Просмотр полной версии : THE HELP IS VERY NECESSARY

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

Help or Assist. In the decision of a problem. I have already despaired. A case, a cat. Has occured or happened to me unique in a medical practice.

Has put here in what. Four years ago has accepted a tablet postinora with alcohol. Edemas, a cat have begun. All became stronger with each month, snizolos libido. Has addressed to the urologist, kidneys are healthy any deviations or rejections in the analyses, any pathologies. Has addressed to the endocrinologist. All hormones shchitovidki were in norm or rate, has handed over Prolactinum, Oestradiolum, Progesteronum. Too were in norm or rate. In particular Prolactinum was 362 at N from 70 up to 700.

The doctor has appointed or nominated Parlodelum (ostensibly helps or assists at adiopaticheskih edemas).

Accepted month directly ahead of a dream (since in the afternoon badly prenosila). In a week has felt changes a cat, have occured or happened in my organism. The skin has changed, became very elastic, at primeme something diuretic very much stretched, bvlo impression that the liquid immediately from cells is delayed.

Now after 3,5 years I in it or this am assured. The liquid is delayed from cells of a skin and myshshch. I react even to water if she contains though any salts (Sa, Mg). Myshshch there is no, a problem in sex, since are absent myshshchy vlagalisha (such impression, that onirassasalis), a fundament similarly, a breast, legs or foots. Very badly chuvtstvuju, a sleepiness. After reception of Parlodelum has made mezoterapiju with a collagen on the face and a neck. Now the further, the more this collagen is pulled together (the face is spoiled) From chemistry I know (I the chemist), that the collagen is polymer, the cat is compressed without water and nabuhaet in water. It once again proves that a liquid vytjagivaeisja from cells. How in cells osm. Pressure above this or it in a blood plasma and an intercellular liquid, I assume, that dropping of Prolactinum (I think it or him have lowered absolutely) has entailed such changes in an organism (since the role of Prolactinum in an organism not up to the extremity or end is understood, I dare to assume it). I do not know that to me to do or make.

That could occur or happen to me after such *quot; ?N?N??n*quot;? Help or Assist, very much I ask. I have written very chaotically and not full, to write never was able. It can be possible or probable somehow call.

Mine E-mail:vikvit1@yandex.ru

01.09.2004, 19:30
Idiopathic edemas - the diagnosis of exception, for which statement exception of ALL other reasons of a delay of a liquid is required (if this delay really exists) + acknowledgement or confirmation actually the fact of presence of these edemas. The concept about efficiency of Parlodelum at this status concerns to far 80-th years, and has not passed in 21 blepharons or centuries. Probably, for you it is important, that Parlodelum. Though and hardly very much nuzhnytsj for you the preparation, nevertheless never concerned to gormonam-it polusintetichesky a vegetative alkaloid.

As a whole, I am not assured, that the endocrinologist should render you the help and that your problems in general concern to the competence of this expert.

Abusing mochegonymi, undoubtedly, available you, privedlo to the certain changes in production of some hormones, but these or it izmenija are secondary.

In MMA on Rossolimo 11 works prof. Filatova E.G-your problems entered into a zone of its or her interest.

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, diuretic I did not abuse, accepted very seldom.

The problem now is reduced to consequences of reception of Parlodelum on a background of normal Prolactinum. And who if not endocrinologists who it or this treated me should disentangle it or her? I think, that not casually this hormone is developed or produced by a pituitary body even at its or his damage, he means is necessary not only for a lactemia, and carries out other functions. ON THE BASIS OF my example I can tell or say, he supports or maintains osmotic pressure in cells (there should be a difference of m/at osmm. Pressure of cells and an intercellular liquid and a blood, and what hormone supports or maintains anybody from doctors could not respond). How to restore narushenoe in my organism who can help or assist me?

Idiopathic edemas - the diagnosis of exception, for which statement exception of ALL other reasons of a delay of a liquid is required (if this delay really exists) + acknowledgement or confirmation actually the fact of presence of these edemas. The concept about efficiency of Parlodelum at this status concerns to far 80-th years, and has not passed in 21 blepharons or centuries. Probably, for you it is important, that Parlodelum. Though and hardly very much nuzhnytsj for you the preparation, nevertheless never concerned to gormonam-it polusintetichesky a vegetative alkaloid.

As a whole, I am not assured, that the endocrinologist should render you the help and that your problems in general concern to the competence of this expert.

Abusing mochegonymi, undoubtedly, available you, privedlo to the certain changes in production of some hormones, but these or it izmenija are secondary.

