Просмотр полной версии : Depression and excess weight after sorts or labors

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! After sorts or labors has passed or has taken place 2 years. There was a strong postnatal or puerperal depression + constant irritability till now (the help of the neuropathologist and a course ksanaksa was, Diazepamum constantly), after the termination or ending thoracal vskarmivanija during the last half a year has typed or collected 7 kg., though I try to eat correctly and in process of forces and time I go in for sports. Contraceptive preparations I do not use. Greasiness and pryshchiki has increased salnos hair, before monthly on the face. Prompt please, on what hormones I dozhna to hand over analyses to look or see a hormonal background? Whether above described problems can to follow from misoperation of hormones? And to what expert then to address, to the gynecologist or the endocrinologist? Thanks, Alina

The stamp
01.09.2004, 19:30
Alina, let's exclude rather frequent prichinu-we shall look or see TTG bloods.