Просмотр полной версии : Comment on treatment, please.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Melnichenko! I already once published the report in a forum and you have soon responded me, for what to you thanks.

To me 21 year. A menses since 12 years.

I have addressed to the gynecologist because of an irregular menstrual cycle. (35-40-35-30-41-62-40-32.) -6 days.

1. Has made US of a small basin.

The conclusion: the Cystic degeneration of ovaries. Postinflammatory changes in the field of appendages at the left.

2. Hormones for 7 day of a cycle:

All in norm or rate, except for Progesteronum (8,7 at norm or rate (0,2-4)

And the Hydrocortisone 847,4 (norm or rate 140-600).

peresdala Progesteronum for 27 day of a cycle 32,3 that enters into norm or rate.

For 8 day of a cycle 17- Progesteronum - 2,9 (norm or rate 0,2-2,4).

Also has handed over a daily urine (17). Here too that's all right.

Besides the fat skin and as disturbs consequence or investigation-spots. The doctor to me has not appointed or nominated any hormones, but has registered basically a homeopathy:

Remens during 3 months,

A??-TOO 3 months,

Female comfort,

super vitamin E,

super vitamin C,

Pau de Arko,

And more I cannot disassemble nyxes, the name on a paper.

On the one hand I am glad, that to all this natural medicines, but on the other hand heard not the most flatter responses about all these additives. They cost or stand very dearly or expensively and for me the main thing effect. The doctor the gynecologist-endocrinologist has told or said, that all together should normalize job of ovaries and as a whole to improve a state of health and appearance. Very much it would be desirable to hear your opinion. How much effectively such treatment. Big to you thanks in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The preparations listed by you are not included into the competence of the doctors, the inspection spent by you - opredeleiie 17 KS (ketosteroidov) not quite adldekvatno at obnaruzheniip increased level KORTIZOLA-t.o., rather rare or infrequent. But the dangerous reason of YOUR complaints is not revealed and not excluded.

Natali 35
01.09.2004, 19:30
The preparations listed by you are not included into the competence of doctors, and in algorithms lechneija the established or installed diseases. The inspection spent by you - opredeleiie 17 KS (ketosteroidov) is not quite adequate at detection of increased level KORTIZOLA-t.o., rather rare or infrequent, but the dangerous reason of YOUR complaints is not revealed and not excluded.

01.09.2004, 19:30
What do I need to do or make? The doctor has appointed or nominated to hand over a daily urine, to exclude an epinephral failure. Besides I read, that the raised or increased level of a hydrocortisone can be caused or called by chronic or acute stress. I think, that another is not excluded neither that, nor. I hardly transfer or carry any delivery of a blood, and my emotional status recently often comes nearer to depressive. The dear doctor, I have not absolutely understood, why you do not agree with the decision of the doctor. Also what for dangerous the reason which is not revealed? In fact I have handed over all analyses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hell, the HIGH level of a hydrocortisone in the morning hardly demands exception of the FAILURE (t.e shortage) hormones of an adrenal (t.e the same hydrocortisone).

As well as you, I too read (and, that is even more important, vidala and wrote), that the stress is accompanied by rising of a level of a hydrocortisone.

For this reason the wise mankind has thought, that unitary definition of a level of a hydrocortisone hardly has any value or meaning;importance and when there are changes of appearance which can be connected a lot of hydrocortisone, investigate or research daily urine on over a hydrocortisone or spend the small dexamethasonal test.

