Просмотр полной версии : The raised or increased level of Prolactinum

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello. To me 24 years, disturbance of a cycle, pregnancy were not. Analyses have shown the raised or increased level of Prolactinum, US has shown the increased ovaries, vydeleny from a breast are not present. Have appointed or nominated the repeated analysis of a blood. For what research of a skull? What consequences if now zaberemennet and about vozmoszhnoj pregnancy in the future can be?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rising of a level of Prolactinum quite often is the reason of disturbances of a menstrual cycle, and the reason of this rising are quite often changes in a pituitary body. It sostojaie is simple enough and effektvno is treated, but reasonable pilot survey, for exception of those cases when rising of a level of Prolactinum in itself or consequence or investigation of reception of medicines, or - narcotic substances, consequence or investigation of disturbances of activity of a thyroid gland, or is combined with a polycystosis of ovaries is required. Inspection In a word, is necessary.