In MMA on Rossolimo 11 works prof. Filatova E.G-your problems entered into a zone of its or her interest.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Try to ask your question in section *quot; ONOa?n*quot;, but only not by way of Parlodelum and edemas and structure or frame of a collagen, and stop on how all was and that is from signs now, including changes on the face more in detail.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alas, vlijaine Prolactinum on an osmolarity - destiny of fishes. Believe to the person working with this hormone more of 30 years, and much read through, written and prolechivshemu-alas, at the person the role of Prolactinum essentially differs from a role of this hormone at amphibiouses, birds and so forth

Hardly your problem or task in sonovnom includes necessity diskussii-let's think of the diagnosis (real) and about treatment. Idiopathic edemas not so are simple...

01.09.2004, 19:30
And you personally saw people without Prolactinum?

To occasion of a role of Prolactinum in an organism: I often met the clause in the literature, that the role of Prolactinum in an organism is not studied or investigated enough. The lactemia, but in fact a lactemia can be and at normal Prolactinum. A reproduction. At me sechas on a background of Cerucalum Prolactinum, however, a cycle normal is raised or increased.

Prolactinum is both at men and at women (norm or rate practically identical).

And thoracal glands grow only uzhenshchin.

To therapists I addressed, to me respond that with Parlodelum you were fed with endocrinologists, address to them. And changes have occured or happened on a background of this preparation, Prolactinum means all the same.

I why very much am or be interested in existence of people without Prolactinum (excepting applications lek. Preparations). Because if to me will tell or say, yes such ljudie st, here they then I can reject the version of Prolactinum.

But I have not found in the literature of such data, any endocrinologist has not responded me positively to this question. In fact Prolactinum is a unique hormone, the cat continues to be developed or produced even at damage of a leg or pinch of a pituitary body. It not seems to you strange. That so *quot; ?N??a??ON?y?U?*quot; on the role a hormone, orgnanizm so values. Any stress Prolactinum collects. Can just be that is impossible that it or him was not, that it or him osutstvie is irreversible on the consequences.

When I accepted Parlodelum, to me nobody supervised a level of Prolactinum. I accepted it or him for the night. I consider or count it very essential since Prolactinum max has in the morning before prosypaniem, min in the afternoon. And Parlodelum max prolaktiponizh. eff. dostagaet in 12 hours. polse reception.

Alas, vlijaine Prolactinum on an osmolarity - destiny of fishes. Believe to the person working with this hormone more of 30 years, and much read through, written and prolechivshemu-alas, at the person the role of Prolactinum essentially differs from a role of this hormone at amphibiouses, birds and so forth

Hardly your problem or task in sonovnom includes necessity diskussii-let's think of the diagnosis (real) and about treatment. Idiopathic edemas not so are simple...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Darling Viks! To Me it is very pleasant, that you read the literature about prolaktine-as I basically should write it or her (anyway in Russian). To me it is very pleasant, that you it is explanatory or sensible enough have stated in the first paragraph the given literatures of the middle 70--the beginnings of 90 th years.

Now we shall continue conversation on Prolactinum, \ animals with low Prolactinum, roles bromkriptina in suppression of secretion of Prolactinum and so forth and about idiopathic edemas - which line you more interesuet-choose, please, and I shall print the answer. Once again specify for sebja-to you scientific discussion or the decision of your problems is important.

Specify also why you the link on konkrentnogo the person at whom it would be possible to begin internal inspection (quite possibly does not interest, that the real problem lays at all in that plostkosti, where you as the chemist, persistently search. Pay attention, that the doctor, at all or completely not the endocrinologist on a speciality, Dr. Vad, sends you on a forum *quot; ONOa?n*quot;-however, I think, it is not necessary to duplicate the report, after our exchange of opinions, probably, therapists will join us.

PS - for magazine *quot; Questions... Has forgotten, whether biochemistry, whether O????*quot; to me just also have reserved clause or article about Prolactinum with slovami-*quot; so this is interesting to chemists uO??*quot;.

Elena To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, for patience. [FONT=Arial]

I have simply gone too from apart, my problem therefore has been incorrectly understood.

