Просмотр полной версии : giperprolaktinemija

01.09.2004, 19:30
In 2003 has been diagnosed giperprolaktinemija. By means of MRT the adenoma of a pituitary body 3 is found out mikro. Have appointed or nominated Bromocriptinum, on one tablet in day, as a result Prolactinum has decreased below norm or rate,

In July 2003 g on 1.2 tab. In day, I have become pregnant. Has stopped to accept Bromocriptinum (as advised the doctor up to pregnancy).. Tests of longly it or this did not show... Botched work has begun... I have addressed to the endokrinologu-to the gynecologist, she has directed me to a day time hospital on saving therapy, has appointed or nominated djufaston. To me have made uzi and have confirmed pregnancy... But term of 2-3 weeks.. To mine should be more... Then they did or made uzi 2 more times... The fetal egg has increased, but as has told or said the doctor that a fetus is not visible, moreover and the yellow body was gone. In general, me have sent on cleaning. Then 3 weeks were bloody allocation, again went to a day time hospital, where me *quot; ?N????*quot;. AO????O*quot; stood iNON?N???O?*quot; to me have not told or said. In 1 month after cleaning has renewed reception of Bromocriptinum. In March 2004 descended or went in paid clinic on uzi: solderings of ovaries, metorendometrit, an infantile uterus. I in horror have decided to go to consultation, since On the center of a reproduction of the person where I was treated by all this time of hopes does not remain. The doctor in consultations at once has sent me on repeated uzi (a difference to 2 weeks): the sizes of a uterus in norm or rate, have not seen soldering, but now there was a cyst of a yellow body, structure or frame of a uterus non-uniform due to expansion peripheric vascular system up to 2.5 (the last coincided with previous uzi) .v the general or common to treat me again did not become, as, according to the doctor no signs are present, except for constants is more white or grow white. Have appointed or nominated control uzi in 2 months which has shown ALL In NORM or RATE! Has directed to the endocrinologist, that has in turn appointed or nominated MRT (the pituitary body has decreased in sizes, the tumour has remained the former sizes) a dose of Bromocriptinum to me have lowered up to 1,2 tab in day. AT PRESENT I and drink it or him. Now at me the cycle was broke or disturbed

35-38 days (was 30-32 earlier) and that the most awful monthly go very strange 3 darkly brown botched work 1 put plentifully 3 days botched work, the stomach or belly hurts for 2 or 3 day, a pain moderated or moderate. I even am afraid to think, that at me plus to all also an endometriosis. I am afraid even to try to become pregnant (with the husband we are protected by condoms), I simply not psychologically shall not go through if the last history will repeat. I do not believe doctors, in our city there is no travelling endocrinologist of the gynecologist.

Advise, how to me to be? To me 22 years.

The sun
01.09.2004, 19:30

On early term not the rarity, a microadenoma/ to it or this, most likely, the attitude or relation has no abortion. How diagnosed giperprolaktinemiju? It is not necessary to attach significance to deviations or rejections in MTS +/-7 days of a delay of value or meaning;importance have no. Important for you now - whether there is no inflammation (a banal smear on flora). US an inflammation and solderings *quot; not o?n?O*quot;. In other post you wrote, that there was a ureaplasma, - its or her presence not essentially, but that fact, that you experience, therefore for restoration of validity - repeat research (DNA-diagnostics).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer.

giperproaktanemiju have established or installed by means of the analysis on hormones, and will be checked up, I have gone in occasion of delays till 10 days. At primary delivery Prolactinum was 1,146mIU/L at norm or rate 95-700 (then in current of year handed over repeatedly, on a background of reception of Bromocriptinum), and last time he was 14,9?u/ml at norm or rate 2,2-18,1 (handed over in the middle of a cycle).

In smears I not so understand, but as a card at me on arms or hand ::C8-10 U7-8 V (B) 4-6

April C25-30 U-V (B) 45-50 was appointed or nominated with suppositories Geksikon

May 8-10 U? V (B) 12-14

August 4-6 U3-4 V (B) 4-6

At survey the doctor speaks that shejka uteruses hydropic and red, i.e. there is an inflammation (erosions are not present did or made kaposkopiju though the gynecologist spoke that is:))

Whether costs or stands to me worries in occasion of *quot; ?a???*quot;? And whether can see US an endometriosis?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alain, I not absolutely understand how to respond you on vopros-in fact I the doctor, and you do not believe doctors.

BUT the answer about following - at you was so-called soft giperprolaktinemija and a microadenoma of a pituitary body I do not know, whether was true giperprolaktinemija or big - prolaktinemija (good-quality, nothing znachashchiee rising urovanja birologicheski the special form of a hormone), I do not know, whether there was your adenoma really prolaktinomoj, or it hormonal - an inactive adenoma - a casual find. Which is at 10 % of healthy people.

mikroadenomy-prolaktinomy can umenshatmsja in sizes on treatment bromkriptinom, on bromkriptine at giperprolaktinemii have become pregnant in the world already hundred thousand women.

In a word, in the dry rest - you are afraid, whether there is no endometriosis, you are afraid, whether it is possible to become pregnant, you are afraid, whether there is no ureaplasma.. Clearly.. And that you want?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The only thing that I want, it is the child, but probably on a background of all event at me the phobia has developed, and the help of other doctor (psychotherapist) is necessary to me.

Thanks for answers and good-bye.