecologist of female consultation speaks, that with the diagnosis giperprolaktinemii to me will do or make cesarean and will not allow to nurse the child. About cesarean while anybody from other experts has not given indicatings to me, and here about refusal of feeding I heard and from the endocrinologist (not so categorically), and from doctors of a maternity home in which I am going to to give birth or travail.

It would be desirable to learn or find out, it will be how much dangerous to not listen to references of doctors for my part. And more, whether so it is necessary cesarean and how that can affect or influence health of the child, chtoja has become pregnant during reception dostineksa?

Thankful in advance for the answer.

Yours faithfully.


01.09.2004, 19:30
References on monitoring Prolactinum during pregnancy, obligatory uprovedeniju cesarean sections and to an interdiction on feeding for faces with giperprolaktinemiej not sushchestuet.

The quantity or amount of children which mothers accepted dostineks during pregnancy, is insignificant.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Kind day!

At my wife prolaktenemija (see above). On March, 23rd at us the son was born. Whether now we do not know it is possible to feed the child or necessary to suppress a lactemia. The doctor the pediatrist speaks, that in milk of mother a plenty of hormones contains and consequently it can negatively affect or influence health of the child.

What will advise?

Yours faithfully, Dmitry.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Dmitry,

The professor has already written in the pregoing report what to feed it is possible. I understand what very hardly to make a decision against opinion of your attending physician... Keep, many feeding mums through similar have passed or have taken place.

While you make a decision, let your wife decants milk each 2-3 hours (especially important 3-7 mornings so the human body is arranged) to not lose milk. If decide to nurse, probably it is necessary to work with the adviser on thoracal feeding as sometimes after several days of feeding from a bottle the child can incorrectly and reluctantly take a breast. Watch or keep up, that the child widely opened a mouth, put out tongue, and took in a mouth all areola (red around of a papilla) breasts.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Davnym for a long time (in 70th years of the last century or blepharon) doctors only have learned or have found out, that there is Prolactinum and only there was Parlodelum owing to which became pregnant and the women who are earlier not had hopes to become or begin by mums began to give birth or travail.

At the same time have learned or have found out, that during a suction At the HEALTHY woman the level of Prolactinum sharply raises or increases. In the beginning doctors were afraid, that the same rising of a level of this hormone. But already on higher background at women with giperprolaktinemiej, it can be undesirable for mums and with what rather short time did not allow to feed. However already to the middle of 80th years it became clear, that such point of view is erroneous, and in nastojashee nobody zapreshaet to feed time to women with giperprolaktinemiej. It would be quite good to show my answer to your doctors. I wish you all kind.