Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis

01.09.2004, 19:30
Would like to ask, to me put a polycystosis of ovaries, but I so ponemaju not so big, an outgrowth only 3 ml., whether there are at me chances zaberemenit and whether probably it to cure at such stage?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Result or Bring more information - how much years, mass of a body and the body height, what disturbances of a cycle, results of US, hormonal research.

01.09.2004, 19:30
21 year, body height 165, weight 60. The US shows that at me goes spaichnyj protses and albuminous outgrowths on ovaries 3 ml. The sizes of a uterus and ovaries are included into norm or rate. Analyses on hormones did not do or make, but to US have written that at me a polycystosis. As with ranego detsjatva vospolenie shchetovidnoj glands, earlier even stood on the account. Disturbances tsykla were earlier a maximum for a month, poslednii year an one and a half tsykl constant, but it is more than 28 days where that days 30-31, now the beginnings prinemat Marvelon and tsykl became 28 days.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, that you need to repeat US at other expert - adherent or adhesive process cannot be revealed on US and at a polycystosis of ovaries they, as a rule, are increased. Without hormonal inspection it is the diagnosis it is not put. You need to pass or take place it or him, and then to discuss this question further.

At reception OK the cycle in any case will be regular. To hand over a blood on hormones it is possible not earlier, than in 2 months after its or his cancelling. Then it is necessary and to repeat US.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Would like to ask still, in mine vozroste premerno whom the size there should be ovaries?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At US it is defined or determined JAMI - a -uterine index. I.e., matter not only the sizes of ovaries, but also the sizes of a uterus. This index should be no more than 3.5.