As to the treatment recommended to you at me is not present osnovnay to agree or disagree with nim-I have no representation about that. As your diagnosis is formulated by the doctor, but as though he has been formulated, I am convinced, that I shall not manage to find in one management or manual poluchnenyh you of references.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Is very sad to hear such words. I spend many money and personal time to pass or take place inspection. Each patient is necessary n competence of the attending physician. Though it is veiled, but you clearly let know, that the program made by mine ginekologm is not expedient. The diagnosis as those to me has not been declared or announced (but you in fact in a course of results of analyses) I for myself have understood, that the given course of treatment is directed on normalizing job of ovaries, to improve a status of a skin, to raise or increase resistibility of an organism to various infections. Certainly, I do not know, that on this bill the international union of gynecologists-endocrinologists (if those exists) thinks, and especially what algorithm of treatment corresponds or meets to my diagnosis. Why you will not tell or say to me about it or this and do not offer alternative? If for this purpose it is necessary to enter the name to someone on reception, I am ready.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To finish inspection, to formulate the diagnosis - SPKJA (a polycystosis of ovaries) - the diagnosis is put after exception of other reasons anovultornoj to begin treatment under the reports accepted in the world for the corresponding or meeting diagnosis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say, than it is necessary to finish inspection? It would be necessary to hand over what analyses still? In general if could you, describe the correct scheme or plan. Thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hell, *quot; correct ?ON?a*quot; is under construction, proceeding from data of the anamnesis \ clinics. Tell or say. And what force stirs or prevents obsledvatsja in ENTSRAMN or the Center of obstetrics and gynecology?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You resolutely refuse to answer my questions. Understand my position, inspection has already been passed or has already been taken place. And I have all results on arms or hand. About what obsledovnaii you speak? Why to you directly to not tell or say that is missed? In fact on me the map and my visiting is got or started was repeated, considering all analyses which I handed over was well-timed. Leaves, what all was vain? And I need to address in the center of Obstetrics and Gynecology and all will clear up? I not the doctor, also ask you more exact information. Why at me should this or that diagnosis will prove to be true? Whether the cycle by other reason, instead of SKJA can irregular mentsrualnyj be caused or called? Understand me correctly, I write here in hope to receive developed or unwrapped professional and neravnodushyj the answer. Estvestenno what to pass or take place the same inspection anew I consider or count silly. Or it is necessary to consider or count as a mistake or an error my present or true inspection? But my desire to learn or find out, is as much as possible about my diagnosis, that he itself(himself) represents, what danger carries, how is treated, unfortunately, remains not heard.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hell, but in fact *quot; me could not be at all or I would be born where in aa???*quot; () .esli you are satisfied by results obsledovanija-in a way on offered algorithm of treatment.

If you have written something, thus having put or applied certain analyses. That llogichno to assume. What is the analyses will be subjected to a certain judgement.

During our correspondence, we shall notice, taking away at me a certain time, I already some times spoke - the test with 2 mg of Dexamethazonum or daily urine on over a hydrocortisone would calm me concerning YOUR hydrocortisone in the morning (and, certain others boleznej-it is possible or probable. Having examined YOU. The doctor is quite convinced of their absence)

Search of markers insulinorezistentnosti - the NOMA (and to some extent SGSG) would help or assist us to be defined or determined with the answer to a question what should be strategy of your conducting - here on chemu-to that, and on SPKJA it is international the recognized specifications of conducting - navalom.

I am perfect pontmaju. That you would prefer joyful otvet-yes, certainly. Your doctor has correctly calculated all and has appointed or nominated - but I do not understand. Why I should so to write, and asking a question, you apriori can assume different answers.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I very much appreciate your attention. Possibly, the reason of our misunderstanding is my absolute feebleness. In me has caused or called indignation that fact, that you disagreing with the decision of the doctor have not resulted or brought enough arguments, despite of my numerous requests. And how I can be satisfied by results of inspection? Yes, I am very satisfied, that at me any cystic degeneration of ovaries, I think, to me have largly carried. Besides it is strange to hear from you such. I do not possess knowledge to enter with you serious discussion.. I as any patient far from medicine, can follow indicatings of the doctor only: to wait special day and to substitute the arm or hand that have taken a blood, and have then written digits on a paper. Me excited, what I can make in this spirit to confirm or deny any diagnosis? If I have correctly understood the test with 2 mg of Dexamethazonum or daily urine on over a hydrocortisone-it or -this;-thus that from me is required. I am sorry, if has taken away too much your time. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hell, and *quot; indignation *quot; - not too strong word? Do not forget. That it is complex or difficult to me to talk, not seeing you, I would not like to frighten you superfluous problems - but will agree, at presence of some deviations or rejections from norm or rate it is desirable to know, in what their real znachneie and that \ it is necessary to correct.

And to be indignant... M.b, it is necessary to find other object lja these purposes?

kirill 85
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Melnichenko!

You how spend the dexamethasonal test could not explain in more detail?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Almost as in CHapaeve - and what, big or small? By birth or on urine?

It not a heading - make itself. Come on consultation to the doctor, discuss necessity of the test or dough, its or his kind...