Idiopathic edemas any more do not excite me. I am am excited with those changes which have occured or happened in my organism at reception of Parlodelum on a background of normal Prolactinum. Therefore I so persistently am or be interested in Prolactinum, its or his functions in an organism and a problem of application of Parlodelum at normal Prolactinum. And as I assume, that Prolactinum has been absolutely suppressed by Parlodelum in my organism (the control of its or his level was not made) whether I am or be interested there are people without Prolactinum (if is then it is possible to exclude negative influence after suppression of Prolactinum). But then there is a question: why there were these changes (from that, ssego it or this could not be)? It not a psoriasis and ine the eczema, is changes at a cellular level.

Yours faithfully, Victoria.

Darling Viks! To Me it is very pleasant, that you read the literature about prolaktine-as I basically should write it or her (anyway in Russian). To me it is very pleasant, that you it is explanatory or sensible enough have stated in the first paragraph the given literatures of the middle 70--the beginnings of 90 th years.

Now we shall continue conversation on Prolactinum, \ animals with low Prolactinum, roles bromkriptina in suppression of secretion of Prolactinum and so forth and about idiopathic edemas - which line you more interesuet-choose, please, and I shall print the answer. Once again specify for sebja-to you scientific discussion or the decision of your problems is important.

Specify also why you the link on konkrentnogo the person at whom it would be possible to begin internal inspection (quite possibly does not interest, that the real problem lays at all in that plostkosti, where you as the chemist, persistently search. Pay attention, that the doctor, at all or completely not the endocrinologist on a speciality, Dr. Vad, sends you on a forum *quot; ONOa?n*quot;-however, I think, it is not necessary to duplicate the report, after our exchange of opinions, probably, therapists will join us.

PS - for magazine *quot; Questions... Has forgotten, whether biochemistry, whether O????*quot; to me just also have reserved clause or article about Prolactinum with slovami-*quot; so this is interesting to chemists uO??*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; whether I am or be interested there are people without Prolactinum *quot; - on the Earth there is a lot of pathological statuses. Accompanied depression of Prolactinum below the bottom border of norm or rate: mutations and deletions in in the genes coding formation of a pituitary body, a status after excision adenogipofiza, with-thit SHiena - C. At these statuses (they are patients of our clinic and other endocrinologic or endocrinology hospitals) not only the level of Prolactinum of a blood is lowered, but also there is no its or his reaction to stimulating influences (t.e never, you you will raise or increase nothing a level of this hormone at these people) .nichego similar to your complaints these patients do not show.

However it does not mean, that a level of Prolactinum at these people as you are expressed, zero.

The matter is that besides gipofizarnogo Prolactinum which production is adjusted or regulated by Dopaminum, there is also vnegipofizarnaja production of this hormone which is not adjustable by Dopaminum (T.e any dose bromkriptina to make Prolactinum zero it will not be possible why in the world there is no reference under the control of a level of Prolactinum at night in evening of reception of a preparation).

Therefore special models so-called *quot have been created; ?aOO?Ooa??UO*quot; animal (t.e the animals, the deprived receptors to Prolactinum) to learn or find out, how full exception of influences of Prolactinum will affect or influence a life of these experimental animals - and at animals, I shall remind, Prolactinum plays much more significant role in the same vodno - a saline exchange (at the person this participation is reduced before participation in an exchange of an amnionic liquid).

These animals were teleorganic, they did not have problems with a wool and vodno - a saline exchange. And also with other functions attributed to Prolactinum. Problems at individuals of both floors were reduced to disturbances in genesial sphere.

01.09.2004, 19:30
TO DUPLICATE in a forum *quot; ?NOa?n*quot; hardly it is necessary.

Dear VIKS if on minute to set aside aside reflections about Parlodelum, Prolactinum and changes at a cellular level, try to state once again simply, that you disturbs..

Changes of appearance (*quot; pulls together ??*quot;) suggest about one of rheumatic diseases, however you do not describe other attributes.

Whether there are any data of laboratory researches?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors, many thanks for attention which you give me.

I have a concept of that to me occurs or happens (has changed osm. Pressure in cells, became peer to this or it in a blood plasma and from here all consequences: outflow of a liquid from cells).

Tightening of the face I have resulted or brought as an example confirming it (read about a collagen).

It is very difficult, I mngokratno tried logically izlozhitte metamorphosises which have occured or happened to me for these years.

1. Change of a skin (became dougoj, elastic, nikoda it is not shelled, the Example: has burnt a few or a little;little bit arms or hand formic kilotoj, the skin became as though is shelled, but through any time has occured or happened as if or as an exchange and she became at once smooth. The skin became very thin (mark or celebrate all), leaky.

