Просмотр полной версии : nevynashivanie

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me was 2 stood pregnancy. In the first (in ab.mater.) there was primary infection TSMV, has treated immunoglob. In the second-? +, Enteroviruses. Through mes.posle mersilona handed over all hormones: in norm or rate, except for Testosteron-Depotum (1,02 at norm or rate 0,65),

TTG - 0,41 (N=0.17-4)

antitpo - 2,8 (N=20)

DGEA - 95,4 (N=10-333)

Prolactinum - 3,97 (N=3,6-13,4)

FSG - 2,74 (N=1,8-10,5)

LG - 2,59 (N=0,5-5)

Oestradiolum - 95,02 (N=30-200)

Testosteron-Depotum - 1,02 (N=0,07-0,65)

Krogda handed over through three mes.testosteron was already 1,4, and TTG 0,03 (has gone down).

Thus 2 mes accepted jodit a potassium 200 / sut (mozhe because of it or him?)

Have told or said, what is it too the important hormone at planned is pregnant.

Now naznalili :1. Dalargin 1,0 10 (??); 2. Thymalinum 1,0 10 dn; 3. Plazmaferez. For treatment giperandogenii (have told or said that she jaichnikovaja) - Diana 3, and at nastupl.beremen., probably, Dexamethazonum. Since Prolactinum on the bottom borders and for maintenance - Prolactinum tzh.posle offensives or approaches is pregnant.

Something can you to me will advise? With the husband have handed over already everything, that is possible and at all time (AFS handed over, volch.koaguljant too - all in norm or rate, an immunogram within the limits of bottom border of norm or rate). Prompt something!

Thanks in advance