Просмотр полной версии : Hormones

01.09.2004, 19:30

Handed over a blood on hormones in connection with the diagnosis a cystic degeneration of ovaries

The seventh day of a cycle,

Progesteronum 8,7 (norm or rate 0,2-4)

Hydrocortisone 847,4 (norm or rate 140-600)

The others in norm or rate,

The doctor has appointed or nominated peresdat Progesteronum in the second phase of a cycle (whether 21 day will approach or suit?)

And more to hand over urine, for 8,9,10 day of a cycle.

Whether all is correct in these references? And in what days parameters will be the most informative?

In advance thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
Progesteronum investigate or research in the second phase of a cycle, definition of a hydrocortisone has no attitude or relation to podtverzhdenijaju diagnosis SPKJA but if exception of OTHER disease at which SPKJA is a sign it is not enough unitary definition of a level of a hydrocortisone is required, and it is not spent. If the hypercorticoidism as reason SPKJA (a status which the doctor can suspect at survey) the hydrocortisone in daily urine \ is investigated or researched is excluded or the night test about 1 mg of Dexamethazonum is spent. If investigating or researching a hydrocortisone the doctor planned exception nedostatochnchnosti adrenals the purpose dostignuta-failures are not present.