2. In the first year there were displays similar on nesaharnyj, but inspection has shown, that it or him is not present.

3. There was a case has lost a liquid for one night 7. (the Weight has fallen with 50 up to 43 kg.) there was no xeroderma. Simply she was as though compressed, became less in obme muscles.

4. Necessarily should through 3 drink hour though zhazhady never I feel. To become not so well. A head as though compresses, palpitation begins.

In the beginning all it or this it was clearly visible. If arms or hand became compressed and dry after I shall have a drink were filled with water (if it is possible so to be expressed).

Analyses all in norm or rate, unfortunately they have remained in Peter, I at the moment live in Moscow.

I very chaotically state all, as it is complex or difficult to explain all. It should be observed. Especially the first year, when these or it *quot; ONoOaUN??n*quot; were very obvious.

To investigate or research a blood, I think, is useless, since there it's OK. Any researches of cells are necessary. But who will borrow or occupy in it or this? When I come and I speak doctors about, the volume that occurs or happens to me, anybody of anything intelligible cannot respond.

Sensitivity (naprmer, a teeth now never hurt me) is gradually lost.

Very much I react to water. When lived in Peter drank water easy, Moscow I can not drink. To become badly. I so think that she is more rigid, there some salt, having got in a blood they displace osm. Equilibrium., it causes again outflow of a liquid. Very strong vnemshnie changes, and they occur or happen simply on eyes. (which than I already wrote.)

I, understand, that all this is improbable, and if neproishodilo with smnoj I to it or this never would believe it.

I do not insist on the version, but in another way it objasnit I can not.

I want hzadat still a question if not Prolactinum what hormone supports or maintains osm. davoenie in cells? In fact it much above osm. Pressure of plasma and mezhmekletochnoj liquids. And if there was no hormonal adjustment under laws of physics and chemistry it should be leveled. Yours faithfully


TO DUPLICATE in a forum *quot; ?NOa?n*quot; hardly it is necessary.

Dear VIKS if on minute to set aside aside reflections about Parlodelum, Prolactinum and changes at a cellular level, try to state once again simply, that you disturbs..

Changes of appearance (*quot; pulls together ??*quot;) suggest about one of rheumatic diseases, however you do not describe other attributes.

Whether there are any data of laboratory researches?

01.09.2004, 19:30
2. In the first year there were displays similar on nesaharnyj, but inspection has shown, that it or him is not present.

3. There was a case has lost a liquid for one night 7. (the Weight has fallen with 50 up to 43 kg.) there was no xeroderma. Simply she was as though compressed, became less in obme muscles.

4. Necessarily should through 3 drink hour though zhazhady never I feel. To become not so well. A head as though compresses, palpitation begins.

Pending Galinas Afanasevny...

Dear VIKS, I would reanimate idea about nesaharnogo.

Even the analysis on Zimnitskomu to make...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Density mochi-not the problem, but told Viks has no otnoshnenija to nesaharnomu. As a whole usually patients are disturbed with questions of diagnostics \treatment, instead of the concept of search of releasers of formation of an elastic skin or comprehension of cellular mechanisms of development. It not endocrinologic or endocrinology problems.

In any case the patient does not ask about advisory medical pomoshchi-the problem or task, hardly being a subject of correspondence or internal medical consultation is a question of check patogeneneticheskoj hypotheses of formation certain not quite clear simptokompleksa.

In any case of disease which diagnostic criteria would include definition of an intracellular osmolarity, the today's medicine does not know.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Professor Melnichenko you are not right, I search medical assistance, the assumptions I prsto try to specify to doctors would like a direction in which it is necessary to move. Because you have got used to dies. Diarrhea - means a dysentery, sopli cold means. And you can think much more movably? Voprinimat organizim not as a set of dogmas, and how set of physical and chemical processes which depending on conditions can go a miscellaneous by? At me really problem and very much greater or big, but you cannot understand, what is it not illness or disease, what is it consequences of application of very serious preparation. In y cannot admit, that you are powerless. But even to think. What to me to do or make if to me such has happened? Is not present at me nesaharnogo, and simply there is no barrier of m/at cells and a bloody liquid. He is broken or disturbed by means of this preparation. The most awful, that to doctors even is uninteresting. I am valid myself very badly I feel, and the further, the worse.

I therefore went from apart, that as soon as start to speak signs directly everyone leave in scrubs.

In the beginning, our dialogue there was a hope that you will become interested in my case and will try to understand. Is not present for this purpose it is necessary to think and think a little in other bed or channel.

I do not check any theory. And simply I understand, that salvage rolling a handwork rolling or drowning. I try to understand and understand itself, but in the literature there are not enough data. I cannot make to myself analyses......

