Просмотр полной версии : Question

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me the patient in occasion of absence monthly since April 2004 has addressed (she wishes to become pregnant) .provela three tests for pregnancy - two of them (+), the third (-) .na US pregnancy is not found out, the augmentation of the right ovary 5741 is marked or celebrated. Headaches, a nausea, irritability, rising of weight disturb.

From the anamnesis: menarhe since 15 years, regular, painless, moderated or moderate. Married since 19 years. Marriage or spoilage 1. .-5, from them -3 (the last in 1994) proceeded normally. .-2, last 2003. Contraception of Naval Forces which has removed in February 2004. Hurted or was ill;was sick ORVI after which the cyst in occipital area 1999 is found out. Suffers hr.anemiej and the diffusive or diffuse augmentation of a thyroid gland 2 is revealed.

As to me it or her to survey not having in our small small town of hormonal laboratory, and what is it can byt-*quot; false iNON?N???Oy*quot;, hormonal disturbances or an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Tulip, in small small town it is necessary to treat in the same way as in big, tollo it it is better (and that will beat). Therefore in small small town it is necessary to know precisely algorithms of optimum conducting patients and accurate informations of the diagnosis. And goromnalnye laboratories d.b. In greater or big cities where test tubes with their plasma \ Serum go either patients, or.

Let's begin with algoritmov-neither you, nor I do not know - the augmentation of a thyroid gland of 2 degrees is actually or prividelos to the doctor, and on what classification he considers or counts this most 2-th degree.

If across Nikolaev, it is normal (on the size) a gland,

If on the CART from 2001 is an enormous struma.

Probably, this patient not obezdvizhena, and she can spend US scoping - 18 sm3 - they and in Africa of 18 sm3, all that is more - a struma. T.e, one headache it is less.

TTG to a blood will respond you to a question on how the gland-. works. You ask to make this research for the patient.. The Rest, naedjus, gynecologists will tell or say.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Not absolutely clearly about augmentation of an ovary - he is increased, and what at it or him ehostruktura? Certainly, it is necessary to send it or her in large city where there is a hormonal laboratory and to survey on sexual hormones and on /T4 over Only it is necessary to take an interest all over again in quality of analyses which there do or make - to receive responses of doctors which there direct or refer. If there is an obesity it can be necessary and definition of triglycerides, LPVP, LPNP, glucoses and an insulin for diagnostics of a syndrome insulinorezistentnosti.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for your references, dear Galina Afanasevna and the Water-melon. I shall try to make everything, that you have advised. Before a following occurring!