And in occasion of an elastic skin, you can make mischief how much to you it is necessary. I simply resulted or brought to you an example of changes. I have understood, that further abstruse phrases business will not go.

If I vizhk, that I drink and umenja on eyes changes torgor skins,

Excuse for time taken away from you.

Density mochi-not the problem, but told Viks has no otnoshnenija to nesaharnomu. As a whole usually patients are disturbed with questions of diagnostics \treatment, instead of the concept of search of releasers of formation elastic kozhiili comprehension of cellular mechanisms of development. It not endocrinologic or endocrinology problems.

In any case the patient does not ask about advisory medical pomoshchi-the problem or task, hardly being a subject of correspondence or internal medical consultation is a question of check patogeneneticheskoj hypotheses of formation certain not quite clear simptokompleksa.

In any case of disease, in diagnosticheskkie which criteria definition of an intracellular osmolarity would enter, the today's medicine does not know.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, the situation, perhaps, more difficultly, than seems.

The Internet-consultation here it is powerless.........

01.09.2004, 19:30
It seems to me dear VIKS help or assist you the psychiatrist could. Only do not accept my advice or council for a joke. I am quite serious. Otherwise it seems to me the further, the problems at you will be more. Urgently visit or attend the qualified psychiatrist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I wish you to disappoint, mentally I am absolutely healthy, that and to you I wish.

For some reason if the problem is beyond the competence of doctors, it is necessary to all to the psychiatrist?

And can be to doctors who appoint or nominate preparations, in cases sovereshenno that not demanding, that experimenting above people, can be it or him it is necessary check up a head?

And in my words of absurdity is not present, there can be I state a problem a little chaotically, but so I and not the writer.

It seems to me dear VIKS help or assist you the psychiatrist could. Only do not accept my advice or council for a joke. I am quite serious. Otherwise it seems to me the further, the problems at you will be more. Urgently visit or attend the qualified psychiatrist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, VIKS, but it seems to me, that you not are engaged in that... Also be angry in vain. To you try to help or assist, and you ershites... Similar, you were hooked for told or said by someone: *quot; Parlodelum was appointed or nominated by the endocrinologist, here and are treated at ?Nu*quot;... But, I wish to assure you, that neither unitary reception postinora, nor monthly reception of Parlodelum (for certain the daily dose did not exceed 2,5 mkg) could not be the reason of your problems...

I by the way agree, that to you it is necessary, in parallel for inspection, to consult and, most likely, to pass or take place course of treatment at the psychotherapist or the psychiatrist... Anyway, the positive spirit is necessary for you...

Instead of reading the medical literature and independently to load yourselves the unnecessary information (, you already and about Cerucalum know...), you need to begin inspection only... Galina Afanasevna has given you coordinate: *quot; In MMA on Rossolimo 11 works prof. Filatova E.G-you entered into a zone of its or her interest Oi?N?U*quot;... You even, in my opinion, have not paid attention to it... Desires are not present to visit or attend the expert internally? My god, you in Moscow live - so, any problems!

And conversations here hardly will help or assist with the Internet.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, still I shall add... Here this rage which throttles you: your words: And can be to doctors who appoint or nominate preparations, in cases sovereshenno that not demanding, that experimenting above people, can be it or him it is necessary check up a head?... Just also show what to calm down it is time. And to accept the fact, that experiences above you did not spend, and to help or assist wanted... If you will not cease to see a short of a problem only in etomepizode, to you it will not add health... And inspection will be tightened or delayed for a long time...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, that history Viks even is more instructive, than it seems to us. We at times hurry up to treat certain signs as it seems to us, concerning to somatic problems, but laying outside of actually somatiki.

Let's recollect, that in statement VIKS from the very beginning there was certain not quite clear line a-delay of a liquid after postinora with alcohol, shall agree, that anybody from us about what similar otrodjas did not hear.

Further VIKS passes or misses a lot of information (if this or it was) - as the diagnosis of idiopathic edemas has been established or installed?

In fact here are important as negative components of the diagnosis (exception of other pathology), and positive (% of the allocated liquid from accepted for the certain time interval in vertical polozhenii-it is possible in comparison with this or it in horizontal, well details).

In a basis of idiopathic edemas lays at all giperprolaktinemija-as one of hypotheses disturbance dopaminergicheskoj regulations renin-aldosteronovoj systems in position ortostaza is accepted.

From here and purpose or appointment of Parlodelum in the past (t.e bromkriptin as dopaminomimetik, not as a preparation for depression of Prolactinum).

T.e it is necessary to regret, that there is no clear information on actually validity of purpose or appointment preprata (but it I already to doctors).

Other istorija-is the concept of cellular breakages not maintaining to any criticism with injury or damage, but thus is obscure, in what the patient, actually, is interested?

If treatments, that?

If recognitions of the scientific concept in the offered kind the concept is not solvent, but the criticism is not perceived.

If the restore of a certain injury or damage, that, alas, for similar claims is not present the bases.

T.e the basic logic part - what for and in what consultation in what medical assistance (it is abstracted from a medical speciality) in general can consist is necessary is lost.

It is difficult to tell or say, what should be a lesson of this situatsii-unless to remember necessity of verification of the diagnosis and to remember, that there are also other specialities in medicine....

01.09.2004, 19:30
When I addressed to you on a forum, I hoped to the aid.

If I am fair is tired from vyshih medical: can be, cannot be. As shamen any. I simply think take and within a month have a drink on tab. of Parlodelum for the night. And then it will be possible to speak about something.

I think, that history Viks even is more instructive, than it seems to us. We at times hurry up to treat certain signs as it seems to us, concerning to somatic problems, but laying outside of actually somatiki.

Let's recollect, that in statement VIKS from the very beginning there was certain not quite clear line a-delay of a liquid after postinora with alcohol, shall agree, that anybody from us about what similar otrodjas did not hear.

Further VIKS passes or misses a lot of information (if this or it was) - as the diagnosis of idiopathic edemas has been established or installed?

In fact here are important as negative components of the diagnosis (exception of other pathology), and positive (% of the allocated liquid from accepted for the certain time interval in vertical polozhenii-it is possible in comparison with this or it in horizontal, well details).

In a basis of idiopathic edemas lays at all giperprolaktinemija-as one of hypotheses disturbance dopaminergicheskoj regulations renin-aldosteronovoj systems in position ortostaza is accepted.

From here and purpose or appointment of Parlodelum in the past (t.e bromkriptin as dopaminomimetik, not as a preparation for depression of Prolactinum).

T.e it is necessary to regret, that there is no clear information on actually validity of purpose or appointment preprata (but it I already to doctors).

Other istorija-is the concept of cellular breakages not maintaining to any criticism with injury or damage, but thus is obscure, in what the patient, actually, is interested?

If treatments, that?

If recognitions of the scientific concept in the offered kind the concept is not solvent, but the criticism is not perceived.

If the restore of a certain injury or damage, that, alas, for similar claims is not present the bases.

T.e the basic logic part - what for and in what consultation in what medical assistance (it is abstracted from a medical speciality) in general can consist is necessary is lost.

It is difficult to tell or say, what should be a lesson of this situatsii-unless to remember necessity of verification of the diagnosis and to remember, that there are also other specialities in medicine....

01.09.2004, 19:30
VIKS, well the right...

Why you consider or count, that can precisely know a direction of search of the reason of your illness. The nobility is better than doctors. To explain all chemistry it it is similar *quot; to the formula ??io?*quot;...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have understood, that bs a head at the closed door.

Well. Respond only. On last my question.

That that osm. Pressure of cells much above this or it in a blood plasma (I hope you of it or this will not deny, it is the scientific fact.) M.b. I am incorrectly expressed (under osm. Pressure I understand intracellular concentration of cations and anionov). By what goromonom it is supported or maintained?

VIKS, well the right...

Why you consider or count, that can precisely know a direction of search of the reason of your illness. The nobility is better than doctors. To explain all chemistry it it is similar *quot; to the formula ??io?*quot;...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Darling Viks, your representations about cellular biology are incomplete and inexact.

http: // bmn.com./general/4 - one of the sites acquainting with modern data in cellular biology, I assure you. That anybody from prisutsvujushchih does not have time for the popular story about a structure of a cell and systems of active transport through cellular membranes...

01.09.2004, 19:30
That that osm. Pressure of cells much above this or it in a blood plasma (I hope you of it or this will not deny, it is the scientific fact.) M.b. I am incorrectly expressed (under osm. Pressure I understand intracellular concentration of cations and anionov). By what goromonom it is supported or maintained?

Well, here again. If you try to explain an exchange of liquids and colloids of a cell with intercellular medium one chemistry, at what a hormone? How the hormone can influence carry of substances to a test tube? An organism it not a test tube. The schoolboy understands it even.